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Analiza K.

Define at least 10 styles of Leadership and give example for each.
1.Situational Leadership
 decent pioneer will change intuitively between styles according to the general
population and work they are managing.
The community pharmacist noticed that her new three pharmacy assistant
memorize all the where the drugs location in their pharmacy and even the prices. The
community pharmacist has experience in training and managing which she learn form
her past experience. Speaking this, the community pharmacist let her pharmacy
assistance to council their client but with only minimal supervision and teach them
how to explain properly those simple ways on how to take the medication in their
2.  Pace-setter
 most effective for driving fast results that focused on performance
 often set high standards and hold their team members accountable for hitting their goals
 team members need to be energized, it’s not always the best option for team members who
need mentorship and feedback.
The quality control manager set a 1 day to finish  testing of units and determining if
pharmaceutical samples are within the specifications for the final product. To add
productivity, she move the testing to a 30-minute sharp.

3. Transactional
 leader focus on performance like pacesetter.
 Manager establishes predetermined incentives – usually in form of monetary reward for
success and disciplinary action for failure
 great for organizations or teams tasked with hitting specific goals, such as sales and
revenue, its not best leadership style for driving creativity
 great for organizations or teams tasked with hitting specific goals, such as sales and revenue,
it’s not the best leadership style for driving creativity.
A production director of pharmaceutical industry meet up with her staff weekly to talk
about strategy they can do to reach and excel weekly company target to give them tips.
Each of the highest group performers will cash tips.
4. Visionary
 leaders have a powerful ability to drive progress and usher in periods of change by
inspiring employees and earning trust for new ideas.

 leader is also able to establish a strong organizational bond that strive to foster
confidence among direct reports and colleagues alike.

 especially helpful for small, fast-growing organizations, or larger organizations

experiencing transformations or corporate restructuring.


A chief pharmacist starts a group work for her staff who like to help to improve their
knowledge that they acquire from their previous seminars and trainings outside. She
construct some procedures so they can enhance their knowledge, they can relate about
problems they encounter in their duties and to make best medication their patients

5. Coaching Leadership
 focuses on helping employees set smart goals and then providing them with constant
feedback to promote continuous improvement and growth.
 leaders make sure their employees feel appreciated but never complacent. Their
subordinates know that the only way to please their leader is to continually raise their
Chief Pharmacist teach her staff in about skills in solving problems to develop and
achieve long -term goals, and to improve their performance
6. Bridge-Building Leadership
 often overlooked, yet it can work wonders in large setups.
 revolves around identifying potential areas of conflict that know all about how to
compromise, negotiate, arbitrate, listen and resonate with a large cross-section of
Pharmaceutical Company will increasingly need “bride-builders” who, for example, are able
to introduce their new products to different pharmacy outlet and hospitals, who can set-up
active local and international association, world mediate or category circulatory testing
partnership, lucky guide and combine blended program and co-build important solutions
with company and pharmacists. “Bridge-builder’s assist to combined all.
7. Motivating Leadership
 In situations when the team morale is at an all-time low and the target seems far-
fetched, motivating leaders have a knack for perking people up and kicking skepticism
out of the team. Motivational leadership is all about celebrating small achievements,
giving incentives, and setting audacious goals.
Managing director constantly remind their subordinates of their goals and milestones
and keep talking about how amazing they will feel after they have fulfilled their
objectives. Motivational leaders are energetic and inspiring people of action. They are
best suited for environments that balance their judgement and enthusiasm

8.  Directing Leadership
 After a strategy has been unanimously agreed upon and a vision established, directing
leaders step forward to guide the team in their day-to-day tasks, take key decisions with
certainty and confidence, and ensure that all the teammates follow the predetermined
roadmap. They are charged with taking the most crucial organizational-wide decisions,
such as “what needs to be changed?” “should we consolidate or push for growth”, “who
should be on what team”?
 In a nutshell, a directing leader clearly provides specific instructions, diligently monitors
task completion, and defines the roles and tasks of the “followers”. The directing
leadership style is best applied to situations where the followers are relatively
inexperienced and need to be instructed on how to accomplish tasks. One of the best
traits of a Directing Leader is that they call upon their intuition, wisdom, experience, and
insight to know what decisions to take and when.
The CEO and president of one pharmaceutical company are directing the company to
where it way it should follow, having the organization’s mission, vision and objective in
mind. With strong whole belief and confidence in manipulating managerial task of a
company, give approach in the ever-changing transaction environment filled with
unknown and even unpredictable surprises.
9. Charismatic Leadership
 born with a personality that people just cannot get enough of.
 leaders not only have a lot of charisma, they also energize, motivate, and inspire their
teammates. They are persuasive when they want to achieve something
In hospital pharmacy the senior pharmacist have ability to motivate her fellow
pharmacist and interns to follow the rule of hospital pharmacy with out
convincingg them to follow.

10. Participative Leaders

 participate actively in the workplace and, as a result, are often successful in motivating
their workers. By coming out of their walled offices and getting their hands dirty by
tackling the business itself, these leaders demonstrate positive work ethic and serve as
good role models to their workers, who may try to imitate their involvement and
eagerness to improve

Chief pharmacist always attending and joining seminars with her staff .

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