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Online shopping

Who does not like shopping? Buying new things is fun, except for when it takes so much
time that it becomes more of a chore than a pleasure. Now, with online shopping, purchases are just
one click away from you, life has never been so easy.
In my opinion online shopping has more advantages than disadvantages. Nowadays online
shopping allows people to skim through hundreds of sites while looking for the product that they
want and this just from the comfort of your home. Online stores also offer a wider range of products
and sometimes at a lower price. Finding the perfect product for you can take just a few minutes
whereas when you have to shop in a store, thus online shopping saves energy and a great deal of
time. Even though online shopping brings lots of benefits, there a few disadvantages
worth mentioning. First one, people are unable to touch or to see the products they want to buy, to
feel the product they are made of or the quality, so some people might purchase things they won’t
like. If people don’t like a product, they tend to throw it away because the process of returning it
takes a lot of time. Secondly, the shipping costs a lot and you might get extra charges, sometimes
more than the price of the product.
In conclusion, online shopping is much more efficient for customers, all you
have to do is just click on a button and the product arrives at your doorstep.

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