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As I watched the movie the count of Monte cristo, the life of Edmund Dantes

and Jose Rizal are almost the same.For instance, when Edmund Dantes was
accused for treason, arrested, and he was imprisoned in the Cheteau d’if. And for
Dr. Jose Rizal he was accused for rebellion, sedition and illegal association by
the Spanish government because for them dr. Jose Rizal was leading a
revolution towards them but dr. Jose Rizal just wants equality to the Spaniards
and Filipino people, he was also imprisoned in Dapitan for almost four (4) years
as also Edmund Dantes. Also, I observed that Edmund Dantes enemies were
high ranking people, which also the same with dr. Jose Rizal, his enemies were
also working from the government.

I also noticed that the story of the count of Monte cristo is almost the same as
the novel that dr. Jose Rizal wrote, the Noli me Tangere and the El Filibusterismo.
Which Edmund Dantes turns as the count of Monte cristo, same as Crisostomo
Ibarra turns into Simoun, both of the characters want to have revenge to those
who wronged them and wants to have justice. So on and forth of the story is that
Edmund Dantes also known as the count of Monte cristo served justice to his self
and cleaned his name but for our national hero dr. Jose Rizal was sentenced to
death because he was accused by the friars and the Spanish government of the
things that he did not do. Still, both of them have a happy ending, when Edmund
Dantes realized that revenge is not the way to have a happy heart and for dr.
Jose Rizal ,the Filipino took an inspiration of his works and becomes an eye
opener to them and decided to have a revolution towards the Spaniards and in
the end we have the freedom that we wanted for so many years after the
Spaniard invade us.

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