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Daily Test

Name :
Class :
Fill in the blanks with the right words!(1-5)

1. ….. (We/ours) plan to visit Singapura next year.

2. …..(They/Them told me that they sent me e-mail to each other every day.
3. I am going to introduce…(she/her) to one of my pen pals in Thailand.
4. I have a pen pal. ….(My/mine) pen pal is very kind.
5. This is my book. This book is….(mine/my).
6. Construct a sentence by using objective pronouns!
7. Construct a sentence by using possesive pronouns!
8. What is the meaning of compliments?
9. You visit your friend’s house for the first time. (Give your compliments) !
10. Your friend has a new T-shirt.(Give your compliments)!
11. Firda is showing a very nice drawing. Tio compliments Firda. Firda responds to the
12. Wayan is wearing a new pair of shoes. Angelina compliments Wayan. Wayan
responds to the compliment.
13. Construct one example of giving complement and how to respond that compliments

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