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Hypertention is a condition that accours when the amount of blood pumped by the heart
exceeds the capacity that can be accommodated by artery walls. When blood counts are high
complications can accur depending on the relationship between blood count and arterial capacity.
The more blood flowing and the narrower the walls of the arteries, the higher the bloods
preassure will be.

There are 2 ways to treat hypertention, traditional medicine and chemical medicine. If
you want traditional medicine there are several ways of treatment such as consuming garlic,
ginger, celery, tomatoes, etc. for exemple how to use garlic as a hypertention drug by boiling
garlic and then crushed or you can also use garlic powder or garlic tablets. Side effect of
excessive use of garlic is dizziness, hausea, vomiting, excessive blood preassure drop etc.

Example of chemical medicine for hypertention are amlodipine. Amlodipine contains 10

mg and 5 mg. how to consume amlodipine that is 1 time a day in the morning after breakfast.
The mechanism of action of this drug is to reduce blood preassure by relaxing blood vessels so
that is not aggravate the heart to pump the blood. Side effect of amlodipine are chest pain,
swelling, in the hands, palpitations, etc.

So hypertention is an increase in blood preassure. Traditional method of treatment by

consuming garlic, ginger etc. and while treatment with chemical medicine by consuming

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