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Five Major Work/Volunteering/Organizational Experience (in the last 10 years)

1. The Chairman of Chairul Tanjung Foundation's High School Alumni in Special

Region of Yogyakarta (2018)

2. Working as Food Deliveryman in "U-Donnuts" (2017)

3. Working as Waiter in "Nasi Sengit" Eatery (2016)

4. The Chairman of Labuhanbatu Student in Chairul Tanjung Foundation's High School


5. Participant of Fundraising for Palestine (2015)

Five Major Accomplishments/Awards (in the last 10 years)

1. Fund Beneficiary of UGM Entrepreneurship Student Program (2018)

2. Bidikmisi Scholarship Awardee (2016)

3. 1st Place for ICT Olympiad in Deli Derdang Districts (2015)

4. 3rd Place "Stand-Up Comedy" Contest in All Medan City's High School (2014)

5. The Best Academic Achievement at Grade X of Chairul Tanjung Foundation's High

School (2014)

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