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To: Candidates in the interviewing round

From: Human Resources Department of Youth organization in HCMC

Subject: Result of interview round for positions in organization


Dear all candidates,

Thank you so much for taking the trust in our company and applying for the […] position with
Youth organization. We highly appreciate your precious time to visit our organization and sit for
an interview, as well as every effort you have put in each selection round from beginning till

We recognized your potential abilities at the end of each selection process and we have already
recorded as to show our thanks for your contribution to the success of this recruitment campaign.
It is such a difficult task for us to make this decision in this competitive market. At this time, we
have chosen to commence with candidates who have leadership skills and wise problem-solving
management skills. However, we were impressed by your profile with your background and your
specialist knowledge and feel you would be a great fit for our organization’s culture.

We hope to have a chance to assist with you in our future plans and activities. As the
representative of our organization, we wish to see your competitive profile again for our next
recruitment campaign. Otherwise, we wish you the best of luck in your career path.


Human Resources Department

Youth organization Ho Chi Minh City

It is a false statement. Listening is a difficult task because people’s psychology is more likely to
talk about themselves and express their thoughts as well as their feelings rather than listening to
others’ story or what they are saying. It also requires listeners to interpret the right and important
points in each conversation due to the difference in custom, culture, perception. Therefore, it is
hard for people to hear/listen actively.

It is a true statement. Owning a strong positive online presence means you are building up the
reputation not for your own but also for the organization you are working for, it is also a wise
method to create good perception in people’s mind about your personal basic online profile .
Moreover, in the digital age, investors and key businesses seek for professional image through
online presence/profile for decision making about where to put their money in.

It is a false statement. In the storming stage of team development, members start to express their
feelings and problems as individual, not a part of a team, they start sharing information for
general understanding about task and other members. In this stage, team performance and
productivity also decrease due to conflicts and competition arise. Overcoming difficulties and
build a stronger connection between members are the destination of this stage.

It is a false statement. Human interaction plays an important role in virtual business meeting,
because not all communication can be heard, most of them come from non-verbal
communication through eye-contact, facial expression, postures and gestures to send “silent
message”, human interaction help people to understand others’ viewpoints and opinions.
Moreover, human interaction also creates motivation and encourages participants share their
thought as well as present their idea because they will not get bored, compared to the meeting
without human interaction.

It is a true statement. In high-context cultures, meaning of the conversation is not stated clearly
as low-context ones, its internal meaning is embedded deeply in the conversation/information
that requires listeners to observe the surroundings, status of speaker, his/her intonation, … to
fully understand the meaning behind the conversation that is not presented clearly in writing or
It is argued by some experts about the effects of negative feedback on the performance at
workplace, and whether it is a win for both managers and employees or not. I wholeheartedly not
concur with this opinion for two main reasons which will be stated as follows. Firstly, the
negative feedback is considered to be appropriate under circumstances of evaluating, providing
instructions for better behavior, and avoiding bad feelings for recipients, but overusing negative
feedback could create converse results on employees’ attitude, behavior, and work performance.
For instance, if a manager delivers too often straightforward negative feedback, employees
themselves will underestimate their ability, make them feel they are no longer fit with the
position and become useless in team/organization, this leads to the decrease in productivity. In
some worse cases, employees misunderstand the manager’s implications, they resent their
manager due to their wrong perceptions, this results in many deplorable actions causing heavy
losses for organization. Contradictorily, positive feedbacks could create hard-working attitude
among employees due to sense of accomplishment and motivations are created by highlighting
their strengths. Moreover, positive feedback from manager make employees feel they are valued
for their abilities, qualities, and their contribution to the success of team/organization, this results
in the higher level of work performance and boost the productivity because employees recognize
the respect from top managers. According to Gallup survey, 67% of employees who were
received positive feedback were fully dedicated to the organization and work, compared to only
31% of employees whose managers pointe out their weakness. Offering positive feedback also
brings wins for managers because of increasing in productivity and profits. In short, as managers,
both negative and positive feedback should be used in a flexible way for not only avoiding
hurting employees but also generating profits and productivity for organization.

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