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Mark up your books, take notes in the margins or underline/highlight things that stick out to

2. Stop reading and contemplate parts that you feel are important to you. Or are pivotal
moments in the story.

3. Try to relate those pivotal moments to current events or state of affairs going on. Compare
them to your own personal experience.

4. Takes notes on any profound thoughts you had while reading a chapter. Usually when
chapters end, they only take up 1/4 or 1/2 of the page. Write a quick summary of that
chapter on the blank part of that page.

5. Once you are done reading, immediately take out a notebook or open up Word, and write your
opinions on what you read, while it's still fresh. Doesn't have to be anything fancy or written
like a college report. Just WRITE!

6. Make a folder and write a short report (around 1000 words per book) and go back occasionally to add
notes here and there from just thinking about the story weeks later. Or when talking to friends who
have read the book as well, and made connections and critiques I hadn't thought of. This is a good skill
to develop. It's help with listening, critical thinking and helps your writing. Win, win, win. Hope This

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