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Living Life on the Edge

What does it mean to live life on the edge? It could mean different things to
different people. To me it means, very simply, living as if it is my last day on earth.
Redeeming the time. Making TODAY count for something, even if it’s just a kind word
to someone. Being conscious of things that would cause me regrets later, and making
efforts to correct them. Realizing what’s important in life, and pursuing that.

What is the effect on a life lived in this fashion? It’s like being set free. Free to do
that which brings joy, free to do things that will make an eternal difference, the freedom
of having nothing to lose. While this does not necessarily mean taking more risks,
sometimes I don’t wear my seatbelt (GASP!) just because I don’t have to. I listen to more
music and less talk radio. I stop stressing out over world affairs. I eat more ice cream. I
do more kind deeds and say more kind words, than I would otherwise. I stay in better
touch with my friends. I read my bible more. I pray more. I still lose sleep, but for a
different reason. Now, it’s because I want to savor every moment of the life I’ve been
given, to live TODAY, because today is all we really have. Sometimes it’s okay to burn
the candle at both ends- the light’s brighter that way.

The funny thing is, being so aware of my own mortality does not make me a
dismal person, as some might think it would. Rather, I am more joyful than ever, because
I know my life is in the hand of the Author of Life.

The question is this: What would you do if you knew you had six months to live?
Why aren’t you doing it? How do you know you have six months? How do you know
you have six minutes? You don’t. Keep short accounts with God and your fellow man.
Plan like you’ll live forever…. You will. Live like you’re going to die tomorrow.
Someday, you’ll be right, and your regrets will be few.

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