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 Ra03 blood relationship


2. 2. Relations of Paternal Side • Father’s father  Grand Father • Father’s mother  Grand Mother •
Father’s brother / Husband of Aunt Uncle • Father’s sister / Wife of Uncle  Aunt • Children of
Uncle / Aunt  Cousin
3. 3. Relations of Maternal Side • Mother’s father  Maternal grand father • Mother’s mother  Maternal
grand mother • Mother’s brother  Maternal Uncle • Mother’s sister  Aunt • Children of Maternal
Uncle  Cousin • Wife of maternal uncle – Maternal Aunt.
4. 4. BLOOD RELATIONS • Mother's or Father's son:Brother. • Mother's or Father's daughter : Sister •
Mother's or Father's brother : Uncle • Mother's of Father's sister : Aunt • Mother's or Father's mother :
Grandmother • Mother's or Father's Father : Grand father. • Son's Wife : Daughter-in-law • Daughter's
husband : Son-in-law.
5. 5. • Husband's or Wife's brother : Brother -in-law • Husband's or Wife's sister : Sister-in-law. •
Brother's or Sister's Son : Nephew • Brother's or sister's Daughter : Niece. • Uncle or aunts son or
daughter : Cousin. • Sister's husband : Brother-in-law • Brother's wife : Sister-in-law
6. 6. • Grand father's only son : Father • Grand mother's only son : Father • Grand father's son : Father or
Uncle. • Grand mother's Son : Father or Uncle. • Grand father's only daughter-in-law : Mother • Grand
mother's only daughter-in-law : Mother
7. 7. Great Nephew and Niece • The grandson and granddaughter respectively of one's own or one's
spouse's (partner) brother or sister.
8. 8. • Aunt : Grandparent's sister or grandparent's brother's wife. • Uncle : Grandparent's brother or
grandparent's sister's husband.
9. 9. • E.g.1 : Pointing to a person, a man said to a women, 'His mother is the only daughter of your
father'', How was the women related to the person? • (1)Aunt (2)Mother (3) Wife (4) Daughter (5)
None of these. • Only Daughter of women's father • women itself
10. 10. Suggested Method for questions like THIS • In questions of this type, what is required is to
establish the relationships among the members of a whole family and not between two persons as in
E.g. 1. such question can be easily solved by drawing a family tree dragram. • Drawing a family tree. •
(a) Vertical or diagonal lines should be used to represent parent- child relationships. • (b) A double
horizontal line ( like ) should be used to represent marriages. • (c) a dashed line should be used to
represent brother or sister relationships. • (d) Put a + sign before someone who is a male and a - sign
before some one who is a female. • (e) Whenever something is not known put a? mark or some
symbol (x, y, z, @, $ ......)
11. 11. • For example, consider the following diagram • The above diagram tells as that • (i) B and D are a
couple, D is the husband • while B is the wife. • (ii) B has a brother A. • (iii) The couple, B and D
have three children F, E and G. (Note : Apart from vertical or diagonal lines, son or daughter are also
easily established if two persons are connected be dashed lines. Also Note that • E is the brother of F
even though there is no dashed line, but they have the same root.) • Of three children E is male, G is
female, but the sex of F is not known. • (iv) C and G are a couple, C is the husband and G is the wife. •
They have one child H whose sex is not known
12. 12. Points to be Noted : (i) It is advisable to being with a sentence that gives information about parent-
child relationship. • Grandfather-grandmother relationships and brother-sister relatioships should be
touched later. (ii) Try your best that you do not draw a new diagram for every new information that
you read. • Instead, try to 'add' to the existing diagram on reading a new information.
13. 13. • In a family, there are six members A, B,C, D, E, and F. A and B are a married couple, A being
the male member. D is the only son of C, who is the brother of A. E is the sister of D. B is the
daughter-in-law of F, whose husband has died. 1. How is F related to A? • 1) Mother (2) Sister-in-law
(3) Sister (4) Mother-in-law (5) None of these 2. How is E related to C? • (1) Sister (2) Daughter (3)
Cousin (4) Mother (5) None of these 3. Who is C to B ? • (1) Brother (2) Brother-in-law (3) Son-n-law
(4) Nephew (5) None of these
14. 14. In a family, there are six members A, B,C, D, E, and F. A and B are a married couple, A being the
male member. D is the only son of C, who is the brother of A. E is the sister of D. B is the daughter-
in-law of F, whose husband has died. • We start with the 3rd sentence, since it given a parent-child
relationship. • The diagram is: • Now, we should look for a sentence that given information about A or
C or D, The second sentence is appropriate. Incorporating it into the diagram, we have • Now, we
incorporate the fourth sentence: • Finally, we incorporate the last sentence. Note that F must be a
female because her husband has died. [One who has/had a husband must be a female.]

Lives and Legends (Unit 3)


Bloomberg Aptitude Test (BAT) Analytical Reasoning


Time and work standard level

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Problems on ages
Veeraragavan Subramaniam

Percentage standard level

Veeraragavan Subramaniam

Partnership standard level

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Average standard level

Veeraragavan Subramaniam

 Ra01 data sufficiency

7. 7. • If you find the statement (i) alone is sufficient to answer the question do not blindly put
down • A and go on to the next problem. Look at statement (2) alone also. If (2) also is
sufficient, the • answer is “D”. • The Data Sufficiency questions usually have two types of
solutions. One, in which you are • required to determine only yes or no as the answer, and
other, in which a numerical solution • is required. For example,
8. 8. • Solution Type I • The Data Sufficiency questions which require only a „yes‟ or „no‟ as the
answer may appear • like: • Ø Is Binny taller than Sammy? • Ø Is Manu paying more than
she should? • Ø Is x > 0? • Ø Is interest paid to the bank in 5 years more than rs.6000? •
Solution Type II • The Data Sufficiency questions which require an actual numerical solution
may sound like: • Ø How tall is Binny? • Ø How much Manu is paying to her house-maid? • Ø
Determine the value of x? • Ø Calculate the interest earned by the bank on a loan of
rs.10000 @ 5% per annum for a • term of 2 years? • REMEMBER YOU SHOULD NOT
SUFFICIENT TO SOLVE THESE PROBLEMS. • You should review the basic concepts of
highschool algebra and plane geometry (upto +2 • level). You need not have advanced
mathematics background.
9. 9. • Examples: • How much change does Mahesh receive from a `.5 note? • (i) Mahesh buys
a total of 6 oranges at 50 paise each. . • (ii) Mahesh receives more than `.3 in change.
10. 10. • Look at (I). If Mahesh buys a total of 6 oranges at 50 paise each, it is easy to find how
much money Mahesh spends. There is no need to multiply 6 and 50 paise. We can easily
find the change from rs.5 note. • Statement (II) does not tell us anything definite so it cannot
be used to answer the question. • Thus Choice A is correct.
11. 11. • How many people are there at the party? • (i) The party has between 20 and 30 people.
• (ii) The number of the people at the party is a prime number between 24 and 30. (A prime
number cannot be divisible by another number except one and the same number).
12. 12. • Certainly statement (I) alone cannot answer the question. Now look at statement (II). •
The only prime number between 24 and 30 is 29. • Thus statement (II) alone is sufficient to
answer the question. • Thus Choice B is correct.
13. 13. • Is x + y positive? • (i) x3 = 20 y • (ii) y3 = -129
14. 14. • Look at statement (I). • This does not tell us anything about x + y. • Now, look at the
second statement (II). • This tells us that y is negative (since y3 is negative). • But this does
not answer our question. • However if y is negative according to statement (II), then
according to statement (I) x is also negative. Therefore x + y must be negative
15. 15. • The first statement implies that y2 > 38 • So statement (I) implies that y2 > 38.and we
have answered the question. • Now look at the statement (II). • If y = 7, then y2=49 and
certainly 49 > 37. • Thus statement (II) answers our question. Since both the statements (I)
and (II) answer our question by themselves, choice D is correct
16. 16. • What is the perimeter of the triangle ABC? • (i) Triangle ABC is a right triangle. • (ii) The
area of triangle ABC = 30.
17. 17. • Statement (I) alone certainly does not answer our question because the fact that a
triangle is a right triangle. Statement (II) tells us that the area is 30. • Statement (2) alone will
not tell us what the perimeter of the triangle is.Suppose we look at the statements (I) and (II)
together. • Let the sides of the right triangle be x , y ,z. where z is the hypotenuse. The area
of the triangle is ½ xy = 30 • We cannot determine the perimeter. So,Choice E is correct.
18. 18. • The ratio of the prices of three different types of cars is 3:2:5. Find the price of the car
of medium price. • A) The difference between the costliest and the cheapest cars is `.30,000.
• B) The Cheapest car costs `.20,000. • Ans: C
19. 19. DS – Ages • Find the age of Amar‟s Wife • A. Amar told Bhavan, “My wife is 24 years
older than your daughter. Your wife is 6 years older than my son.” • B. Bhavan told Amar, “
Your wife is as much older than my wife as 7 times the age of my daughter is more than your
son‟s age. • Sol: 4 Amar Bhavan Wife y + 24 x Son x – 6 y Given 7y – (x) = (y+24) – (x–6)
20. 20. DS - from CTS • How many visitors saw the exhibition yesterday? • I. Each entry pass
holder can take up to three persons with him / her. • II. In all, 243 passes were sold
yesterday. • Ans: E
21. 21. • How much was the total sale of the company? • I. The company sold 8000 units of
product A each costing Rs. 25. • II. The company has no other product line • Ans: D
22. 22. • In what proportion would Raj, Karan and Altaf distribute profit among them • I. Raj gets
two-fifth of the profit. • II. Karan and Althaf have made 75% of the total investment. • Ans: E
23. 23. • What time did the train leave today. • I. The train normally leaves on time • II. The
scheduled departure is at 14.30. • Ans: E.
24. 24. • On which day in January, Subhas left for Germany? • I. Subhas has so far spent 10
years in Germany. • II. Subhas friend Anil left for Germany on 15th February and joined
Subhas 20 days after Subhas arrival. • Ans: B.
25. 25. TYPE II • In each question, information concerning one or both of the quantities to be
compared is given in the item column. • Directions: For each of the following questions, two
quantities are given – one in column A and one in column B. Compare the two quantities and
mark your answer sheet with the correct conclusion. • Mark A if the quantity in column A is
greater. • Mark B if the quantity in column B is greater • Mark C if the two quantities are
equal. • Mark D if the relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

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