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Most great people have achieved their greatest success just one step beyond their
greatest failure.

The Documentary of Jack Ma is very inspirational to all people who want to become

successful and to be an entrepreneur. I am very inspired by what he said in the

documentary because it encourages young people to think wisely how to cope with all

the challenges that they might encounter. “Any mistake is a wonderful revenue to you”

this is one of Jack Ma’s encouraging statements for me it’s because it enlightens my

mind to be open to all the failures that I might face or encounter while achieving my

goals in life, he also said that before twenty (20) you need to be a good student, you

don’t need to rush everything because success has a systematic or it has a process to

follow as long you are devoted and determined to your goals you will achieve it

successfully. You cannot build a business if you do not have experience and learning

about it because it only costs extra money and effort to you, he said you need to apply

and find a good boss that will teach you differently. Belief and confident are one’s

capacity and competency to become a successful person.

“Being an entrepreneur you have to do the things before other people do, you have to

wake up before other people do, you have to be more brave than others” this statement

is very open eye for everyone is because you need to work by yourself do not depend

on others because at last only you can save and support yourself on the trials that you

might encounter.
Being an Entrepreneur, you need to set up your mindset positively because it might

affect the focus that yourself needed. Do not discourage on what others think of you, do

not think of giving up when you get a fail because failure makes us stronger and more

successful. Make enough mistake and don’t worry to fail.

Don’t worry about money, money follows the people, people should follow dreams.

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