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Group: Work To Goal (WTG)


Sok Panha

Phann Sopheaktra

Heng Vutha

Hul Sophalen

Hong Menglida

Topic: Why do people read and write blogs?

People read and write blogs because

+ People want to connect: Sometimes this means they want to connect by interacting with you, leaving
comments or tweeting with you.

+ People are interested in People: People read blogs for the personal touch the blog offers over a
magazine, newspaper or advert.

+ People are curious: Blog readers are fascinated by glimpses into different lifestyles, homes, hobbies
and points of view. Blogs offer insight into every day lives, how it feels to be that person, and live that

+ People like to know they’re not alone: Sharing your stories helps people to realise that lots and lots of
people across the globe experience something similar.

+ People like to improve: Blogs are the perfect place for learning from others.

+ People like to escape: A blog that entertains or amuses is a great way to make a person stop, put the
kettle on and escape the daily grind for a few minutes.

In additionally, Blogs are extremely useful, both to the writer and the reader. The writer may have a lot
of knowledge to share, and the reader may want an informal way to learn about a topic. Some people
use blogs to find other people with similar problems, issues or situations

Blogging is an excellent way to keep your writing skills sharp.  It’s also a great way to interact with
people by posting on forums, discussion lists, networks & other larger social media sites, such as twitter
& facebook, to educate, advocate & learn.

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