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Technology Position Statement

I promote the use technology to empower students to reach new levels of complex
technological understanding. Technology is used as a tool within education as an essential
resource for student engagement and interactive learning systems. I am committed to developing
effective and socially responsible online digital citizens. Students will understand how to manage
their online lives in an appropriate and ethical formate. My students are well versed in the
development of their 21st Century skills. These skills include the ability to understand
technological coding, how to create well-manicured presentations, and differentiating between
reliable and unreliable information sources online. Technology is use in the classroom to
promote collaboration between peers, to ensure everyone moves forward as a team, with both a
shared vision for equitable experiences and outcomes, and with the support to realize that vision.
Creativity is equally important as collaboration within educational technology. This skill
empowers students to see concepts in a different light, which leads to innovation. I
use assessment data to guide progress and communicate with students, parents, and education
stakeholders to build student self-direction. For example, A2i formative and summative
assessment data is used to inform instruction. When students have areas of need to work within I
assign the student with an intervention team as well as work with that child's parent to best
support them in their areas of need. Additionally, I design authentic learning activities that align
with content area standards and use digital tools and resources to maximize active, deep learning
for my students. Students are provided with digital tools to maximize their educational
experience and to prepare them for an ever changing technological world. My goal is for all
students to articulate and set personal learning goals; develop strategies leveraging technology to
achieve them; and reflect on the learning process itself to improve learning outcomes.

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