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• anaima = without blood

• a decrease in the numer of RBCs, or the amount of hemoglobin in the
RBCs, results in decreased oxygen deliber and subsequent tissue hypoxia
Cause of Anemia
• Blood Loss
• Impaired red cell production
• Accelerated red cell destruction
Production Destruction

Anemia N N Blood Loss

Anemia Decrease N Aplastic

Anemia N Increase Hemolytic
Anemia Decrease Increase Drug
Classification of Anemia (Cause)
1. Decreased RBC production due to:
1. Marrow Damage
2. Decrease EPO
3. Iron Deficiency
2. Nuclear Maturation Abnormality
1. Vit. B12 deficiency
2. Folic Acid Deficiency
3. Refractory Anemia
3. Cytoplasmic Abnormality
1. Severe Iron Deficiency
2. Defective Globin - Thalassemia
3. Defective Heme Synthesis - Sideroblastic
4. Hemolytic Anemia
1. Acute - Hemorrhage
2. Chronic
a. RBC membrane defects
b. enzyme defects
c. Hemoglobinopathies
Quantitative Measurements of Anemia
1. A decreased hemoglobin concentration
2. A reduced packed cell volume (microhematocrit) level
3. A decreased erythrocyte concentration

1. RBC indices
2. The red cell histogram
3. Red cell distribution width (RDW) or red cell
morphology index (RCMI)

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