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I learned how a patient needs a friendly nurse who can help him do little things like preparing
food and feeding him. a patient also needs a patient who can provide peace by listening to his
complaints not always busy with others

2. Mr. Winston complained about Nurse Jones being unfriendly, always busy, unable to help
Mr. Winston always talk about Mr. Wiston to other patients, not caring about Mr. Winsto.
Nurse Jones let Mr. Winston not pay attention to whether he had shaved or washed or had

3. Section 3
a. Adls what patients need is when eating it is necessary to prepare the food to be fed. when
bathing it is necessary to prepare the bathing necessities and need daily activities so that
patients are not bored and quickly forget what they have done

b. Mr. Winston's son complained when he came to the hospital his father looked pensive
unshaven and his breakfast was still lying on the table Mr. Winston's son realized that his
father was uncomfortable being there and was very confused

c. Nurse Jones does his work with a heavy heart and is not as serious as being forced

d. Ms. Hynd asked to investigate the case of her father, as if abandoned

e. If you really want to be a nurse never discriminate against patients because each patient is
at the same meeting. Provide comfort and give more attention because basically patients
need comfort so it is easy to recover

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