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Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person B. Explore your own possibilities for transcendence. Copy and fill out the table with the appropriate responses, TE 1 follow: \Eyame ge dao Reflect Have you ever encouraged other persons to try and surpass their limits? If so, relate your experiences, If not, describe how you will uy and encourage others to surpass their limits, ™ Research on an individual who has overcome his or her limitations to great success. Idencify the factors that made that individual successful, Present your work asa report in class, Make a personal commitment to overcome one of your personal limitations. Track your progress in overcoming this limitation in your reflection journal. Give an update on your progress after a month, Veo! Pann } "The! In 1977 the Vayager 1 und Voyager 2 space probes were launched on missions to explore the farthest reaches of our solar system. By naw, both have reached the borders of aur solar system and are poised to exit into interstellar space. They carry the Golden Record, a compilation of recordings intended as messages to possible intelligent life forms in the cosmos. Included in the Record are messages, images, and sounds of the Earth, and adescription of humans. Imagine that you are tasked to write 2 description of the human species for the Golden Record, how will you describe human beings 1 aliens? Copy the box on page 42 and write your description. Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person HELLO, WE ARE THE HUMANS OF EARTH At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to: explain that they are human persons possessing a body and spirit; identify the traits that distinguish them as human persons; explain how embodiment defines them as persons; recognize that human nature brings the possibility of transcendence; recognize their own limitations and possibilities evaluate their own limitations and possibilities for transcendence} recognize how the human body imposes limits on and possibilities for transcendence; and 8. distinguish the limitations on and possibilities for transcendence. MOP a wEe A Py Identify the following. f: 10. Lesson 3: The Human Person as an Embodied Spirit This term refers to man as a species and distinguishes man from other animals. This refers to the totality of an individual who possesses awareness, self-determination, and the capacity to interact with others. This refers to an individual who is actively aware that he or she is perceiving and experiencing reality. This refers to the ability of the person to experience an “inner world” that is defined by personal thoughts and ideas. This is the capability to act and be aware of one's actions. This enables the person to act whenever he or she wants to and makes self-determination possible. This is the capability to reach out and interact with others and the world. ‘This is the inherent value of a person which cannot be expressed in quantifiable terms. ‘This is the intangible element that enables us to exercise thought, possess awareness, and reach out to the outside world and others, This is the ability to surpass limits. Introduction to the Philasophy of the Human Person = The human being is recognized not only as a distinct species — Home sapiens sapiens, but as a unique being, an individual person possessing awareness of the self. ™ The human person possesses self-awareness which refers to the awareness of oneself as an active participant in reality. A person is aware not only of his or her surroundings or reality but also of himself or herself as a participant in this reality. = The sense of seifenables a person to look within himself or herself and experience interiority. Self-awareness also enables a person to reach out to other persons and establish meaningful relationships with them. = Another trait that defines a human person is self-determination. This refers to the awareness of one’s actions and the notion that oneself is the source of an action. Self-determination is brought about by the person's free will or the capability to act willfully and control one’s actions. Self-determination alse brings about the awareness of consequence — that every action will have results or effects. = A human person is able to reach out and interact with others. Man is a social being and a person has a natural tendency to establish relationships with other people. These interactions define our existence and enable us to develop. = A human person has dignity, which is the recognition that each person has a worth and value that go beyond quantifiable terms. Each person is indispensable and irreplaceable. Our human nature is the basis for the recognition of dignity. Being human naturally gives us dignity as persons. Human dignity is the basis for the recognition of our human rights. Doing good actions and upholding the good enable the person to uphold his or her dignity. = The human person is an embodied spirit. This means that both the human body and the spirit define human nature and experience. The body and spirit come together to form a whole, and this integration defines the embodiment of the person. The human person’s nature as an embodied spirit gives rise to the characteristics that define the person and enables us to engage in profound, meaningful experiences. = Our human nature makes transcendence possible. It refers ro our ability to explore and surpass our limits. We are able to transcend our limits through our physical and mental abilities. Our ability to transcend drives-us to become better persons and to improve ourselves in every way. We can alse transcend our own selves, when we govern ourselves towards what is proper to our nature as a person. Lesson 3; The Human Person as an Embodied Spirit Inquire and Discover The human person is. an important subject in Philosophy and an understanding of the nature and condition of the person is one of the foremost goals of the discipline. Philosophers have long pondered human nature, what it means to be human, and what sets us apart from other beings and things in existence. We often ask ourselves, "What makes us special?” Pondering our human nature allows us to determine the special traits that make us humans unique as a’species. Further reflection on our nature as humans will also help us figure out what makes us special as individuals and how this uniqueness is shared with our fellow human beings. ‘What is the human person? The most basic definition of a human being relates to the nature of humans as animals. Philosophers, however, believe that the human being is not just a mere animal, There is something in the human individual that sets him or her apart from other beings. These special traits make a human a distinct individual person. Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person So haw do we know that we are human persons? Let us first compare ourselves to the following: Ask yourself the following questions: Ama rock? Am Ta lamp? Am ia dog? ‘There are several obvious reasons why you replied NO to each of these questions. However, let us explore the reasons why you cannot consider yourself as one of those pictured. Based on a purely physical comparison, we can confidently state that we share no physical similarities with a rock and a lamp as they are non-living things composed of inorganic materials. Looking at the dog, however, you may see a number of shared traits or features. Humans and animals are living beings and thus share many attributes, We both have eyes, ears, a nose, a mouth, a body = though these are shaped in different ways. Being a living, breathing, functioning organism is a characteristic that we share with other organisms that occupy this planet. Though living is an essential feature of being human, it cannot be the defining feature that sets us apart and makes us human persons. We need to look deeper within. ourselves and figure out what really sets us apart from other living things. So, how do you differ from the dog? Look at the dog a little more closely and try and exercise your imagination, Let us say that we make this dog your pet. Think back on how you tréat your pets. Oftentimes we treat our pets as if they are similar to us. The following are ways pet owners treat animals as people: You put clothes on your pet. You give your pet toys to play with, You make it live in your house. You teach it to behave properly around other people. You give it birthday parties and invite other people to attend and celebrate, | Lesson 3: The Human Person as an Embodied Spirit Philosophy gives us useful tools to explore our limitations and possibilities for transcendence. The essence of transcendence is to acknowledge our limitations, identify possibilities for development, and change ourselves for the better. It may be a physical or behavioral change such, as trying a new sport or hobby or adopting a healthier lifestyle. You can also take on a mental challenge such as learning a new skill or doing better in your studies. Another aspect of transcendence is opening yourself to new experiences and ideas. Our capacity for transcendence gives us the opportunity to work toward becoming better versions of ourselves. THINK Explore your abilities and limitations. Copy the table below. In the “Tan” column, write down the skills and abilities that define you as a person. In the “I cannot” column, list down the things you have tried to de but could not because of your personal limitations. eS What enabled you to do the things you identified in the first column? Do you see yourself overcoming the limitations that prevented you from doing the things you stated in the second column? Discuss your thoughts in class. Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Parson Each individual cars cs within himself or herself the possibility of transcending his or her limits, Most of our personal limits often involve facing a challenge or obstacle or overcoming a weakness, These limits, however, can be overcome with enough effort and perseverance. For ys to experience transcendence, we must identify and face our own personal limits. Read the situations below Joey: [sighs] I keep getting a had score in our math tests! Alan: Hey, 30 out of 40 isn’ that bad! Its @ higher vesuli than what you got last week, right? Joey: I kitow! But f really want to score higher next time! Matia: So, jenny, how's basketball practice? . Jenny: It's going great, thanks far asking! Maria: You know, the provincial athletic meet is just afew weeks away.. Jenny: Yes! And we're pretty excited about itf The team is really trying their best to be better than lasi pear. Last year’s runner-up win was mice, but we want the championship cup this pear. Tm really interested in taking this job. But this means that [il be moving to Manilal Mario: Didn't you fell me that it has been your ambition to work at the must prestigious architectural firm in the country? Of course you have to go for itl Tknaw, but can't imagine leaving my family and friends behind! This will be a new experience for me. Davi Based on the dialogues, the following are the personal limits experienced by these individuals. Joey ~ gets low scores in his Math tests Jenny — her basketball team was runner-up in last year’s provincial athletic meet Mario ~ cannot imagine leaving his province and moving to Manila Let's figure out the nature of the limits or challenges cach person is experiencing. Joey's limit is related to the capabilities of the mind in performing well in Math tests. Jenny's limit is related to her ability to play basketball and lead her team to win. Mario's challenge is committing to a decision to leave behind his life in the province for new opportunities in Manila. If you were to give these people advice on how to surpass these challenges, what will you say to them? Share your thoughts in class. Lesson 3: The Human Person as an Embodied Spirit By doing these things, do you make your pet a human person?-The answer is, of course, no. Despite the actions and intentions of people who really love animals, animals are fundamentally different from us humans. Though we share a number of similarities with other members of the animal kingdom, there are certain things that we possess — traits and capabilities—that are not found in other organisms. Now, look at your pet more deeply to really make sense of personhood, Is your pet truly aware of what is happening around it? Can your pet truly feel emotions in the same way that pou do? Is your pet capable of reflection? Can it question its nature or identity as a dog? Can your pet reflect on its actions and behavior? Do you think it can feel guilt or satisfaction in the same way you do? Studying these questions will give you an idea of what defines humans as persons, and what philosophers look for in their search to define the human person. The first trait that defines a person is self-awareness. Self-awareness refers to the person having a clear perception of oneself, including his orher thoughts, emotions, identity, and actions. Human awareness goes beyond perception and reaction to the environment. ‘The human person is defined by a deeper awareness which is driven by rationality or human thought. A person is aware of both his or her surroundings and himself or herself. A human person knows that he or she is living an experience and is an active patticipant in this experience, We do not experience life as an audience watching a movie on a screen; we are stars in our own movies, acting and starring in a story of our own making. This awareness gives rise to the notion of the “self” which philosophers describe as the person who is actively aware that he or she is perceiving and expetiencing reality. Try saying these words aloud: Do you believe that these statements are true? If yes, then congratulations! You area person possessing awareness of yourself. This awareness of the se/f also enables us persons to experience an “inner world” that is defined by our personal thoughts and ideas. The fact that we can daydream, get Introduction te the Philosophy of the Human Person Jost in our thoughts, imagine, fantasize, and-reflect shows that we are able to reach within ourselves and experience interiority, which is the quality of being focused on one's inner life and identity. This interiority enables persons to exercise creativity. It allows us to imagine the sky in different colors, draw fantastic animals and landscapes, create new music, and think of lyrics to a song. Additionally, creativity also means that a person can create within himself or herself what is not yet existing outside, Having an inner world allows a person to create goals, dreams, and plans which may be realized through activity. A person can also create himself or herself within and realize this self without. The self also enables us to reach out and interact with things outside of ourselves. This means that we are not only aware of our surroundings and everything around us — ‘but we are also aware of other human beings. When we see a stranger smiling or nodding at us, we are aware that another person has seen us and acknowledged. us as a person. We know that the people we encounter are also other persons who possess the same awareness as we do, as well as the other traits that define a person. Another traitthat definesa person is self-determination. Thisrefersto the capability of persons to make choices and decisions based on their own preferences, moniter and regulate their actions, and be goal-oriented and self-directed. We are persons because we act and we are aware of our actions. Try and raise your right hand. Are you able to do it? ‘Who makes you raise your right hands? You may argue that you are instructed to do so. However, the actual action of raising your hand is yours alone. Your teacher does net have a remote control that can control your bodily actions. Neither de the printed words in this book possess the power to directly control your body. You alone decide to comply with the instruction given to raise your right hand and it is you alone who make your arm move to raise your right hand. Recall an instance in class when your teacher asked those who knew the answer to a question to raise their hands, You only raised your hand if you knew the answer to the question. Alternatively, you may have known the answer to the question but refused to raise your hand. Our free will enables us to do actions whenever we want to and makes self-determination possible. Free will is the capacity to choose a course of action from * various alternatives. The existence of free will enables a person to act willfully, control his or her actions, and recognize himself or herself as the source of action. Imagine a small boy, Carlo, playing in the living room of their house while his mother is in the kitchen. Suddenly, the boy accidentally bumps into a table, causing a vase to fall. Upon hearing the sound of something crashing to the floor, Carlo's mother immediately goes into the living room and sees him standing near the broken vase. Carlo's mother asks him, “Did you break the vase?” What do you think his answer will be? I broke the vase, Mama. Ibumped into the table and the vase fell, Mama. WNo. I did not break the vase, Mama. Lesson 3: The Human Person as. an Embodied Spirit without the aid ofa breathing apparatus. We cannot survive in certain environments like other animals. Compared to other animals, we have limited capabilities with regard to strength, speed, and the use.of our senses, Despite these natural limitations, we have used our intellect to devise means to achieve several feats, We now use airplanes to fly, employ scuba gear to swim underwater for extended periods, and invented tools and machines to lift great weights and perform other feats well beyond our physical capabilities. The ability to surpass limits is called transcendence, and it is also one important trait that distinguishes the human person from other beings in existence. Analyze the following questions and check if you have ever found yourself asking or wondering the same things, Have you ever wondered about what is beyond our warld or universe? Have you ever wanted ta become better at something av to learn something new? Do you see yourself becoming a better person over time? Have you ever imagined a life that is better than what you are living now? Our mind is an important tool that allows us to go beyond many of our physical limits. As persons, we are able to exercise our imagination and reflection to go beyond cour own thoughts and experiences, For example, we can imagine ourselves in other places without traveling there. Even if we are seated inside the classroom, we often find ourselves. daydreaming that we in other places or doing other things. We cannot:travel through: time, but we use our minds to recall the past and even imagine the future. We can even think of things that do not exist in reality like fire-breathing dragons, winged horses, and. flying elephants, Although we have physical limitations, we can transcend them because of our spiritual dimension. Being physically limited in our abilities does not prevent us from hoping for or aspiring to greater things. It must also be understood that as human persons, we have natural tendencies or inclinations. Some of these are felt bodily functions and they are experienced as a person goes through life. The feeling of hunger reminds us that the body needs food and nourishment. The feeling of fatigue is a reminder that the body has limits and needs to rest and recover. Transcendence also means overcoming oneself or being in control even if the body reminds us of certain tendencies. Although these tendencies are felt, the person can govern them and ensure that they are exercised within the bounds of reason. A person who has no'control over his or her eating habit eventually becomes unhealthy and develops an eating disorder; a person who allows the pleasures of dangerous drugs to rule over him becomes a drug addict. Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person THINK Discuss how embodiment is demonstrated in the following situations. 1. Lucia likes to listen to classical music. She listens to music when she paints, as it inspires her to_make beautiful landscapes on her canvas. Miguel is very depressed. His girlfriend just broke up with him and he has spent the whole day in his room. He keeps going over their old photographs in happier times while listening to their favorite songs on the radio. Patricia nervously waits to be called to perform on stage for her recital. She looks toward the audience and sees her family. Her father does the “thumbs up” sign and smiles at her. She smiles back and she can feel her nervousness disappearing. Ramon carries a picture of his family with him in his wallet. Whenever he gets a break from working in the oilfields in Saudi Arabia, he takes the picture cout and imagines himself with his family back in the Philippines. Alice sees to it that she engages in meditation once-a day at work. She finds the activity relaxing, as she is able to quiet down her thoughts and devote a moment for herself. How does my human nature enable me to explore my limits? Though the nature of the person as an embodied spirit provides numerous opportunities to explore everything around us and even within us; our human nature still imposes limitations. It is true that the human person enjoys a number of advantages compared to other beings, but there are still a number of things that humans naturally cannot do. . It can be said that the person is a very biologically deficient being. This means that we are not equipped with the best physical attributes among all the beings in the world. For instance, we do not have the natural ability co fly. We also cannot breathe underwater \a] Lesson 3: The Human Person as an Embodied Spirit, The first two statements show that Carlo is aware of himself as the cause for the vase breaking. The second statement gives more details but note that Carlo admits to bumping the table, which in turn caused the vase to fall and break. His answer shows that Carlo is aware of himself as the source of action and has acted accordingly, owning up to the fact that he indirectly broke the vase. Carlo also exercises self-determination in determining which response to give. Carlo can choose to admit breaking the vase, or he can choose to deny that he broke the vase. Acdiscussion on self-determination and free will eventually leads to a discussion of consequence. Consequence is the result or effect of an action or condition. As persons, ‘we are aware that each action we perform has a consequence. Imagine holding an egg in your hands. What will happen if you squeeze the egg? What will happen if you open your hand and let the egg fall? This simple scenario shows the relationship between action and consequence. Philosophers assume that a person acts freely and with due regard for the consequences of his or her actions. Now, think backand reflect on your daily actions. Whatare the intended consequences of your everyday “normal” actions? What are the consequences of waking up early? Eating breakfast? Taking a bath? Going to school? Doing school work? Talking to your friends? Doing homework? Going home early? Sleeping on time? Oftentimes, reflection is needed to uncover the intentions and consequences of our actions. There may also be instances when our actions produce unintended consequences. For example, you decide not to go home at six o'clock in the evening but instead spend time with your friends. Back home, a delivery truck arrives at 6:30 PM carrying a package from your relative. But since no one is home, the delivery man is unable to give the package to your family. Let us go back and analyze Carlo’s situation. Let’s plot the various actions ina diagram to understand the nature of the consequences he has experienced. Carlo plays in the room. Carlo bumps into the table Vase falls to the floor and breaks. Mother goes Carlo responds introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person Looking at the diagram, you will see that there is a chain of actions and events that have a cause-and-effect relationship. One major consequence brought about by Carlo's actions is the vase falling to the floor and breaking, which happened because he bumped. into the table when he was playing. Was it Carlo’s intention to break the vase? We can argue that he had no intention of doing so, and in fact, it might not have crossed Carlo's mind that playing in the room would cause him to break something. Persons exercise self- determined actions but often encounter unintended consequences of their actions. Now try and complete the sequence. What do you think will happen if Carlo admits to breaking the vase? What will happen if he does not admit to breaking the vase? Carlo may not have intended to break the vase, but he now has the free will to choose how he will respond to his mother's question. This brings us to another element of human action, which is morality or the goodness or badness of an act. As an observer in this situation, how will you judge Carlo if he admits to breaking the vase? You may consider him a good boy because he is honest. You may also describe him as a brave boy because he faces the risk of being scolded by his mother for breaking the vase. If Carlo denies breaking the vase, what will be your reaction? Surely you will say that he is lying, and that he is being a bad boy. Put yourself in Cario’s shoes and imagine yourself lying to your mother. This act will result in feelings of guilt or nervousness because we are aware of the fact that we are lying and what we are doing is wrong. Imagine that Carlo’s mother figures out that he is lying, what will be her reaction? Human action is such an important aspect of the person that many philosophers consider human action as a way to reveal a person's true nature. For example, we may find a person attractive, but if he or she acts in a rude or offensive manner, our initial favorable impression may change. Human acts complete the person, as it is through his or her actions that his or her inner self is revealed to others, and it is through action that a person is able to explore and fulfill his or her potential. Now, let us try and say these statements. If you believe these statements apply to you, then you are now closer to a fuller realization of yourself as. a person. Another important trait that defines a human person is externality or the capability to reach out and interact with others and the world. Earlier, we discussed the concept of Ve Lesson 1 Human Person as an Embodied Spirit People often associate this feeling with the symbol of the heart. Many believe that the heart is the center of feelings of love and affection, as love seems to cause the heart to flutter or beat faster. Scientists, however, consider love a result of various biological reactions associated with an increase of hormones, which have certain effects on the body. Some even identify a part of the brain, the hypothalamus, as responsible fer the feelings we associate with being in love, Philosophers, on the other hand, argue that reducing a profound experience such as love to biological functions or the activities of certain bedy parts is absurd. We love not just with the heart nor with the brain, but we love another person with our entire being. Embodiment, therefore, is the one thing that enables us to feel love and love others. Our experience is also a product of embodiment. The human mind processes information through the senses, which are experienced through the body. Aside from perceiving our surroundings, we also react to the things we experience emotionally. Most of our meaningful experiences are often closely tied to emotions such as happiness, anger, or sadness, If you are to recall a happy moment in your life, you not only remember the people you were with and the events that happened at that moment, you also feel the happiness you felt at that moment. ‘The human body also stands as the mediator between the material world and the spiritual world. Being an embodied spirit, the person is able to encounter the world of objects (including other personal subjects) in a manner that transcends the physical. This feature of the person allows him or her to form an intimate relationship with those outside him or her. Human embodiment allows persons fo attach certain feelings or ideas not only to people, but also to objects. For example, a pair of rubber slippers may not mean much to most people, but a particular pair of rubber slippers could be someone's treasure. How is this possible? Because the pair of rubber slippers in question is not just a material object to someone, but it could be something meaningful as a present from a loved one. With human embediment, physical acts are no longer purely physical'acts, because the bedy conveys something from a person's inner world. These emotions and ideas are given to another person who, because of interiority, recognizes the thoughts that the other wishes to convey. This explains why people who are in love with each other seem to communicate effortlessly without words, The mere act of “holding hands’ conveys a powerful message between lovers, as it is through this act that they can express their affection toward each other, A smile from a stranger will not elicit a reaction from you, but a smile from your crush will immediately cause an intense emotional reaction in you. Apat on the shoulder may mean a lot to a person if it comes from someone he or she looks up to. Thesg examples show that it is through embodiment that a person is able to have a very unique relationship with the world. And it is this unique relationship that defines us as humans. {a Introduction te the Philosophy of the Human Person What is in our human nature that enables us to become persons? So far we have focused on traits and behavior that define human persons Philosophers have delved deeper into the question of personhood. They tried to identify the substantial elements that give rise to the characteristics that enable us to become persons. They asked what enables humans to have a sense of self and the traits that define the person. To find the answer, philosophers began to ponder the essential nature of the human being. ‘The first question philosophers pondered was whether or not the person is truly defined by his or her body and what he or she experiences through thé senses, The initial view was that the person is a purely physical being defined by his or her bedy and what his or her body experiences. This emphasis on physicality is seen when we describe ourselves as “tall” or someone with “brown hair” and “brown eyes.” Our body is not the only thing that defines us. Philosophers believe that a person cannot be simply reduced to his or her physical body. For instance, if a person has an accident and loses an arm and a leg, does that person lose a part of his or her identity? Does he or she become less of a person? If we were to base personhood on the ability to perceive using our senses, does that mean that blind and deaf people cannot be considered persons? If you describe yourself as someone who is “hopeful”, “happy” or “friendly,” are these traits evident in your physical body? These characteristics are very much part of us, but are not seen in any physical trait we possess and are only made evident through our actions, Philosophers point to another unseen aspect of the human person which, along with the body, defines persons. This intangible element is the spirit which enables us to exercise thought, possess awareness, interiority, and the capacity to reach out to the outside world and other persons. How are the body and the spirit related? Philosophers consider the human person as defined by the union of the body and the spirit. The human person is an embodied spirit, Not only are the bedy and spirit united, but they are also integrated with each other. This means that we cannot separate the two and they go hand-in-hand in making us who we are. Whatever affects the body also affects the spirit, and this unique trait of the person enables him or her to experience both the physical world and the spiritual world. Embediment enables us to do and experience all the things that make us human persons. To understand embodiment better, let us talk about love. What has love got to do with embodiment, you ask. This would all depend on if you have ever been in love. If you have not yet experienced falling in love, it is certain that you know people who have been in love, or know what being in love is like from what you have read in books of seen in movies and television. fe Lesson 3: The Human Person as an Embodied Spirit the self and the capability of the person to relate to other persons that he or she encounters, ‘The realization that we are not alone and that there are other persons around us enables us to reach out-and establish meaningful relationships with others. Philosophers consider man a social being, and that a person never exists in isolation. We may be able to experience interiority — we imagine and think for ourselves — but we also share these thoughts with other persons. Man has a natural tendency to seek out fellow human beings, and the relationships established by this interaction is a vital component for survival. Imagine waking up one morning and finding that all the people in your community have disappeared, Your family, friends, and all other persons are gone without a trace. ‘Can you imagine living in a place or a world where there are no people? Will you be able to provide for your needs now that you are alone? How will you get your food and other things needed for survival? Do-you see yourself living normally now that you have no one to talk to — no family and friends to interact with? Our interactions with others define our existence as persons. We grow and develop not only through our thoughts and actions, but also through the influence of other people in our lives, and the individuals we meet and interact with. Reflect on the relationships you have established ever since. Can you say that you have growm as a person because you had meaningful interactions with the people you met throughout your life? If you answer Yes, then you can say the following statements with conviction, ‘The final traie that distinguishes the human person is dignity-or the innate right to be valued and respected, Philosophers consider ll humans as having an inherent worth or value. Philosophers, however, do not equate value or worth with any quantifiable measure such as a price. Each person is worth the same as another person in the sense that every person is priceless, unique, unrepeatable, and irreplaceable. We do not value another person in the same way that we assign values to things'such as cars'or houses. Putting a price on a person diminishes human dignity since we tend to value some people more while we may diminish the worth of others. This is why we consider the statement “You're worthless!” an insult, since it attacks the very notion of a person having value or worth. a Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person The walue of a human person is also proven by the fact that no person is dispensable er interchangeable. Each person is his or her own being and there is no one in the world who is exactly like him.or her. The other people in our lives are also irreplaceable. Imagine being told that you will have to leave your family and live with strangers. The relationship between you and the “new” people in your life will not be as meaningful as the one you had with your original family. If you were told that you will be moving to another school, one of the first concerns you may have is that you will be leaving your friends behind. This is the reason why any form of separation from the people we love and value is a difficult and painful experience. Human dignity is tooted in the nature of the human being. This means that a human person has dignity simply because of the fact that he or she is human. Dignity is not defined by outside forces or characteristics such as intelligence, ability, skills, or attractiveness. ‘Whether one is a genius or mentally challenged does not remove the individual's dignity as a person. This also applies to people with handicaps or disabilities. A person who loses an arm or a leg does not become less human or less of a person. Also, a person retains his or her dignity in spite of his actions or behavior. This means that criminals who may have committed very heinous offenses are still persons even if others consider their acts cruel or inhuman. Human dignity also drives us to seek what is good. Doing good actions, therefore, upholds and promotes the dignity of the human person. Since we recognize ourselves as persons with dignity who deserve te be treated well and respected, we should also treat other persons in a respectful manner, The recognition of the dignity of the human person is the basis for the recognition of human rights. Many of the rights we enjoy are provided in recognition of the natural dignity of the human person. If you believe that you and all other human beings are persons with dignity, then you will agree with the following statements. ea Lesson 3: The Human Person as an Embodied Spirit Copy the graphic organizer and write in the boxes examples that show the following characteristics of the human person. Discuss them in class. =| |

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