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Taller de ingles


Karen Lorena Restrepo Toro



Colombia, Tuluá Valle del Cauca
Abril, 30 de 2020

Hello, how are you? I hope very well, my name is Karen Restrepo and I am 14 years old, I was
born in Tuluá Valle, on May 1, I live with my parents and my sister, I have a brother who lives in
Cali with his wife and my nephew I have 2 puppies and they are like my little brothers, I love
them very much.

I study at the gymnasium of the Pacific school, I like that school a lot, I am not the best student,
but I am doing well, my favorite subject is English since I really like English and I practice it
daily reading and listening to it, I would like to learn it well and in the future teach other people

My favorite hobby is listening to music while doing sports or doing my homework, if I don't
listen to music I feel like I'm not concentrating, I would like to go to many rock concerts since
I'm a fan of this genre. I do not like to stay at home all the time, I am going out a lot to walk
either alone with friends, I feel that this way I free myself a lot.

Well this was my brief introduction, bye.


complete the following sentences with a posessive adjective or a possessive pronoun.

1. William lost (his) pen.Will you please lend him(yours)?

2. I was on time for__MY___Class, But Helen was late for__hers______.

3. They Have ___THEIR_______methods of travel, and we have___ours_______.

4. We Naturally prefer____OUR______Methods, and they naturally


5. I found____MY____Notebook, but John couldn't find___HIS________.

6. They think that____THEIR______home is the prettiest on the blook, and we


7. I left____MY_______pen at home. May I borrow____YOURS______for a moment?

8. He drives to work in____HIS______car, and she drives to work in ___HERS______.

9. Tell William not to forget to bring ____HIS______tennis racket, and don't forget to

10. They swim in ____THEIR____pool, and we swin in__OURS_________.

11. I have _____MY_______vacation in june, and Helen has_____HERS______in july.

12. I found ______MY_________umbrella, but Helen couldn't find_____HERS______.

13. We were late for___OUR_______class, and Helen and grace were also late

14. John enjoys____HIS____work, and I enjoy____MINE________.

15. Each student in the school has____ITS______own desk and____________.

16. I borrowed money from all_____MY_______friends, but Helen refused.

17. We have a television set in______OUR____bedroom, and the boys have another set
18. Where are you going on____YOUR_____ vacation? i hope to spend____MINE_______in

19. They have_____THEIR______ideas on such matters, and we have_____OURS_________.

20. We spend_____OUR_____money in on way; they spend____THEIRS______in another


In the following sentences, substitute the posessive pronoun for the words in italics.
1. This pen is my pen.
(this pen is mine.)
2. These seats are our seats.
(these seats are ours)
3. This umbrella is her umbrella.
(this umbrella is hers)
4. These pencils are your pencils.
(these pencils are yours)
5. That fountain pen is my fountain pen.
(that fountain pen is mine)
6. That Overcoat is his overcoat.
(that overcoat is his)
7. These cigarettes seem to be your cigarretes; they are not my cigarettes.
(these cigarettes seem to be yours, they are not mine)
8. I believe this pen is her pen; it is not my pen.
(I believe this pen is hers, it is not mine)
9. is this notebook your notebook or John's?
(is this notebook yours or John's?)
10. Is this package of cigarettes your package of cigarettes or william's?
( is this package of cigarettes yours or william's?)
11. This pair of scissors is her pair of scissors?
(this pair of scissors is hers?)
12. These seats are their seats; they are not our seets.
(these seats are theirs, they are not ours)
13. This book is your book; the one over there on the desk is my book.
(this book is yours, the one over there on the desk in mine)
14. He drives his car to work every day and i drive my car.
( he drives his car to work every day and I drive mine)
15. You take care of your things and I'll take care of my things.
(you take care of your thins and I take care of mine)

16. Their home is pretty but our home is prettier.

(their home is pretty but ours is prettier)
17.His pronunciation is bad, and my pronunciation is too.
(his pronunciation is bad, and mine is too)
18. His car was expensive but your car was more expensive.

(his car was expensive, but yours more expensive)

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