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Hello everyone, as an expert on the topic of teenage drugs, this problem has a lot of causes but as you
my partner said, we only focus in the case of teenagers. In the neighborhood El Codito exist several
cases in which the drug is a common issue. One of the causes why these kids get in drugs is the lack of
attention from their parents, because they are to bussy working and searching for a good life to their
kids, so they spend a lot of time alone, so they see drugs as an opportunity to leave the extraordinary.

Another cause is the environment in which they live, as you all know the neighborhood, codito is known
for its aggressive environment where it is always heard in the news about murders or drugs. The
children seeing that everyone in their environment performs that activity, they decide to do it because
for them this is normal.

The last cause would be the lack of motivation and objectives, this because being a neighborhood where
there is poverty, they believe they will not have an excellent future and that is why they decide to use


As a chemical engineer, my solution to this problem is create a candy or a substance that can replace
drugs, so they can find this in a drug store or in the places that we stablish to bring help to all the kids
that have this problem.

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