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Parachute Project

1. Dixie cup/plastic cup
2. Coffee filter
3. Colored pencils
4. Scissors
5. String

1. Each student starts with one coffee filter
2. The students color both sides of the coffee filter with colors pencils
a. Be careful not to rip it!
3. Fold the coffee filter into fourths
4. Cut two small triangles (one on each side)

5. Use scissors to poke four holes in the cup (equal distances apart)
a. Have the teacher help if necessary
6. Cut four pieces of strings about 18 inches long
7. Pull one string through one hole of the coffee filter and keep the ends together
8. Repeat on all sides
9. Pull both ends of one string through one hole of the cup
10. Tie a knot in the strings
a. A triple knot work well

b. The knot has to be big enough so it doesn’t pull through the holes
11. Repeat on all sides
12. Write your name on the bottom of the cup

Want to add an experiment? Race the parachutes and see how different factors
affect the drop speed!
1. Use differing lengths for their strings
2. Use coins for weight in the cups
3. Cut holes closer to the middle of the coffee filter

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