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| STS PSIONIC ES anime Boece men Mastering the Powers of the Mind DESIGNERS Broce R. Coane, Cunisrorsian Lissa DEVELOPMENT TRAM STEPHEN ScuUBEaT, Cais THOMASON, Gwanporyw RM. Kestaer, EDITORS, ‘Micuette Lyons, Rar VALLEse EDITING MANAGER Kim Mouan DESIGN MANAGER -Cuuistorazn Pearins DEVELOPMENT MANAGER Jesse Decken DIRECTOR OF RPG R&D BIL Savicser PRODUCTION MANAGERS ‘Josn Fiscien, RanpaL.t, CaEws Some information in this hook & taken from or derived from Race Rested Frossburm by Wolfgang Baur, James Jacobs, and George Serayton: ‘Lyons; Sanaserm by Bruce K:Gordel, Jenifer Clarke Wilkes, ‘Kensons Expanded Ponies Previews in Dragan Issues #334, artes) by Mark A. Jndra and Scott Brocus iI JD Wier, peas SENIOR ART DIRECTOR D&D Stacy Lonesraaet ART DIRECTORS ‘Mant Korxowsxr, Kanin Jaques COVER ARTIST Raven Micra INTERIOR ARTISTS Warve Enotanp, Davin Guirerru, Jos Honosow, Rate Hoastr, Waaken Max, "LLiaM O'CONNOR, TED PENDERGRAPT, Ricaxp Saapnena, Ros SPENCER CARTOGRAPHER Kron Howrex GRAPHIC DESIGNER Den Baxsert GRAPHIC PRODUCTION SPECIALIST Eun Donares IMAGE TECHNICIAN | Sven BoLEN sof Eberron by Jesse Decker, Matthew Sernett, Gweddalyn FM, td Keith Faker; Revet of Deny by David Noonan, Bric Cagle, aad Auron Roseaberg; Races ofthe Wid by Skip Williams, 3: Races of Stone by David Noonan, Jese Deck, ad Michelle ind Lords of Talaron” Dregow #281 by Stephen E519 by Bruce R. Cordell, Mind’ Eye (ations 6, #311, 9318, Tsoi on the original Duscxoas & Deacons rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, ani the new Donoeoxs & Daauons game designed by Jonathan Test, Monte Cook Skip Willits, Ri “This product uss upaeed material From the v5 revision. This Wizaus oF ne Caasr® gume product conti no Open Ga formn without written permisson. To learn tore about. th Open wizaedscom'd2 © Uscanapa, asta. racine cat aNEnes Dare? ISUN10;07869.9117 ies Being racine srk 020 Spam, ‘ese Wa Cs ot mad copie doe a ce cpp mec US of iy ein ee Et Beef cnn npneroa yen ss Visit our website at www.wizardscom/dnd ‘a & Re 20-97967720-O01-EN thse bny trent ichard Baker, and Peter Adkison, sn Content. No portion of this work may Be reproduced in any Gaming License and the d20 System Lise, please Visi 3. mores mapas mer revel Apri 2006 ISpNa5:978.07069.39114 enmoduction ‘What You Need we Pay New Prone lates Chapter = Classes Divine Mind. Luk ‘Chapter 2: Prestige Classes ‘Anarchic tnt. hon Saint copie Adept Flayerspawn Psychic ihimine Sal solo Storm Disciple Zexth Cenabite ‘Chapter: Feats, eile Abies Prion Fst. ‘Dealing Eoorgy Deep Yiu. Dice Fal Mind Blade on Mane Dromite Bertie Dromite Ray Derg Expansion erga invsibliy Dwarven Urgosh Mind Blade Ectopic Fors Elan Repletion Enbanced Elan Resilience, Enhanced Elin Resstance, Enhanced Flin Resinment Elemental Envoy Energize Armor Enervation Endurance Enhanced Beneicence Emoy Ca Euphoric Reduction Hocted Beocopton Focused Shield cused Skill User Gestalt Anchor. Githyank Cheri ‘ithyankt Coal Gitbyanes Dismiss City Ector Cithsers Bure CGithses Pedback Githrerai Knock (Guhaeci Link HalEGiane Stomp Haleiant Thunder Instinctive Consummator ‘Lusk Augmens Bur Contents ‘tk Augen, Ranged Lark Master Maenad Fary Maenad Desfening Screame ne Focus Menta uggern Mind Cleave Mind Sipeanech Mind Srke, Focused. Mind See, Swit ‘0: Double xe Mind Blade Pompane aii Practiced Manifeter Privileged Enessy symbior shin of he Construct. Stygian Archon Syna Multa Enhanced Tap Mane ThrFKeeen Caapace Thebreen Claw The Kreen Displacement ThetKreen Posen, “wo-Bladed Mind Bade Volatile Escalation Yolnile Leech enh Burs, Extea Xeph Ceesty ‘Genital es Dual Dae Hostile Mind, Improved onic Master ‘Aggremive Mind Aneagonise Defensive Shel splrtual Force Strength of To hid Heriege Fens tlh Bsr lhl Compulsion lid gnebusast hd Extra lh Grapple lah Hers lihid Lepsey hd Lesa, Gaeter ith Skin Metapictic Feat. Knocllown Power Linked Power Baraelemental Power Phrenic Leech Stypan Power Tevbadinensional Power CChapcer +: Powers, Mantes. and Items ark Powers Mantes Palon/ Wildes Powers. Prion Discipline Powers Paychle WartiorFowers ‘Weapons Palcrowes, Ceysal Masks Payehoscive Skins Sacked Pénatrics Prlonic Bands Other Univer ems PeionicLoitons as Treasure ‘Chapter 5: Constructs and Creatures Aral Construct Bisic Aural Cesar Agile Loper Alabaster Aerial Amber Tunneler Amathemic Caapace Atel Agu Ebony Stinger mend Gyre Inidescet Serpent Ecoplacmc Swarm lees Stewards Actine Lmberling Termpeson Laval Flayer shadow Ef sibyllicGuseian spoctal Svant, “The Te ‘Chapter 6: Character Options Psonic Races New Poni Kae: Synad The Six Hiden Houses Howse Celie House Copate House Incendae House Nova. House Vaytin Paionic Racial Classes ‘Duero Racial Class ‘Githyanks Racial Claw (Githaesi Rail Clas Hale Clan Racal Cis. ThréKreen Racial hse Paton Gulls Diamond Knights The Lodge Limnos. erin Pron: The Evie Dil Power Points for Psonic NPCs, Introduction “The mindstoron moved in from the infinite reaches ofthe Asta threatening the integrity ofthe Interface Cursing his bad luck, aldabode nly closed the porta Two abandon you, Mila, the psion promised wining and rubbing hisforchead. Hei allowed the porta osiay open alte tao long—the disruption had almost manifest from the walen of the mind into the realm ofthe material. laldabode's hend ached as if held Been kicked by a steer. And what of Mitnn? She was his closest friend, and the only ther psionic individual who kmeuw ofthe recent perturbations inthe Crystal Mint’ global cognizance. She was startin the Astral Plane because Ialdabade hadi foreseen te arrival of he storm front this suspicious afterall...” he nucrmuced, then swore aga Merely enteriaining the ide ofa conspiracy was enough for his heightened nuation to deuce the truth —the mindstormsarrval at just he wrong moment was noaccent. Ui had ben sent against hin and Mitra deliberately to foil their investigation The psion shivered when he considered the power required fo generate a mindstorm of such ferocily on demand, Who had that sill? ‘With a sinking feting, the answer dropped into his conscious nes ike the ist cold drop of winter vain “The Flayer Sovercignty wns operative once mort Many D&D games eventually include psionics. Alehough you may not realize it pitting your characters sgrinst an Iithidlorroduces psionies to your peme, with cs terrible rind blast Other games go farther down the psionics path and in those games Expanded Psonis Handbook hasa place at the rable equal ro thar ofthe Player's Handbook ‘Whether your gameis more akin othe former orthe later. this book, Complete Psiic, will expand your understanding of psionics rules ‘Complete Psionic makes use of the information in the three D&D corerulebooks—Piayer’ Handbook PH), Dungeon Masters Guide (OMG, and Monster Mana MM) —as well as Expanded Prionics Handbook (EPH). [e doesnt diveetly reference any other books (aside from a single mention of Fiend Folia) but it draws on the accumulated heritage of D&D supplements published since 2000, Although possession of any or all of these supplements will enhance your enjoyment of this book they are nor strictly necessary. Up to now, there were four standard psionic classes: The psion, the psychic warrior, the soulknife, and the wilder. In addicion co the classes described in Expanded Psionis Handbook, this book introduces the following new standard psionic classes: the arden, the divine mind, and the lurk, In addition, a variant psion, called the erudite, is presented as anoption “The ardent calls on the power of cosmic forces, drawing ‘on “mantles,” or groups of powers that are derived from those universal principles. Physically bit stronger than 4 traditional psion, an ardent is limited by the number of ‘mantles he ean adopr. ‘The divine mind isa devout wartior whose psionic abil ties allow him to channel his go's beneficence into psionic povwers as well as auras that help his comrades. ‘The lurk is 2 mentally empowered killer who focuses on dispatching his enemies from the shadows, ‘The erudite isa psionic sage whose knowledge of powers is potentially unlimited, although his ability to call on that knowledge is limited to-a particular subset each day. SWIFT AND IMMEDIATE ACTIONS ‘The Miniatures Handbook introduced the concept of new action type: the swift action. Likewise, Expanded Psionics Handbook introduced another new action type: the immediate action. Some of the class features, powers, and feats described in Complete Paionic use these concepts. A description of how they work follows, ‘Swift Actions: A swift action consumes a very small amount of time, but represents a larger expenditure of effort and energy than a free actian. You can perform one swift action per turn without affecting your ability to perform other actions. In that regard, a swift action is lke a free action. However, you can per form only a single swift action perturn, regardless of what other actions you take ‘You can take a swift action any time you would normally be allowed to take a free action, Since swift actions usually involve ‘magic or psionics, or the activation of magic or psionic items, ‘many characters (especialy those whe don't use magic or pion. ies] will never have an opportunity ta take a swift action, Casting a quickened spel or manifesting aquickened poweris a swift action. In addition, casting any spell or manifesting any power witha casting time or manifesting time of 1 swift action is'a swift action. Casting a spell or manifesting a power with a casting or manifesting time of 1 swift action does net provoke attacks of opportunity Immediate Actions: Much like a swift action, an immediate action consumes a very small amount oftime, but represents 2 larger expenditure of effort and energy than a fee action. Unlike 2 swift action, an immediate action ean be performed at any time—even ifits not your turn, Using an immediate ation on your turn is the same as using a swift action, and counts 2s your swift action for that turn. You Cannot use another immeciate action ora swift action until after, your next turn ifyou have used an immediate action when itis, hot currently your turn (effectively, using an immediate action before your turn is equivalent to using your swift action for the coming turn). You also cannot use an immediate action if you are currently Fat-footed. Under these rules, casting a feather fal spell is an immediate section (nota free action, as stated in the spell description in the Player's Handbook) Magic lems and Potions: Activating a spell completion iter, activating 2 spell trigger item, or drinking a potion is @ standard action, even ifthe spell from which the scroll, potion, or item is made can be cast as a swift action wy Minvelligent beings possess self-awareness the core ofseniience. What many do notre. is that this nascent consciousness is psychi energy, Different people value v aspects ofthis energy, whether Charisma, Intelli- ‘gence, or Wisdom, fr their applications in certain professions in the world, butt isthe sum gf these and other unnamed facets of consciousness that contributes vo psionic potential ho decide m build on this holistic potential are called ie chatacters leatn to tap into the energy of their consciousness: Psionic character classes embrace the energy of che minds output directly, using force of will ro alter reality in sal and large ways. The thoughts and dreams o rnorinal creatures churn impotently, but apsionic character's mental desires manifest themselves forall to see, matvel at, and perhaps fear. Unlike the standatd character classes foind in the Payers Hiandbook, all classes presented here ate based on psionic ‘powcr usage to some degree. While the psion, psychic war Fior, soulkeife, and wilder off versatility and configurability, cheyre not the only psionic classes the game could feature. This chapter presents three new character classes for psionic characters the ardent, the divine mind, and the lurk, Unlike prestige classes, nevr sharacter classes are designed for use from a character’ ‘rstelass level Ardent: A psionic manifester who upholds his chosen philosophies GA ie 4 Divine Mind: A psionic holy warrior who adopts the ‘mantles of a choseneity and becomes a champion of hisfaith Lurk: A mentilly empowered killer who focuses on dispatching his enemies from the shadows. STARTING GEAR ach class description concludes with astarting package yout ean use when creating a Istlevel character of that class. Alternatively, you can roll randomly using the folloning table to determine the character's gold, then uy equipment item by item ‘Tanus 1-1: RANDOM StaRTING GoLD Amount average) Ardent Sac (125 gp) Divinemind’ 6d4:c10 (150 gp) Lurk Sd4xl0 (125 gp) - No fio plares in the multiverse are exacily alike Creatures teem acrossa multitude of terrains, form inginfinitely diverse ecologies, Despite the amazing variety displayed, however, some elemenis—or,a4 some call them, philosophies—persist, These fun- dlamenval concepts about the way things metion have abasic truth to them that transcends any physical, ga ‘emotional, oF ideological boundary. (e) ay >a pe) m ro] fe) a m Some enlightened individuals have found that by acknowledging these concepts, they can tap « reserve of ‘great power. These ides, they believe, are the only constants throughout the multiverse; as such, they hold the potential toempower anyone who tries to understand them. Through the strengeh of their minds, these individuals ean master these constants, and the great power they offer. They are known as ardents ‘The philosophies ardents pursue include aspects such as life, death, annihilation, and fate, among others. Each ardent chooses philosphy that seems the most powerful to her, personally, based on her experience and mental and emotional leanings. Asa result, an ardent develops a unique understanding of berphilosophy and approach tothe pursuit of power. Anardent gravitate suitable to her herita card aset of philosophical concepts upbringing, and lile experiences ‘Many mistake an ardent fara cleric or paladin, because she is often as enthusiastic about her personal philosophies as any divine missionary could be. Unlike a divine spelleaster who gains her power through a deity, an ardent directly taps the concepts the deity represents, bypassing any connection to conscious higher power ‘Anardent’s pursuit of these cosmic philosophies gives her saecess to psionic power in a unique way: through psionic ‘mantles. Each mantle is tied to one ofthe universal true con- cepts thatan ardent so admires and is represented by aspecifc listof psionic powers and abilities. An ardent gains access 0 new mantles as she gains levels, representing her growing awareness ofthe interconnected nature of core truths and a ‘growing understanding of how the multiverse works. Allardents focuson to mantles, known as their primary mantles. These concepts are those that an ardent Finds ‘most appealing or that possess the most potential power in her eyes. All other mantles are considered secondasy mantles—philsophies certainly powerful and worthy of study, but not considered as central to the universe as the character's primary philosophies. Mantles are described more fully on page 66 in Chapter 4 MAKING AN ARDENT The ardene’s role in most groups is asa peimary manifester, bt she can contribute in other ways depending on the mantles she has selected, She might be able to provide heal to the party, for example, or augment her melee capabilities and wade into the front line of combat Abilities: Wisdom helps an ardent manifest the powers to which she will eventually have access, bu she also values Intelligence, since it helps her leaen more about the philo- sophical concepts with which she is enamored. Constieution isalso important, giving her the stamina toraveland survive wherever her studies take her ‘Races: Characters who feel inspired to become an ardent need 10 select their core philosophies and the mantles associated with them. Among the humanoid races, humans Seem most aptio fellow such a course. Ardents are rate among savage or monstrous humanoids, since beingan ardent requires a philosophical mind and a certain amount of education in esoteric concepts and ideas, Alignment: An ardent can be of any alignment. Some ardents worship deities and choose mantles in line with their deities’ portfolio and domains; these characters also share some componentof their patrons alignments. In most ‘othereases,ardents tend toward slignments that match their philosophical outlooks (few ardents who pursue the death ‘mantle are good, for example). CLASS FEATURES ‘Ardents master universal philosophies, drawing their power and strength ftom their knowledge of these concepts. ‘TanLe 1-2: THE ARDENT Hirt D1: 06 Base Power ‘Attack Fort Ref will Points) Powers Level Bonus Save Save Save_—_Special, Day Known Tt 40 40 4042 Assume psionic mantles (2) 2 2 and 41 +040 +3 Assume psionic mantle 6 3 3rd 42 4 a 8 u 4 ath 3 + 4 4 7 5 sth 43 4 #1 +4 Assume psionic mantle 2% 6 bh 44 SR 35 1 th 45 MRS 46 3 8th 36/41 sr OREO NeCRRE (EEE: 38 3 ‘sth =6/+1 Se SS n 10 VOrh 47/42 “34347 Assume psionic mantle 38 1 Mth 48/3 A AER 106 2 ath spa “4 448 125 3 Bh 94 ELAR Get B epee 4? “i yah 10/5 oe ee 170 15 TSth ANH6 4S 4S 48 Assume psionic mantle 185 6 Wh azar? 6S 21 ” US ARTA Sa 250 18 Wh yess 46 6 280 19 Ith Hae 4 aT an 20 20th H5/HOsS 46 GH 33 2 Class Skills (2+ Int modifier per level, x4 at 1st level}: Autohypn Profession, Psicraft®. See the Player's Handbook for standard sk ‘See skills in Chapter 3: Sills in Expanded Psionies Handbook. 1osis, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Heal, Knowledge, ill descriptions. ‘They also gain unique powers from each mantle chey learn rowield ‘Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Ardents are proficient with all simple weapons, with all eypes of armor (heavy, ‘medium, and light) and with shields exeepe tower shield). Power Points/Day: An ardents bility manifest powers is limited by the power points she has available. Her base daily allorment of power points is given on Table 1~2: The Ardent, In addition, she receives bonus power points per day if she has a high Wisdom score (see Table 2-1: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Power Points, EPH 18). Heer race might also provide bonus power points per day. as might certain feats and items. Powers Known: An ardent be- gins play knowingtwo ofthe firse powers available to her based tom her choice of mancles. Each mantle features at least one power or ability with a cost oft power point. An ardent selects two of these powers from her two known mantles avist level Areach additional level, an ardent learns one new power from her available mantles. She must be able to manifest the new power ar the level at which shelearnsit,however. Forexample,anandentwho attains sth level can learn any power from one of her mantles that costs § power points or less to manifest she cannot learn a power from a mantle that costs more than 5 powerpoints 0 manifest until she aetains a level capable of manifesting a power with that cost. Jearn or manifest 2 power, anardent must have Wisdom score oft least 10 + the power’ level. For example, an ardent with a Wisdom score of 13 can manifest powers of 3rd level or lower, ‘Thetotal numberof powers anardentcan manilestineday islimsted only by her daily power points. Inother words, an 9th-evel andent witha tora of72power points not including bonus power points fora high Wisdom score) could ‘manifesta power costing { power point seventy-two timesin one day, a povver costing 9 power points eight times in one day, orany combination of power point costs that does not exceed 72 power points in total ‘An ardene simply knows her powters; they are ingrained in her mind. She does not need to prepare them (in the ‘way thar some spelleasters prepare their spells), though she must geta good night sleep each day to regain all her spent power points. The ardent ebvoes the The Difficulty Class for saving throws ageinst ardent powersis 10+ the powers level - the andent’s Wis modifier. For example, the saving throw against a sth-level power hes aDCof 16 + Wis modifier Mantles: The first wo mantles un ardent selects are her primary mantles. Allothers gained are secondary mantles Primary mantles represent the two philosophies the ardent feels most strongly about and champions abeve all others An ardent must maintain at least as many powers in her primary mantles as she takes in her secondary mantles, rellecting that personal allegiance. An ardent cannarchoose «power froma secondary mantle if doing so would give her more powers known from that secondary mantle than she knows from either of her primary mantles For example, an ardent has the Fate and Good mantles as primary mantles and the Law and Light and Derkness rantles as secondary mantles. When she gains a new level, she could “only choose a power from one of her secondary mantles if she had fewer powers in those mantles than neither ofher primary ones, B The exception to this rule isthatif the only choice an ardentcan make atagiven level would give her more povters in a secondary mantle than in a primary. mantle ‘Under those conditions, that choice is allowed. ‘An ardent can choose to swap the priority of two mantles—makingone primary andonesecondary—at 8th level, and again at 5th level, Asan ardent gains experience, her worldview changes. Many find themselves more devoted to different concepts laterin their careers. If an ardent knows fewer povrers from a newly designated pri- mary mantle, she must take powers known exclusively from that mantle at each of the next few levels until she hhas learned more powers from that mantle than the rest of the mantles she has ‘Assume Psionic Mantle: An ardent chooses a pair of psionic mantles at ist level and assumes one additional mancle at 2nd, 5th, 10th, and 15th level, Bach mantle provides «list of powers (usually six or more) that an ardent ean learn as she increases in level. Each mantle also provides an ardent with 2 special granted power. See Chapter 4 for a complete list of psionic mantles. Mantes represent a psionic distillation ofa universal con: ceptor philosophical da tharthe ardent believe rranscends the multiverse. These concepts exist beyond deities oF any creation of a creetuze, whether mortal or immortal ruth be follows wosdpor Le 9mm ‘An ardent can select any mantle she wants over the course of her advancement, even choosing two that seem diametrically opposed wo one another, such as Good and Evil Such ardents might seem to embody aseriesof contradictions, constantly seeking ways 1 balance (or not) the conflicting philosophies they endorse. Other ardenrs who pursue this approach ace merely scholars seeking to understand these powerful universal eruths. ‘Anardent with both the Good and Evil (or Law and Choes) mantles might share one or none of those alignment factors. For example, some good ardents seek to better understend the evil they combat by taking up the manele of Evil, end the reverse isalso true. Manifesting powerfrom analigned mantle is considered an act of that alignment, however, so ‘ost ardents who take rwo opposed mantles are neutral ‘Most of the powers provided by a mantle are psionic in nature, Some mantles feature new abilities unlike any psionic power inexistence. these abilities are still treated as psionic owes in every respec an lay havea powerpoint cot tomanilest. PLAYING AN ARDENT Ardents are passionate adventurers and often see their inolvementin particular enterprise as away to spread the knowledge oftheir personal philosophies, and to enlighten those who rely on less universally true sources for inspiration and guidance, ‘Ardents seeks signs of theit philosophies everywhere. As such, they make excellent adventurers. They seek support for their beliefs everywhere, and naturally gravitate toward {groups willing to brave danger to bring the light of (cheir truth to the world, Communities with a strong religious presence sometimes take exception to ardents, believing tha members of the class encourage people to divorce themselves from the churches. This behavior Further encouragesardents ro wavel are mostly ambivalent about other classes, although they might fee! pity, disdain, or possibly unease around clerics, paladins, and druids. They tend wo see divinely focused folk as lacking in vision, ora the very leas as competitors for the car ofthe masses. Combat: An ardent’s role in combat is defined by her choice of mantles. An ardent with the Conflict and Guard- ian mantles could easily use her powers and granted mantle abilities to wade into battle, mace swinging, while an ardent with the Energy or Mind mantle might be more comfortable manifesting devastating powers from the back ranks of her sdventuring group. ‘Most ardemts find that focusing on a single approach makes them more effective in combat. Because ardents select mantles based on their philosophical approach ro the multiverse, however, ardents of ll walks ean be found. ‘Nomatter their approach to combat. ardents always ace the same question other power wielders face: how many power points to spend ina given encounter. Unlike other psionics Users, however, adents can often tap their granted mantle abilities to supplement cheir power use, allowing them to conserve their energy when warranted. Advancement: An ardent can select her mantles as she advances. Her career path, in some respects, is open until she selects her final mantle at 15th level ‘Anandentsexperiences tend todictate her choices—a char acter devoted ro diplomacy or subterfuge i less likely totake the Force mantle, for example, but anyehing is possible. Feat choice varies wildly from ardent to ardent. Weapon- oriented ardents might choose Power Attack or Psionic Weapon, while ardents focused on dealing damage from afar might choose a number of metapsionic feats. Feats that modify character ability rouse or expend her psionic focus, such a Psionic Meditation, are useful to any ardent with ‘granted mantle abilities that deal with psionic focus. Religion: Andents,asarule, avoid religion, Most see dei- Human Ardent Starting Package ties as embodiments ofthe universal truths they pursue. As ardents seek to understand these truths, they might come to think of deities that share their interests powerfal kindred spirits, but not necessarily as superior beings. Only the uri verse] philosophical conceps are ray worty of devotion “That said, some ardents who share an especially similar devotion tothat of adeity might show respect or even casual worship. For example, an ardent with the Lav, Magic, and Knowledge mantles might tithe to the church of Boccob or occasionally offera prayer, although it would be couched ore asa respec expression of appreciation forthe deity mastery ofthese truths Other Classes: As natural travelers and adventurers, andents seck out like-minded individuals. Ardentssometimes see their adventuring companions as the first converts ve their view of enlightenment, but they justas often leave theit closest friends 10 a pursuit of their own personal truth. Te anardent,such a quest is the most notable and wortby decd anyone can pursue. Tharisn' to say thatan ardent won't seek tosway others to her point of view; but most respecr anther’ right to seek his own truth. Only the most corrupt and dark ardlents seek to force others down the path they have chosen for themselves. ‘Ardent have a special fondness for the company of ther knowledgeable individuals, such as wizards or sions. They Armor: Scale mail and large wooden shield («6 AC, armor check penalty ~6, speed 20 ft, 40 Ib) ‘Weapons: Heavy mace (1d crit »2, 8 Ih, one-handed, bludgeoning) Light crossbow (1d8, crt 19-20/2, range inc. 80 ft, 4 Ib piercing). Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 3 = Int modifier ‘Armor Check sil Ranks Ability Penalty ‘Autohypnosis 4 Wis = Concentration 4 Con rom Heal 4 Wis = Knowledge (psionics) 4 Int = Peicraft 4 Int = Search (ce) 2 Int = Listen (ee) 2 Wis = Spot (ee) 2 Wis ea eat: Combst Manifestation, Great Fortivude. Mantles Known: Energy, Fate Powers Known: energy ne ofensiv prevognition. Gear: Backpack with waterskin, one day's tral rations, bedroll, sack, and flint and steel. Quiver with 20 bolts. Gold: 1d4 gp. “Adivine mind isa psionic character who channels the power of the divine through psionic talent instead of faith, While a cleric or paladin must make do with whatever powers and abilities a deity decides to provide, a divine mind chooses among the domains of his deity for the ability he most requires to accomplish his goals, whether they are divinely inspired or not. Divine minds can also call upon a list of psionic powers as they grow in faith and mental strength, ‘One ofa divine minds most noted abiltiesis his capacity to mentally distill a particular essence of his chosen deity and wear that essence as a mantle (see page 11). Wearing this divinely fashioned mantle in a framework of mental desire is but one part of the divine mind's strength—he can also directly channel the beneficence of his deity into a mantle power. MAKING A DIVINE MIND A divine mind's role in most groups is that of a melee combatant, He can also contribute in other ways, however, even potenially providing some healing ability tothe party {depending on the domains of his chosen deity Abilities: While Wisdom helpsa divine mind manifest the powers hell eventually be ableto access (requiringa score of A6or higher rouse the highest_level powers,and a lesst 11 t0 be able to manifest any atll),he cates more about Strength because ofits importance in combat Races: Characters inspired to play a divine mind need merely to choose a deity. Among the humanoid races, humans seem most apt to follow such a course, Divine minds ae rare among the savage and monstrous humanoids since physical study of psionic lore isa requirement. Alignment: A divine mind's alignment must not be opposed to any of his chosen deitys alignment factors, For instance, a neutral good divine mind can choose a lewful good deity, but 2 chaotic good divine mind could not. CLASS FEATURES ‘Ail che following are class fearures ofthe divine mind cass. ‘Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Divine minds are proficient withall simple and mactial weapons swith all types of armor heavy, medium, and light), and with shields except tower shields). ‘Wild Talent: A divine mind geins Wild Talent asa bonus feat. This class feature provides the character with the psionic power he needs to call down a mantle's special power, even iThe otherwise has no power point. Power Points/Day: A divine minds ability to manifest powersis limited by the power points he hes available. His base daily allotment of power points is given on Table t-3: ‘The Divine Mind, In addition, he receives bonus power points per day ifhe has a high Wisdom score (see Table 2-1 Ability Modifiers and Bonus Power Points, EPH 18), plus the power points provided by his Wild Talent fea, His race right also provide bonus power points per day, as might certain feats and items. ist through 4thvlevel divine mind tstins no poweer points for his class levels; his bonus power points (if he is entitled to any) become available when he bogins to accrue the power points provided by his class at sth level. Powers Known: Adivine mind begins play without know: ingany powers, Beginningarth level, he learnsone divine rind power ofthe player’ choice. Ashe goes upin level, he continues 1 unlock knowledge of new powers as shown on the divine mind class table. Choose the power known from thelist of powers belonging tothe character's chosen mantle. Ateach additional level adivine mind gains one additional power (if available) from his chosen mantles Taste 1-3: THe Divine Mino Hir Die: 10 Base Power ‘Attack Fort Ref will Points/ Powers Maximum Power Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Day Known Level Known Ist +0 4240 +2 Mantle (1s), psychic auras, 0 ° oa Wild Talent and 41 0 1 ° = ard 42 33 Payehieaure ror 2 oO = ath 3 M4 1th ivine grace 3 ° — Sth 43 +4 1h Psychicaura 15 fi 4 1 1st 6th +4 +5 42-5 Mantle (2nd) 6 2 Ist wth 45 354235 Psychic aura 204. 8 2 1st Sth 46/1 46 +2 +6 Change aura (standard action) w 3 2nd ath 46/51 364326 Paychic aura 25 f 1a 2nd Toth 47/42 47 +34? Payehic aura (second aura) “Mo 4 2nd vith 44/3 4743 47 Psychic aura 30 ft wo 4 3rd Wath 49/+4 38448 Mantle (rd) 7 ar 3rd 1h p44 $84 GB Paychic aura 35 fi Brass: rd yath 10/45 4944 19. Change aura (mave action) 306 ath Wh F495 49 Paychic aura 40 fe BOS ath Teh af7H2_— MDD — 0 7 ath Tih 1247-2 0-510 Psychic aura 45 ft 37 sth wth 13/58/63 $6 SN1__Change aura (swift action) 308 Sth 1h Ae9fe4 N46 AT sychic aura SO Sewn sth 2th 45/10/55 1246 = H1Z_—_—Psychic aura (third aura) @ 9 eh Class Skils (2+ Int modifier per level, x4 at Ist level): Autohypnosis, limb, Concentration, Craft Jump, Knowledge (osionics), Knowledge (religion), Profession, Psiraft®, Ride, Swim, See the Player's Handboak for standard skill descriptions. See skills in Chapter 3: Skilsn Expanded Psionics landbook divine mind's manifestr level is equal to his class level minus 4. For example, a 1oth-evel divine mind isa 6th-level ianifester.A divine mind can manifest any power he knows that has a powver point cost equal ro or lower than his mani- fester level ‘Adivine mind simply knows his powers they ae ingrained in his mind. He does not need to prepare them (in the way that some spellcasters prepare thetr spells), though he must get a good nights sleep each day to regain all his spent power points. The Difficulty Class for saving throws against divine snind powersis 10+ the power's level + the divine mind's Wis modifier. For example, the saving throw againsta 2nd- level power has a DC of 12+ ‘Wis modifier. Maximum Power Level Known: A divine mind begins play without the ability to learn powers. At Sth level, he gains the abil- ity tolear istlevel powers, Ashe attains higher levels, he gains the ability © master ‘more complex powers—for example, an &th-level divine mind can learn powers of 2nd level or lower,an t1th-level divine rind can learn powers of ed level or lower.and s0 on. ‘To learn or manifesta power, a divine mind must have a Wisdom score of atleast 10 + the power’ level. For ex- ample, divine mind with a Wisdom score of 13, can manifest powersof ardlevel or lower ifhe isat least ttth level) Psychic Aura (Su): All divine minds know three basic " auras: attack, defense, and per ception (see below). In addition, yourchosen mantle addsa special ied aura to your options. You chose cone aura to manifest, and its benefits take effect in a radius around you as given on Table 1-3. Most auras affect either you and ‘your allies or just your enemies. As you become more powerful, your aura spreads to encompass a wider area If you know smultiple mantles, you chose which aura omanilest when you meditate. Youean spend an hourin meditation to change ‘your aurs ‘Ar toth level, you can have two auras active atthe same time; at 20th level, you can have three active auras Attack: You andall allies within your aura gaina-+1 morale bonuson attack rolls and damage rolls. Thisbonus increases by {for every five class levels you have. Defense: You and allallies within your aura gaina+t morale bonus ro Armor Class. This bonus increases by 1 for every five class levels you have. Mn. by Conner A dine wind wee « psc distiaton of «specifi ted attibate Perception: You and all allies within your aura gain a +2 morale bonus on Tnitaive, Listen, and Spot checks, This bonus increases by for every five clas levels you have. Mantle (Ex): At ist level, a divine mind chooses a deity to follow. He then chooses from among that deity’s assigned mantles (see Table 1-4, page 11) picking one that he adopts and learns to manifest powers from. You begin play with access to a mantle and its mantle power. Each mantle has a specific granted ability that you can use. While you do not imme diately know any powers, the powers in the mantle are considered on your list for the purpose of using dorjes and other items. ‘When you gain apower known, select i from the mantle’ listof powers. 6th level, you gain second mantle; at 412th, you gain your third and final mantle, The mantles and their aura powers are ‘given below. Chnos: You and all allies within your aura gain a +2 resistance bonus on saves against attacks made or ef- fects created by nonchaotic creatures. This bonus increas esby 1forevery sixclass levels you have. Communication: You and willing allies with- in your aura are linked together with the mind- link power (EPH 120). If they leave the area of yout aura, they leave the link. They an automatically rejoin, however, once they reenter the area ‘Conflict: You and allies affected by your aura gain +2 bonus on rells to con- firm critical hits. This bonus increases to-+5 if you area 10th-level divine mind Consumption: You can leech power points expended near you. While the aura is active, you can expend your psionic focus as an immediate action when 2 power is manifested within your aura. Doing so steals 1 power point from the pow- cer’s manifester. This extra power point is added to your power point reserve; you cannot gain more power points than your normal maximum. This ability has no effect if used while you have a full power point reserve. If stealing t power point would prevent the manifester from being able to manifest the power, you do not gain a power point but the manifester is unable to manifest the power; no power points ate expended. You can steal more power points at higher levels: 2 power points at 7th level, 3. {4th level, and 4 at 20th level. The same restrictions as, described above apply divine mente, ‘anus 1-4: Mantes ay Derry Player's Handbook Boceob Corellon Larethian Ehlonna Exythnul Fharlangha Garl Glittergald Grauensh Heironeous Hextor Kord Moradin Nerull Obad-Hai Olidammara Peloe St. Cuthbert Veena Wee Jas Yordalla Deception, Fate, Knowledge, Magic Chaos, Good, Guardian, Magic Good, Guardian, Light and Darkness, Natural World Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Pain and Suffering Communication, Fate, Freedom, Time Good, Guardian, Deception, Knowledge Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Physical Power Conflict, Good, Justice, Law Conflict, Destruction, Evil, Law Chaos, Conflict, Good, Physical Power ‘Creation, Good, Guardian, Law Consumption, Death, Destruction, Evil Communication, Elements, Life Natural World Chaos, Communication, Deception Freecom Good. Force, Life Light and Darkness Energy, Law, Justice, Physical Power Corruption and Madness, Evil, Knawledge, The Planes, Death, Law, Magic. Mental Power Commiunication, Freedom, Good, Repose Expanded Psionics Handbook lisensine Zuoken Evil, Law, Magic, Mental Power Confit, Knowledge, Mental Power, Physical Power Foscorren Reus Campaign Setting ‘azuth Bane ‘Chauntea Gyre Elistraee Gond Helm Amater Kelemvor Kossuth Latharider Lolth Malar Mask Miele Knowledge, Law, Magic, Mental Power Conflict, Destruction, Evil, Law Good, Guardian, Life, Natural World Chaos, Corruption and Madness, Deception, Ev Chaos, Good, Freedom, Light and Darkness Creation, Elements, Knowledge, Repose Guardian, Law, Physical Power, Repose Good, Law, Life, Pain and Suffering Death; Fate, Guardian, Law Destruction, Elements, Energy, The Planes Good, Life, Light and Darkness, Time Chaos, Destruction, Ev Light and Darkness Chaos, Gl, Natural Worl, Physical Power Deception, Evil Fate, Light and Darkness Freedom, Good, Life, Natural World Forcorrew Resins Campaign Setting Myst Oghma Selune shar Shaundakul Silvanus Sune Talos Tempus Torm Tymora tyr Umberlee Uthgar waukeen Deception, Good, Knowledge, Magic Communication, Fate, Freedorn, Knowledge Chaos, Freedom, Good, Light and Darkness Deception, Evil, Knowledge, Light and Darkness Chaos, Elements, Freedom, The Planes Guardian, Life, Natural World, Repose Chaos, Communication, Good, Guardian Chaos, Destruction, Evil Natural World Chaos, Conflict, Force, Physical Power Good, Guardian, Law, Physical Power ‘Chaos, Fate, Freedom, Good. Good, justice, Knowledge, Law ‘Chaos, Destruction, Evi, Natural World Conflict, Justice, Natural World, Physical Power Consumption, Freedom, Guardian, Knowledge Eveseou Campaign Setting Silver Flame The Sovereign Host ‘Arawai Aureon Balinor Boldrei Dol Arrah Dal Born Kol Korran Olladra ‘Onatar The Dark Six The Devourer The Fury The Keeper The Mockery ‘The Shadow The Traveler The Blood of Val The Dragon Below ‘The Path of Light The Undying Court Good, Guardian, Law, The Planes Good, Guardian, Life, Natural World Krowiedge, Law, Magic, Mental Power Flements, Guardian, Natural World, Repose Communication, Good, Justice, Law Conflict, Good. Law, Light and Darkness Chaos, Conflict, Good, Physical Power ‘Communication, Consumption, Guardian, Freedom Fate, Good, Guardian, Life Creation, Energy, Fosce, Good Destruction, Evil, Natural World, Pain and Suffering Consumption, Corruption and Madness, Deception, Evil ‘Consumption, Death Evl, Time Conflict, Destruction, Deception, Evil ‘Chaos, Evil, Light and Darkness, Magic Chaos, Creation, Deception, Freedom Death, Evil, Knowledge, Law Corruption and Madness, Elements, Evi, The Planes Guatdian, Law, Light and Darkness, Repose Death, Fate, Good, Life Corruption an Madness: Your aura disquiets and disturbs the minds of those who oppose you. Allenemies within your aura must make Concentration checks (DC 10 + your Wis modifier + 1/2 your divine mind level) 1o manifest powers, cast spells, or use ps-lke or spellike abilities. Creation: Allconseruets within your aura heal tar hiepoint every hour. This rate increases to thie point every ‘tO mimutesar Sth level, {hit point every minute at 10th level, and 1 hit point every round at 17th level ‘Death: You and your allies know the condition of crea tures nezr death within your aura, asthe deathwatch spell (PH 217), Deception: You and your allies gain a-+2 bonus on Bluff checks made to feint in combat (PH 155), You can expend your psionic focus to feint asa move action, as if you had the Improved Feinc feat Destruciion: You grant your allies the ability to sunder objects more easily. Any time creatures affected by your aura make sunder attempts, the hardness of objects they attempt to sunder is treated as half its normal value the hardness of a wooden object, for example, would be 2 instead of 5). ements: When thisaura goes into effect, you must choose roalignittoone of the four elemental subeypes(ais,eacth fe, water). While you are psionically focused, your artacks and the attacks of allies within your aura overcome the damage redluction (if any) of any creatures of the subtype to which you realigned. ‘nergy: Your wielded weapons and those wielded by allies within your aura deal { extra point of cold, electricity. oF fire energy damage plus t point for every five class levels you have. You select the energy type when you activate this aura ils While this aurais active, the weapons of affected allies are treated as evilaligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction, Fate: You give your allies insight into the battle being ‘waged around you, allowing them to bend fate to their will. While the aura of fate is active, you and your allies gain a +2 insight bonus on any one d20 rol]. Once a par ticular ally chooses to use her bonus, the aura ends for that ally, bur not for any other ally who hes not yet used the insight bonus. ‘This bonus increasesby 1 for every ive class levels you have toa maximum bonus of +5 at 1Sth level. A specific creature can gain this bonus once per day. Fare: Asa move action, yowean expend your psionic focus to grantyourselfandall allies within youraurs the ability 10 strike an incorporeal ereacure without suffering the normal 50% miss chance. This affects each ally'snext attack, zs long as that attack occurs before your next turn Freedom: You and allies within your aura gain a +2 bonus on Escape Artist checks and grapple checks made to resist oF escape a grapple. This bonts increases by 1 for every four class levels you have, to a maximum of +7 2ath level. Good: While this aura is active, the weapons of affected allies are treated as good-aligned forthe purpose of overcom: ing damage reduction. Guardian: You can grant allies in range damage reduction 4(-while you are psionically focused, This damage reduction increases by 1 for every ive class levels you have (DR 2/~at 5th level, 3/~at 10th level, and so on Justice: You and allies within your aura gain a1 bonus on attack rolls agninst a foe thar has attacked you or another ally. This bonus increases by 1 for every six class levels, you have, ‘Knowledge You and allies within youraura gain a +1 bonus onal Knowledge checks. This bonus increases by 1 for every sicclas levels you have. ‘Laws You and allies within your aura gain a +2 resistance bonus on saves against attacks made or effects created by nonlawlul erearutes. This bonusinereases by 1 for every six class levels you have Life: Creatures in your presence feel rejuvenated and are snore resistantto death effects, While itisactve aliesaffected by this aura gain 2 +2 bonus on saves against death spells and powers or psionic death effects. This bonus increases by tfor every five class levels you have, toa maximum of +5 a tsth level Light and Darkness You and allies within your aura treat spells with the light or darkness descriptors as one level higher for countering the opposing effect. ‘Magic: You and allies within your aura are treated as wielding magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage redaction. ‘Mental Power: You and allies within your aura gain 2 42 bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting spells and abilities. This bonus increases by 1 for every six class levels you have Natural World AU! animals, plants, and fey within your aura heal at a rate of 1 hit point every hour. This rate increases 1 1 hit point every 10 minutes at sth level, 1 hit point every minute at 10th evel, and 1 hitpoint every tound at 17th level ain and Sufering: You and allies within your aura gain a “+1 bonus on weapon damage rolls against wounded foes, Physical Power: You and allies within your aura gain a +1 bonus on opposed Strength checks, such as bull rush, trip, ‘or disarm checks, as wel as on grapple checks. This bonus increases by 1 for every five clas levels you have. ‘he Planes-You can pinpoint the location of any outsider or extraplanar ereacure within your aura. Youand allies within yoursura guina +2 bonuson caster level checks or manifester level checks made to overcome the spell resistance ox power resistance of outsiders Repose: While you are psionically focused, you and allies ‘within yourauraignore the effects of fatigue. fan ally within youraura becomes exhausted for any reason, he is treated as farigued instead, Your aura does nor dispel faigue, it merely suppresses the negative effects. Time: You give alles within your aura the ability co see just a moment into the future, increasing their reaction time. Anyone affected by your aura gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks and +i bonus on Reflex saves. This bonus con initiative checks stacks with the bonus provided by the Time mantles granted ability: Divine Grace (Su): Beginning at 4th level, you gain a bonus equal to your Charisma bonus (if any) on al saving throws Change Aura (Ex): At sth level, you gain the ability to change berween your mantle auras much more quickly. It takes only a standard action to change between auras, You ccan switch auras as a move action at 14th level, and ar 8th level you can change your aura asa swift action. PLAYING A DIVINE MIND A divine mind is passionate adventurer. Asa self-consid ered adjunct of his deity, he often sees his involvement in a particular enterprise asa divine blessing. In his mind, his presence alone is enough to legitimize a quest, adver ture, or tomb raid, rendering it holy by his particfpation. Even simple tasks are additional opportunities to prove his own worth and the worth of his deity by accomplish ing the task with alacrity and grace. He is typically not hardheaded or desirous of personal power, however; ust because his deity chooses to offer a benediction for the party through his involvement does not mean that he sees himself as the default leader for the group, nor that he feels he (or his church) should have che lion's share of the treasure Religion: Divine minds show nocverarching fondness for any one deity, though those deities whose domains include ‘War are sometimes favored. Evil deities can be the choice of particularly foul and wicked divine minds Other Classes: Despite being pledged frst to their god, divine minds enthusiastically join with those whose com potencies andabilities supplement theirown. They are most happy dealing with clerics, paladins,and others of faith wh serve the same deity Divine minds do not possess the active disdain that some paladins inflict on their peers in response to imagined slights or actual immoral deeds. Divine minds have more equanimity—unless the deed directly contradicrsa dictate or domain of theirovn faith they are usually happy oallow others to travel their own paths, ‘Combat: Foradivine mind, melee (orsometimes ranged) combat is the preferred method to overcome challenges. ‘With their abiliey to swich between mantes that provide the best advantage ina given situation, divine minds have exceptional flexibility ‘As with other psionic classes that ean manifest powers, a divine mind can find further advantages in his power selection. Advancement: Once a divine mind chooses his deity, many of his advancement ehoices ate already made—at least until he is able to manifest powers at Sth level. The choices that can be made are his personal feats y three levels. Because a divine mind is melee sin that vein are reasonable choices, including ‘Weapon Focus, Power Attack, Cleave, and so on. Others might choose the bow as their favored weapon, followingthe ranged attack feat path of Point Blank Shor, Precise Shot, Rapid Shor, and soon. ‘As a divine mind gains the ability to manifest powers, power selection becomes important; it makes sense 10 either supplement abilities where the divine mind's mantle ability falls shore (such as healing), but other times it might rake sense to"load up" on an ability that a mantle already provides. EX-DIVINE MINDS ‘Accharacter who grossly violates the ethics of his deity’s alignment loses all divine mind powers and abilities (but not weapon, armor, and shield proficiencies). He cannot progress further in levels as a divine mind. He regains his abilities and advancement potential If he atones for his transgressions, Half-Giant Divine Mind Starting Package ‘Armor: Scale mail and arge wooden shield +6 AC, armor check penalty -6, speed 20, 40) ‘Weapons: Longsword (id8,crit 19-20/52, 4b, one-handed. slashing) ‘Shortbow (1d6, crit 3, range inc. 60 fe 2 Ib. piercing) Sill Seletion: Pick number of sis equal 102 + In modifier. Armor Check saat Ranks Ability Penalty Autobypnosis + Wis limb 4 Sw “6 Jump 4 str 6 ‘Swim 4 Se 2 Knowledge (psionies) 4 Int = Ride 4 Dex cs Search (e) 2 iat = Lister (¢) 2 Wis = Spot (€e) 2 Wis = Eeat: Weapon Focus (longsword), Mantle: Physical Power. Power Known: None. Gear: Backpack with waterskin, one day's trail rations, bedroll, sack, and flint and steel. Quiver with 20 arrows. Gold: 44 gp. ‘Turk is a psionic character who has honed her mental talents roa deadly focus, With her extraordinary ability to perceive an enemy's weaknesses 2 lurk can take achantage ‘of the slightest distraction to make vicious thrusts with her chosen weapon. Alurk’s ability to lie in waicuntil jusethe right moment, aswell as her talent for avoiding detection and lethal aracks, makes hera changeable hunter of those whose time is past. Itis her profession to bring those unfortunate individuals to their awaited end without remorse and as efficiently as possible Because a lurk has access toa variety of psionic feats and powers, she is more effective than a simple killer or assas sin, She also holds to 2 purer morality—a lurk doesn kill indiscriminately, only bringing death to those who have outlived their time. In her mind, those who meer their end atthe end of her blade truly deserved to die. MAKING A LURK ‘lurk cant stand up face to face with a bruiser as well as afighter or even a psychic warrior can. With her mental talents, however, she excels t taking the slightest oppor tunity and curning it to her advantage. Her bility to slip under the notice of nearly any observer makes her capable lone hunter, bur her greatest strengths are found through interaction with her allies during a heated battle—she ‘can use her enemy's slightest distraction ro deliver vicious thrusts with her blade, even creating her own opportuni ties as neede Abilities: Intelligence determines how many powers a lurk can manifest, how powerful those powers can be, and how hard those powers are to resist. It is also important for bolstering the number of skill points to which she has access, Her powers supplement her melee ability, however so her Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution are also impor Races: Dwarves are slightly more likely to becom than members of other races, but beyond thar, lurks ‘equally likely to come from any racial background. Lures are rate among savage and monstrous humanoids, since physical study of psionic lore isa requirement Alignment: Alurkalways uses her abilitiesaccording toa personal code. That code can be bs ood, self interest, oan inflexible ideology, but she sticks to whatever ‘code she chooses, Mostlurks tend toward a lawful alg bur the class has no restriction on alignimens, CLASS FEATURES Following ee class features ofthe lurk W erpan abel Arta Prottenry, Tagua pf swith all simple and martial weapons, with with shields (except rower shield Power Points/Day: 4 lurk’s ability to manifest powersis limited by the power points she has available. Her base daily allotment of power points is given on Table 1-5 In addition she receives bonus power da per if she hhas @ high Intelligence score (see Table fiers and Bonus Pow: provide bonus powe anditems 1: Ability Modi Points, EPH 18). Her race 1 nts per day, as might certa also feats Powers Known: A lurk begins play knowing one lurle power of the player's choice. Each time she achieves a new level, she unlocks the knowledge of a new power. Powers ate chasen fram the lurk power list. (Exceprian The Expanded Knowledge and Epic Expanded Knowledge feats from Expanded Psionics F powers from the lists of other idbook allow a lurk to learn es.) A lurk can manifest swer that has a power point cast equal to or lower than her manifester level The total number of powersa lurk can manifest in aday is imited only by her daily power points A lurk simply knows her powers: they are ingrained in her mind. She does not need to prepare them (in the way tharsome spellcasters prepare ells), though she must get a good night's sleep each day to regain all her spent power points rhe Difficulty Class for saving throws against isto rk powers the power’ level =the lusi’s Int modifier Maximum Power Level Known: Alurk begins play with the ability to learn tstlevel powers. As she attains higher powers—for example, a 4th-level lurk ond le ndevel lurk can k nd soon, learn powers of or lower, a Tevel or lower, 1m powers of 3rd Tolearn or manifesta power ark must have an Intelligence score of at least 10 he povver level “Lurk Augment (Ex): Beginn level, a luck cam augment her melee attack by selecting an ability from her available lurk aug rents. Het level determines the abilities available for her touse (see Table 1-6) In some cases, she can also use po points toinctease the poster af her lurk augment. The powe ofthe lurk augmen asts for { round or until the lurk's next sack. If that attack misses, that use is wast singa lark augment is a swiftaction, When poweringan lgment with power points, a kirk cannot spend more total power points than her uri level on any single lurk augrnent. Alutlecan tse her hurley day equal to her lurk leve At 10¢h level, a luck can choose two augments from the list in the same swift action. Both augments count against het daily total. The total power points spent on the augments is stillimited to her manifescer level. For example, an 1ith-level lurk could eho solid strike in her attack, and spend a total of 11 power points between the ewo abilities At 18th level, a Jud list in the sare swift a her daily limi nents total number of times per her Int modifier toincludeamentalassaultand n choose three augments from the n, which counts as three against ‘The total power points spent is stil limited to her manifester level Adil Alt: The lurl’s nextattack dealsan extra te points of damage from asneak attack. For every 2 power points spent, rhis damage increases by td points, The attack rustbe one to which sneak attack damage applies. Minimum level ts ‘Unfacusing Strike make a Will sav its psionic Accreature hit by the lurk’s attack must 1g throw (DC 10 + Int modifier) or lose cus in addition to raking the damage from the Tao Tos Hir Die: 06 ve 1-5: THe Luex Base Power Attack Fort Ref will Points/ Powers Maximum Power Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Day Known Level Known Ist 40. 4042 42 Lurkaugment a 1 1st 2nd 41 4043 +3 Psionic sneak attack +146 2 2 Ist Bd 42 immense. 3 3 Ist ath 43 Hoge 5 4 2nd sth 43 weet 7 5 2nd 6h +4 324555 Initiative boost 1 6 2nd Ith 45 4245.45) Psionic sneak attack +206 Peoanaatt 3rd Bth 46/31 24646 ~» 8 3rd 9th 46/41 34646 Evasion ar) 3rd TOth 47/42 434747 Lurk augment (two at once) 2710 ath mth 43/83 Bo 3 0On 4th lath 49/24 44348 Psionic sneak attack +346 4 2 4th ith 49/4 a aS 1. 8B sth Vth 10/45 sh 4g ag so Sth Sth 46/21 454949 Slippery mind a 5 Sth Teh s27f7e2 $10 316 6th Vth 312/5752 45-410 -HO Psonic sneak attack +446 a” 6th Vth 13/68/3446 =T—4T1_—_Lurkeaugment (three at once) 1038 6th Ih aA Ea A m9 th 20th HAS/HIOPHS 46D ww 20 ath Class Skills (4+ Int modifier per level, x4 at 1st level}: Autohypnosis, Gluff, Climb, Concentrations, Craft, Disguise, Escape Astist, Hide, Jump, Knowledge (psionics) Listen, Move Silently, Profession, Psicrafi®, Sleight of Hand, Spot, Swim, Tumble, Use Psionic Oevice*. See the Player's Handbook for standard skil descriptions. *See skills in Chapter 3: Skils in Expanded Psionics Handbook Le 1=6: LURK AUGMENTS ay LEVEL Minimum Level Ability Ist ‘Addltonal sneak attack Ist Unfocusing strike 3rd Solid strike Bid Stunning attack sth Ignore concealment Sth Mental assault ath Deceptive strike ath Reach attack ath Snesk attack undead Mth Ghost touch Mth Power drain Mth Aligned attack Math Sneak attack constructs \ath Stygian weapon Mh Planar attack 17th Synaptic disconnect 20th Greater power drain attack. For every 2 power points spent, the DC increases by 1. Minimum level ist. Solid Strike: The lurk’s attack deals an extra 2 points of damage. For every power point spent, the damage increases by 1, Minimum level 3d Slunning Aitac: A creature hit by the lurk’s attack must smakea Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + lurks Int modifier ot bbe stunned for 1 round in addition to taking the damage from the attack. For every 2 power points spent, the DC increases by {Minimum level 3rd gore Conceslment: The lck’s next attack ignores the miss chance provided by concealment or total concealment. The lurk must still atack the correce square when attacking an invisible creature, Minimum level 5th Mental Assault: The lurk’s next attack deals 2 points of either Intelligence or Wisdom damage in adeltion to its normal damage. The lurk chooses which type of ability «damage todeal when activating the power. For every 2 power points spent, the ability damage increases by 1. Minimum level sth Deceptive Strike: The target ofthe lk’s next atack is denied his Dexterity bonus to AC for thatattack, This ability works against a target with uncanny dodge, but only ifthe lutk’s class level is t least four levels higher than the targer’seffee- tive rogue level. Minimum level 8th Sneale Attack Undead: The lurk's sneak attack ean damage undead creatures, if sneak attack damage would otherwise apply on the luri’s atack (for instance, if the undead is flanked or la-footed). Minimum level 8th Ghust Touch: The lurk’s next attack ean strike incorporeal creatures, asifher weapon had the ghost touch special ability Minimum level 11th, Power Drain: The jurk’s next attack drains a number of power points from the targec equal half the damage dealt. Drained power points are available for the lurk to use in the following round, but expire atthe end of her next turn. Minimum level 11th Aligned Attack: The lurk’ next artack is treated as either good-aligned or evilaligned (depending on the lurk’s alignment forthe purpose of overcoming damage reduc tion, A neutral lurk can choose either good or evil when she activates this ability. Minimum level 11th. Sneal Atta Constructs The hurk’s sneak attack can damage constructs, if sneak attack damage would otherwise apply on the lurk’s attack (for instance, ifthe construct is lanked or flacfooted). Minimum level 14h, Stygian Weapon: A creature struck by the lurk's next attack gains 1d4 negative levels for 1 round, as the stygian weapon psionic power presented on page 102. For every 4 power points spent, the duration ofthe negative levels is increased by 1 round. Minimum level 14ch Planar Attack: The lurk’s next attack deals an extra 26 points of damage to either good or evil ereatures (Lut choice). For every power point spent, the damage by 146 points. Minimum level 17th. ‘Synaptic Disconnect: A creature struck by the lusk’s next attack cannot cast spells, manifest powers, or use spellike ot psidike abilities for t round unless it succeeds on « Will save (DC 10+ lurk’s Int modifien For every 2 power points spent, the DC increases by 1. Minimum level 17th Grenier Power Din; The lurk’ next attack drains @ number cof power points from the target equal ro the damage dealt by the attack. Drained power points are available for the lurk to use in the following round, but expire a the end of her next turn, Minimum level 20th Psionic Sneak Attack (Ex): While psionically ocused,a lurk can steke a vital spot for extra damage ifshe attacks an ‘opponent while he is unable to defend himself effectively Thisis identical to the sneak attack ability of the rogue (PH 50), exceprthe damage only applies when the lurk maintains psionic focus. SSneakattack damage and psionic sneak attack damage stack, whenever both would apply to the sume target. Initiative Boost (Ex): At th level and higher, a lurk can add her Intelligence bonus om her initiative checks Evasion (Ex): At 9th level and higher, a lurk can avoid even magical and unusual atacks with great agility as per the rogue ability. [f she makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on successful save, she instead takes no damage Slippery Mind (Ex): Ar tsth level and higher if lurk affected by an enchantment spell or eflect fails her saving throw, she can attempt it again 1 round later at the same DC. She gets only one extra chance to succeed on her saving thro. PLAYING A LURK A lurk sets out to locate and eliminate those who must be removed from the world according to the code she follows, Some presume to slay every instance of true eviljothers work on commission. All seek to exercise thei abilities to grow 10 even greater levels of power. Religion: Some lurks are quite religious, and in fact emtwine their personal code with the dictate oftheir deit slaying those who oppose religious truths. Other lurks ha codes that compel them to stamp out religious organizations where they have become so powerful aso potentially balloon ito a theocracy. Other Classes: Lurks particularly enjoy working with those who can provide a front line offense, giving them chance to come upon a foe unnoticed. Likewise, those who can heal her if she becomes wounded are looked upon kindly. In fact, lurks enjoy working with any class (or individual) that doesn’t hinder them in the execution of their code. Combat: lurk rarely seeks to initiate combar—instead she skulls about, looking foran opportunity to strike swiftly, applying her lurk augments to their greatest advantage. higher levels, she cam tailor her attacks to her chosen tage sing combinations of augments and powers to defeat her foes ‘Advancement: As a psionic character, «lurk can benefi from many pstonic feats, such as Psionic Weapon (EPH 50) or Deep Impact (EPH.45). Those feats require expending her psionic focus, however, which in turn precludes the luk from using her focused sneak artack ability. hurk can perhaps benefit more if she takes feats that require her to maintain her focus, such as Speed of Thought or Psionic Dodge ‘A lurk can also choose from her list of powers as she advances in level. Good choices inclade powers that add ro hher AC (such as defensive pracogntion), powers that enhance he ability to skulk (such as chameleon)and powers tharallow her to avoid damage (such as evade burs) Elan Lurk Starting Package ‘Armor: Studded leather (+3 AC, armor check penalty 1, speed 30 ft, 20 Ib), Heavy wooden shield (+2 AC, armor check penalty to tb) ‘Weapons: Longsword (148, crit 19 handed, slashing). Shortbow (id6, crit x3, range ine. 60 ft, 2 Ib, piercing). ‘a number of skills equal to 4 + [ne 20/s 4 Ib, one ‘Armor Check stil Ranks Ability Penalty Autohypnosis 4 Wis Concentration 4 Con Escape Artist 4 Dex Listen 4 wis Move Silently 4 Dex Spot 4 wis limb 4 Ste Jump 4 Str Tumble 4 Dex Use Psionic Device 4 cha Swim 4 Str 4 Ride (ec) 2 Dex — intimidate (ec) 2 cha = ch (ce) 2 Int = Feat: Psionic Weapon. Gear: Backpack with warerskin, one day’s trail rations, bedvoll, sack, and flint and steel. Quiver with 20 arrows. Gold: sds gp. types who wish fo acquire psionic abilities, Prestige elasses itrodiiced in this chaprer include the ebon saint, who seeks co use his subtle expose the secrets of his enemies; the ectopic adept, whose ability cqform and mold astral con- the anarchic initiate, who revels in the chaotieflowet pure psionic energies: the storm dis the manifestation ofher deity, rhe fs psychic, who has discovered the corrupringinfluence the iline soul, whose ability become sitffused with positive energy; the soulbow, who launches his mind blade great distances; and the zerth cenobite, who knows the secre hidden by time Psiopic ability naturally leads characters down odd and sometimes frightening roads, Prestige classes offering abilities and features that characters cannot acquite i other way serve asthe best representation of some of the unusual paths ‘If you are interested in a prestige class, examine its ent requirenients carefully. Most af the classes this book have stringent requirements that require several levels of careful advancement © achieve. Thinlcabout what ort of psionic character you are trying to build. The prestige classes found in this chapter are described below in broad terms that can | help you to narrow your choices descrip Student energies Dif strike master 2 Astral constructor extraordinaire Flayerspawn psychie “Embracing ilithid heritage Hlurmine soul Soulbow Storm disciple Zerth cenodite Mind blades of postive Use mind blades at great range Fervent ardent who laves storms Kenaivs the secrets time conceals TTTATE ‘epite iis fervent, bling nate, raw emotion is nothing compared to the raw caos of zal, physical ana —Embersage Fenvillow ‘the anaselhc initiate is more than a wilder; he is on initiate tothe truth thac undedlies the wildness in ‘Wildes i nor merely a psy sr itisan aspect ofcosmalogy terized by she enttoplcretlm of Lib m of uiter randomness. By recognizing this Tink, an inicate slowly learns to synchronize the ‘wild outbursts of his own mind with natural swells f thereby achieving even greater heights of psionic mastery aceording to the tides of chance and uncertainty. By coupling his psionic efforts ‘with the swells of planar movement, an ansrchic OML YALdVHO Wns by 7. Hodson initiate cannot only touch chaos, but draw itthrough jako When you attempt chaotic surge, the benefi(and poren- the real world. A true master can even learn to puncture a tial enervation) of a standard wild surge is unchanged. In hole ditectly into Limbo. aaditiontothese effects, whenever you attempra wild surge : ‘you can choose to infuse the surge with the boiling pos- BECOMING AN ANARCHIC INITIATE sibility of real chaos. All variable numeric effects of a power The wilder class provides characters both the proper frame successfully manifested with a chaotic surge are altered by of mind and the wild surge class feature,and thusisthe most a variable amount standard beginning foranarchic initiates. The prestige class _-Acharacter with the Overchannel featinstead ofthe wild also draws those who, through natural talent oradesire to surge ability can also benefit from chaotic surge. The ability live on the edge, have learned ro channel psionic powerto _functionsas described above, except youcan activate it when great effect ata cost to their own boties using Overchannel. The benefits of Overchannel (and the ‘Since anatchie initiates arestillconcerned with manifest- damage you take from it) are unchanged ing powers, very few initiates multiclass (aside fromthe levels _ Roll dro determine the result,aeconding o the follow- they take in their original class), because few desire wo lose ing table. any levels of manifesting sbility % Result rey REQUINEMENTS 7-250 None ‘gmt: Ary chet 2-50 ‘Minus 0% Sui: Knowledge (psionic) 8 ranks, Knowledge (the S73, Pus 30% planes) Barks 76-100 Double Space: Wid nuge ae fete or Overchanna fet. The variable numeric change from the chaotic surge is CLASS FEATURES . + calculated after the powers level is adjusted for the base effect ofthe wild surge or Overchannel, Once the effective level of the power is determined, i is modified according tothe table. ‘A result of none means the power ranifests normally (but taking into ac count the wild surge or Overchannel) ‘result of minus 50% meansall variable numeric effects of the power function at half normal level, rounding down. A re- sult ofplus 50% means thar ll variable numeric effects of the powerare increased by one-half (much asif the power had been altered with the Empower Pow erfeat). A result of double means allvariable numeric effects of the powerare maximized, asiffby the Maximize Power feat. For the purposes of feats that modify potential downsides of psyehie enervation, a chaotic surge counts as a wild surge. ‘Anarchic Grace (Su): Ar 2nd level, you more fully accept the random nature of reality. ‘Once per day, you can tap into this randomness to make your movements and posture unpredictable. This effect results in attackers having a 20% miss chance on all their attacks. Even true ‘ering and similar effects cant offer this ability. Activating the effect isa free action, and i lasts for a number of rounds equal to your class level. When ic ends, you are automatically treated as if enecvated ‘Wild Surge (Su): As you continue to gain levels, you improve your wild surge ability. Your wild surge improves at 3rd level and again at 7th level. The Anarehic initiates devote them selves notto conquering the ioe within ther nis, bart subsuming them selves within it and, by doingso enhancing thelr connection to the ana chy within the universe a.a whole until they can bring forth elma chaos atwill All of the fellows ing are class fearures of the anarchic tats pre tige eas Powers Known: Ate erylevel you gain adtional power pots per day an Increase in manifeser level and acces to new powers a if you had also ued level in whatever Eifasting clas to thich youbelongelbefore adding the prestige clasleve You do not, howeven gainiany other benefit a racter ofthat class would have tiined. Ifyou had more than onemaniestingclsss before becoming an an archic inte, you must decide ro which caso add each level forthe purpose of determining power points per day powers know, abd manifeste level Chaotic Surge(Su): You embrace 4 erie nit expand or pa the chaog that underlies bth your “rng br conection chs wn turbulent ind and that of reality itself Whenever you atempt a wild surge, you can fotiicmereatupackett np.

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