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I am a victim of bullying, I know that when someone would ask me

are you alright? I would say I am FINE but really I’m not. If you don’t
know what it feels like to be bullied, one word to describe it: PAIN! It
really hurts you.

I’m 16 years old and I’ve got bullied everyday since I can remember.
By being called names. Like, ranga, ginger, ghost, orangutan. But,
that shouldn’t matter how I come across to people. The saying goes
“sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt
me.” Well that’s not true I get pushed to the ground, yelled at, swore
at, been called names like I’m pathetic and that I should just end my
life because it will be better for everyone. But that’s not how I
should be treated and none of you reading this. And that bullying is
not okay so if you see someone getting bullied you should stand up
for what is right because bullying is not!

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