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Jhon Junard G. Alcansare .



Assessment on Learning 1

week 2


In my own understanding, measurement is refers to the process or an act of determining the quantity
or the quality of an objects or things. This process usually occur in different situations. For instance, a
person is measuring the mass or weight of an object, in this scenario the person use a unit of mass or
weight which is grams or kilograms as a tool for measurement. in school, usually teachers measures
students' performance based on what they observe. There are also 2 types of measurememt, the
objective and the subjective. Objective measurement, when we say objective it refers to what we
actually see on a certain object or performance that does not influenced by our personal feeling or
opinion. For me, objective measurement is something we determine or how we measure things the way
it was, no ather factors involved but only things the way it was. On the other hand subjective
measurement is a measurement which can be influenced by our personal feelings, tastes or opinions.
This measurement is depends on the person doing the process, it may be the way it was for me but to
the other person is not the same the way I perceived things but it is how he or she perceive things, ho
we perceive things based on our personal observation.

In order to measure learning is through assessment. As what I understand about the term
"assessment" is simply means the process on how a person measures the quality of learning acquired by
the individuals. A concrete example of this is during classroom discussion and examination. After a
period of discussion, the teachers usually gives a test or activity related to what lesson they've been
tackled as a form of assessment.

After the assessment, here comes the evaluation. In schools, usually the teachers do the evaluation on
the performance of the students. This process happens after the assessment, teachers give feedback or
comments about the student's performance or student's result on a particular assessments given.
Feedback may include the negative and the positive side of the performance.

These are my own understanding about our lesson for this week which are the term measurement,
assessment and evaluation. These processes are very important to most institutions especially in school
institutions beacause these are the factors affecting the effectivity of the school curriculum.

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