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| This chapler focuses on the basic parts of fixed wing ground. An aircraft “needs aircratt ike jets and aimlanas strong. tiras to support its The wings on the fuselage weigh. create lift. The pilot sits in the oct fixed wing airratt get their Cockpit towards the nose power from turbine engines drive the aircraft along the Important stabilzers on the tall mall planes requiring moderate keep the aircraft steady. Reelin hanno Below the fuselage is the faster jets, on tho other hand, landing gear. This part usually usually need more powerful gas has wheels sv the pilul vant turbines, @ Before you read the passage, talk about these questions. 11 What aro some of the parte of a fixed wing aircraft? 2 What part of an aipplane is involved in landing? 5 tuselage 2 — tire 6 — turboprop vo 3 — nose 7 _ landing gear "g 4 _ tuibine engine Read the textbook chapter on parts of an aircraft. Then, mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F). the central part of an aircraft's body fn engine that uses a propeller fur Unust 1 — Aplane’s wings attach to the fuselage the front part of an aircraft A DB c 2 __ The nose has stabilizers to keep an aircraft De rear ol eu ecel E F 6 steady. «rubber pert around a wheel 3 Tubuprups are less appropriate for lage, an engine that uses exhaust for propulsion fast jots. a structure supporting aircraft while not in fig the senlenve that uses the underlined part ‘The plane needs wheels to land safely B Ihe damaged tire caused the pilot to lose control during flight 2. A Aiplanes and jets aro examples of fixed wing aircraft. B.A jot gote ite propulcion from the fuselage. 3. A The cockpit is usually located at the tall of an aircraft. B Wings provide the lit needed for a plane to fly. © @ Listen and read the textbook chapter on parts of an airoraft again. Why does an aircraft need strong tires? Listening @ G@ Listen to a conversation between a pilot and a co-pilot. Choose the correct answers. - 4. What ie tho purpose af the canvarsation? A to explain an accident on the runway B to discuss damage to an aircraft © to give instructions for repairing a wheel D to reprimand the crew for a poor landing 2 What wil the pilot likely do next? ‘A. get ready tor takeott practice landing B examine the wheels order new tires @ @ Listen again and complete the conversation. Pilot: Jame, are we ready tor 1 7 Oo Co-pilot: Almost, Gien. But Im concemed about 2 finitions Pilot: 2 Co-pilot: Really? Whats 9 It looks a little crooked. | think we damaged it 4 yesterday. Pilot: Oh, | remember. That was 5 Co-pilet: | dont think our tires were 6 to handle that. Pilot: Hmm. Weld better take a look al il before we get startod. Speaking © With a partner, act out the roles below based on Task 7. Then switch roles. Im concemed about i | think we damaged it when Wea verter .. berore we. ‘Student A: You are a pilot. Talk to Student B about: ‘© damage to an aircraft part © the cause of the damage © action required Student B: You are a co-pilot. Talk to Student A about damage to an alreramt par. Writing © Use the conversation from Task 8 to complete the pilot's damage report. ales) Damage Report Airerat: JetWing 579 Part damaged: Cause of damage: replace damaged part? Y / N

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