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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Review Article

Edward W. Campion, M.D., Editor

Complications of Unsafe and Self-Managed

Lisa H. Harris, M.D., Ph.D., and Daniel Grossman, M.D.​​

hen abortion is legally restricted or otherwise inaccessi- From the Department of Obstetrics and
ble, girls, women, and those who care about them look outside formal Gynecology and the Department of
Women’s Studies, University of Michigan,
medical care to end pregnancies.1 Worldwide, people increasingly choose Ann Arbor (L.H.H.); and the Department
misoprostol or a combination of mifepristone and misoprostol to end pregnancies of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Repro-
on their own (referred to as self-managed abortion).2-4 These medications are ductive Sciences, Advancing New Stan-
dards in Reproductive Health (ANSIRH),
safer and more effective than older, invasive techniques of self-managed abortion, and the Bixby Center for Global Repro-
and patients who have used these medications may be clinically indistinguishable ductive Health, University of California,
from those who have had uncomplicated spontaneous pregnancy loss.1-5 Similarly, San Francisco, San Francisco (D.G.). Ad-
dress reprint requests to Dr. Harris at
patients with complications of self-managed medication-induced abortion and ­lhharris@​­med​.­umich​.­edu.
those with complications of miscarriage may have identical clinical presentations.
N Engl J Med 2020;382:1029-40.
As U.S. abortion laws become increasingly restrictive, people will decide to end DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra1908412
pregnancies without clinical supervision. Health care providers must become fa- Copyright © 2020 Massachusetts Medical Society.

miliar with the normal course of self-managed abortion with medications and its
rare complications, as well as complications of unsafe methods. This review pro-
vides the information clinicians need to prepare for an increasingly restrictive legal
climate for abortion. Ultimately, we conclude that appropriate care is centered on
two clinical concepts. First, because medication-induced abortion and spontane-
ous abortion are clinically similar processes, care can usually be given without
knowledge of whether the abortion is self-managed or spontaneous. Second, be-
cause medication-induced abortion is safe, many patients who seek care will re-
quire only confirmation that their abortion is complete or outpatient intervention
for incomplete abortion. In contrast, those using unsafe methods may need life-
saving critical care for sepsis, hemorrhage, pelvic-organ injury, or toxic exposures.
The hallmark of skilled care in this new era will be judicious use of intervention
in most cases and readiness for aggressive treatment when needed.
Appropriate care also involves understanding that women’s legal safety — their
risk of prosecution — may be the biggest threat to their well-being. Seven states
criminalize self-managed abortion, and 24 others have laws that can be inter-
preted as doing so.6 However, no state mandates that health care providers report
suspected or confirmed self-managed abortion, including for minors.6 Indeed,
reporting may violate patients’ privacy rights and result in penalties for those who
report. Reporting is also problematic because caregivers are more likely to report
women of color and low-income women than white or affluent women in similar
circumstances.7 When patients present with bleeding in pregnancy and caregivers
involve the police, patients may face detention and prosecution, regardless of
whether they induced the abortion.

B ackground
Before 1973, when abortion was illegal in most U.S. states, approximately 800,000
illegal abortions took place annually, although the clandestine nature of illegal

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

abortion makes enumeration imprecise.8 As ac- States, at least for now, 2 to 7% of patients seek-
cess to legal abortion increased after Roe v. Wade, ing this service report efforts to self-induce abor-
morbidity and mortality from illegal abortion tion.26,27 They do so for a variety of reasons, includ-
declined by a factor of nearly 8.9 Similar precipi- ing those related to privacy, cost, distance from
tous declines in mortality occurred with the legal- clinics, and a preference for self-managed care.28
ization of abortion in Romania and South Africa.10 Not all methods of self-managed abortion are
Before U.S. legalization of abortion, some effective or safe. Women in the United States
women found relatively safe methods of self- report using herbs, including rue, sage, St. John’s
managed abortion; others used dangerous means, wort, and black or blue cohosh, among other
such as vaginal or cervical insertion of imple- understudied methods generally thought to be
ments, objects, or caustic substances.11 Some ineffective.28 Toxic reactions and even death have
women were able to obtain safe surgical abor- been reported with some of these substances,
tion care — for example, with lay caregivers of especially rue.29 In rare cases, women in the
the Jane Collective. Other women underwent United States have also reported the use of other
surgery performed by inadequately trained pro- means, such as vaginal insertion of implements
viders. Pelvic-organ injuries, hemorrhage, dan- or objects or abdominal trauma to try to disrupt
gerous clostridial infections, and sepsis resulted, their pregnancy.30
leading to emergency hysterectomies and some- Data are limited on self-managed abortion
times death. Doctors working in hospitals at during the second trimester. The mifepristone–
that time recall the regularity with which pa- misoprostol combination is probably the safest
tients presented with life-threatening complica- method.13 The research gap here is important,
tions,12 and some hospitals had entire clinical since approximately two thirds of deaths world-
wards dedicated to septic abortion. wide from unsafe abortion involve attempts after
More recently, women worldwide have been the first trimester.31
managing abortion with the use of mifepristone If U.S. abortion law is further restricted,
and misoprostol or with misoprostol alone. some of the nearly 1 million people seeking
These drugs are the most extensively studied, abortion care annually will travel for medically
safe, and effective agents for clinician-super- supervised, legal care. However, since 75% of
vised abortion and miscarriage management, as patients seeking abortion are poor or low-­
well as for self-managed abortion13-21 (Table 1). income,26 many will need alternatives. Some will
After taking the medications, patients have self-induce abortion using safe medications that
bleeding, cramping, and expulsion of pregnancy they have obtained themselves. Others, lacking
tissue at home. The World Health Organization access or relying on misinformation, will use
recommends both regimens, preferring those dangerous methods. Emergency-department (ED)
with mifepristone where available.13 With clini- physicians, obstetrician–gynecologists, family
cal supervision, major complications associated physicians, and internists will have a role in all
with the combination of mifepristone and miso- these care paths. They will need to know where
prostol (those requiring hospitalization, surgery, abortion care is legally available and be familiar
or blood transfusion) are rare, occurring in 0.3% with resources to assist patients (see Table S1 in
of cases. Mortality is approximately 0.65 deaths the Supplementary Appendix, available with the
per 100,000 medication-induced abortions, mak- full text of this article at They will
ing medical abortion more than 13 times as safe also need to understand the normal course of
as childbirth in the United States.22-24 medication-induced abortion and be prepared to
Evidence from Ireland, Peru, and other coun- manage its rare complications. Finally, along
tries indicates that using these medications with subspecialist consultants, they will need to
outside of clinician supervision is also effective effectively manage the life-threatening compli-
and associated with a low rate of complica- cations of unsafe abortion methods.
tions.2-4 In Latin America, where abortion has Although prevention of undesired pregnancy
historically been legally restricted, the increase should remain a public health focus, restrictions
in self-managed abortion with misoprostol has on funding for contraceptive services make ac-
been associated with reduced maternal mortal- cessing family planning even harder for people
ity.25 Though abortion is legal in the United with low incomes, contributing to an increase in

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Table 1. Common Medication Regimens for Induced Abortion, Miscarriage, and Incomplete Abortion.*

Overall Ongoing
Clinical Scenario Medication Regimen Success† Pregnancy‡ Comments
% of cases
Induced abortion
At ≤10 wk of gestation Mifepristone, 200 mg administered orally, followed 97 0.7 Failure increases with increasing gestational age (at
by misoprostol, 800 μg administered buccally, 57–70 days’ gestation, the overall success rate is
vaginally, or sublingually 24–48 hr later5§ 93% and the rate of ongoing pregnancy is 3%)14;
­major complications (requiring hospitalization,
­surgery, or transfusion) in 0.3% of cases22
Misoprostol, 800 μg administered buccally, vagi- 84 6¶ Failure increases with increasing gestational age; effective-
nally, or sublingually every 3 hr for 3 doses15 ness may increase with a fourth dose16; transfusion
required in 0.3% of cases, hospitalization in 0.3%
At >10 wk to 12 wk of gestation18 Mifepristone, 200 mg orally, followed 24–48 hr later 95 1.5 Limited evidence; transfusion required in approximately
by misoprostol, 800 μg administered buccally, 0.7% of cases
vaginally, or sublingually, then misoprostol,
400–800 μg administered buccally, vaginally,
or sublingually every 3 hr until expulsion of
pregnancy tissue
Misoprostol, 800 μg administered buccally, vagi- 75–93 About 6 Limited evidence
nally, or sublingually every 3 hr until expulsion
of pregnancy tissue
At >12 wk to 24 wk of gestation Mifepristone, 200 mg administered orally, followed 93 <1‖ Vaginal administration may be superior to other routes
24–48 hr later by misoprostol, 800 μg admin- for nulliparous patients; transfusion required in
istered vaginally, then misoprostol, 400 μg 1–4% of cases, infection occurs in 1%19
administered buccally, vaginally, or sublingually
every 3 hr until expulsion of pregnancy tissue

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n engl j med 382;11  March 12, 2020
Misoprostol, 400 μg administered buccally, vagi- 77 <1‖ Vaginal loading dose of 600–800 μg may increase efficacy;
nally, or sublingually every 3 hr until expulsion transfusion required in 1–6% of cases, infection oc-
of pregnancy tissue curs in 2%19
Early pregnancy loss Mifepristone, 200 mg administered orally, followed 84 NA Success rate increased to 91% with second dose of miso-
Complications of Unsafe and Self-Managed Abortion

(at ≤12 wk of gestation)20** 24 hr later by misoprostol, 800 μg administered prostol; transfusion in 2% of cases, infection in 1%

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Misoprostol, 800 μg administered vaginally 67 NA Success rate increased to 76% with second dose of miso-
prostol; transfusion required in 1% of cases, infection
occurs in 1%
Incomplete abortion with uterine size Misoprostol, 600 μg administered orally or 400 μg 95 NA May take up to 2 wk for completion of abortion
indicating <13 wk of gestation21 administered sublingually

* Recommended regimens are from the World Health Organization.13 NA denotes not applicable.
† Overall success for a gestation of 12 weeks or less is defined as complete abortion without the need for uterine aspiration. Overall success for a gestation of more than 12 weeks to 24
weeks is defined as fetal expulsion within 24 hours after the first misoprostol dose.
‡ Pregnancies that continue after misoprostol exposure are associated with an increased risk of congenital malformations such as the Möbius syndrome and limb defects.

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§ The interval may be shortened to 6 hours with vaginal dosing.17
¶ The rate of ongoing pregnancy may be higher with buccal administration than with sublingual administration.16
‖ Failed induction is rare with repeat dosing of misoprostol.
** Early pregnancy loss includes anembryonic pregnancy or embryonic or fetal death.

The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

pregnancy rates.32 New restrictions on Title X tant bleeding or infection is present and whether
funding also prevent clinicians from referring ectopic pregnancy can be ruled out. These fac-
patients for abortion care.33 These restrictions, tors guide decisions about uterine evacuation,
in combination with more restricted access to antibiotic therapy, follow-up evaluation of human
abortion care, may lead to increased efforts of chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels, and in the
pregnant people to manage an abortion them- case of ectopic pregnancy, surgery or treatment
selves. with methotrexate.

Medical History
Cl inic a l A sse ssmen t
In most cases, a symptom-focused history, not
Assessment centers on determining hemodynam- one focused on the cause of pregnancy loss, will
ic status, including evaluation for life-threatening generate an appropriate differential diagnosis.
hemorrhage, sepsis, trauma, and toxin exposure Inquire whether the patient had prior ultrasound
(Table 2). Ectopic pregnancy must be considered documentation of intrauterine pregnancy, which
in all pregnant patients who have no prior docu- can rule out ectopic pregnancy. Asking about a
mentation of intrauterine pregnancy. history of uterine instrumentation (especially if
there are peritoneal signs on physical examina-
Acutely Ill Patients tion) may be clinically relevant, though it may
Hemodynamically unstable patients require rapid not be necessary to know whether instrumenta-
evaluation, supportive care, and immediate in- tion was for spontaneous or induced abortion.
volvement of a gynecologic surgeon. Assessment, Pregnancy complications must be considered in
resuscitation, stabilization, and treatment occur transgender men.
simultaneously. Measurement of vital signs, a People having a typical medication-induced
targeted physical examination, and appropriate abortion and those having a spontaneous abor-
laboratory testing are essential. Rapid bedside tion present similarly.5 Patients may describe
ultrasonography can be used to detect ongoing bleeding or cramping that intensified over a
pregnancy, intrauterine tissue, and intraabdomi- period of several hours and peaked as the preg-
nal hemorrhage. Hemodynamically unstable pa- nancy tissue was expelled, with heavy bleeding
tients with hemorrhage or suspected pelvic-organ and large blood clots. Symptoms usually subside
trauma usually require assessment and treat- shortly after expulsion. Nausea, vomiting, diar-
ment in the operating room. Use of uterotonic rhea, transient low-grade fever, and chills may
medications may be a temporizing measure. If occur on the day misoprostol is used.5 Second-
sepsis is suspected, antibiotic agents should be trimester spontaneous or induced abortion re-
administered immediately, followed by prompt sembles labor, with painful contractions over a
uterine evacuation, performed under ultrasound period of hours or days, sometimes with bleed-
or laparoscopic guidance if uterine injury is sus- ing or membrane rupture.
pected. Hysterectomy may be required for ad- Some signs and symptoms associated with
vanced infection or uterine necrosis. Ruptured complications of abortion may be the same as
ectopic pregnancy, bowel or other visceral injury, the signs and symptoms that occur during the
and amniotic-fluid embolism must also be con- normal course of an uncomplicated medication-
sidered (Table 2).34 Care teams should initiate induced abortion. For example, dizziness can
massive-transfusion protocols or sepsis-resusci- signify either hypovolemia due to hemorrhage or
tation protocols as needed. a vagal reaction as tissue passes through the
cervix. Low-grade fever can be a typical reaction
Patients in Stable Condition to misoprostol or may indicate infection. Nausea
Although doctors must prepare for acute presen- and vomiting can be due to misoprostol or can
tations related to trauma, hemorrhage, or sepsis, be a result of serious infection or bowel injury
growing use of medications for abortion (in from uterine perforation. Patients may report
contrast to mechanical methods) means that tissue passage even if the pregnancy itself has
most patients with abortion-related symptoms not passed; decidualized endometrium can shed
are in stable condition. Diagnosis and treatment even with ongoing pregnancy.
center on determining whether clinically impor- Some presentations suggest a specific diag-

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Complications of Unsafe and Self-Managed Abortion

nosis more readily. For example, severe cramp- be measured at appropriate intervals to rule out
ing without bleeding suggests hematometra (ac- ectopic pregnancy. Suspected sepsis warrants
cumulation of blood in the uterus) or possibly measurement of the serum lactate level, blood
infection. In contrast, cramping accompanied by and cervical cultures, and endometrial cultures
bleeding suggests incomplete abortion. from uterine aspiration. If disseminated intra-
vascular coagulation is suspected, a platelet
Physical Examination count and fibrinogen and d-dimer tests are indi-
A complete physical examination is indicated, cated. Rh0(D) immune globulin may not be
with a focus on the abdomen and pelvis; specu- needed for an Rh-negative patient with a preg-
lum and bimanual examinations are essential. nancy of less than 56 days’ gestation.37 When the
The examiner may need to gently rotate the duration of the pregnancy is unclear, Rh0(D)
speculum to look for cervical or vaginal lacera- immune globulin should be offered.
tions. If pregnancy tissue is visualized at the
cervix, it may be possible to gently remove it Differ en t i a l Di agnosis
with the use of ring forceps; however, the ex- a nd T r e atmen t
aminer should be prepared for heavy bleeding,
which may require rapid uterine evacuation. If In the era of mifepristone and misoprostol,
pain or bleeding limits the assessment, the ex- patients who present for care are likely to be ex-
amination should be performed in the operating periencing the normal course of medication-
room while the patient is under anesthesia. induced or spontaneous abortion or having
incomplete abortion. For medication-induced or
Imaging spontaneous abortion, patients may need pain
Ultrasound imaging can identify ongoing preg- management or confirmation of abortion com-
nancy, the duration and site of pregnancy, ad- pletion. When a thickened uterine stripe is the
nexal masses, hematometra, and intraabdominal only finding and the patient does not have clini-
fluid, suggesting uterine perforation or rupture, cally important bleeding or evidence of infec-
vascular injury, or ruptured ectopic pregnancy. tion, no treatment is needed.5,35
Echogenic material in the uterus, or a “thick-
ened stripe,” may indicate incomplete abortion; Incomplete Abortion
however, this is also a normal finding after Management options for incomplete abortion are
medication-induced or spontaneous abortion, expectant care, misoprostol (Table 1), or uterine
and this ultrasound finding alone is not diag- aspiration.38 The patient’s preference is impor-
nostic and should not dictate treatment (Fig. 1). tant. Uterine aspiration can be performed in the
The clinical picture as a whole determines the emergency department or office with a paracer-
need for intervention.5,35 Computed tomography vical block and oral analgesic agents or intrave-
may help in an evaluation for possible pelvic nous administration of moderate sedation. If the
abscess, bowel injury, hematoma, or uterine patient requests deep sedation or general anes-
myonecrosis. thesia, an operating room or other appropriate
medical setting is required. Data on prophylactic
Laboratory Tests antibiotics for uterine aspiration in patients with
To assess for clinically important bleeding, infec- incomplete abortion are insufficient; however, it
tion, renal or hepatic effects of toxins, or pos- is reasonable to consider the use of prophylac-
sible ectopic pregnancy, laboratory evaluation tic antibiotics in such patients on the basis of
should include, at a minimum, a complete blood evidence that supports its use before surgical
count, blood typing and screening, a blood abortion.39
chemistry panel, and hCG measurement. Suc- When spontaneous or induced pregnancy loss
cessful first-trimester, medication-induced abor- occurs after the first trimester, patients may
tion can be diagnosed when the hCG level drops present with a range of complications, including
by at least 80% 5 to 8 days after initiation of the incomplete abortion with retained fetus, pla-
abortion.36 When initial hCG levels are unknown centa, or both. Patients with hemorrhage or in-
and prior ultrasound confirmation of intrauter- fection require an expeditious dilation and evac-
ine pregnancy is unavailable, hCG levels should uation procedure; in other situations, induction

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Table 2. Differential Diagnosis and Treatment of Abortion Complications, According to the Clinical Presentation.*

Variable Clinically Stable Clinically Unstable


No Evidence of Infection Infection No Evidence of Sepsis Sepsis

Signs and symptoms Pain or cramping, vaginal bleeding, Pain or cramping, vaginal bleed- Pain, hemorrhage, no evidence Pain, hemorrhage, evidence of sepsis
no evidence of infection ing, evidence of infection (fe- of sepsis (fever, chills, elevated white-cell
ver, ­elevated white-cell count, count, hypotension, tachycardia,
­purulent discharge) tachypnea, oliguria)
Differential diagnosis Complete spontaneous abortion Postabortion endometritis, with Uterine atony Septic abortion or septic incomplete
Complete medication abortion or without retained tissue Uterine perforation (with vascular abortion
Incomplete spontaneous abortion Failed abortion with endometritis injury) Uterine necrosis
Incomplete medication abortion Pelvic abscess or tubo-ovarian Placentation abnormality (accreta, Ruptured tubo-ovarian abscess
Uterine atony ­abscess increta, or percreta) Bowel injury
Uterine perforation (no vascular injury) Uterine arteriovenous malforma-
Postabortion hematometra (often with tion
n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l

minimal bleeding) Ruptured ectopic pregnancy

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Cervical laceration Uterine rupture

Ectopic pregnancy Toxic agent
Caustic agent Other trauma (e.g., abdominal
Failed abortion injury)

n engl j med 382;11  March 12, 2020

DIC or coagulopathy
Amniotic-fluid embolism

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m e dic i n e

Evaluation† History, including prior ultrasound docu- History, including prior ultrasound History, including prior ultra- History, including prior ultrasound
mentation of IUP; physical examina- documentation of IUP; physi- sound documentation of IUP; documentation of IUP; physical
tion (must include pelvic examina- cal examination (must include physical examination (must examination (must include pelvic
tion); CBC, hCG, Rh, blood typing pelvic examination); CBC, hCG, include pelvic examination), examination); CBC, hCG, Rh,
and antibody screening; bedside Rh, blood typing and antibody CBC, hCG, Rh, blood typing blood typing and cross-matching;
or formal ultrasonography screening; serum lactate mea- and cross-matching; CK and blood and endometrial cultures,
surement and blood cultures, DIC laboratory tests; bedside serum lactate measurement; bed-
if indicated; cervical cultures; or formal ultrasonography; ad- side or formal ultrasonography
bedside or formal ultrasonogra- ditional imaging (CT, MRI, IR)
phy; consideration of additional
imaging (e.g., CT)

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Variable Clinically Stable Clinically Unstable

No Evidence of Infection Infection No Evidence of Sepsis Sepsis

Management strategies Complete abortion: expectant manage- Oral or intravenous antibiotics Uterotonic agents IV antibiotics
ment (if no prior confirmed IUP, per- Uterine aspiration if retained tissue Balloon tamponade Uterine aspiration
form serial hCG measurements to rule is present IR (angiography, embolization) Hysterectomy or surgical exploration
out ectopic pregnancy) Surgical evaluation (laparoscopy Infectious disease consultation
Incomplete abortion: expectant manage- or laparotomy with repair) ICU, supportive care
ment, misoprostol, or uterine aspira- Hysterectomy
tion in the office, ED, or OR, according ICU, supportive care
to patient’s preference (if no villi or Blood products
prior confirmed IUP, perform serial Toxicology consultation as needed
hCG measurements to rule out ectopic Trauma evaluation
Atony: bimanual massage, uterotonic
agents, balloon tamponade
Hematometra: uterine aspiration, utero-
tonic agents
Uterine perforation: laparoscopy to rule
out bowel or other visceral injury
Cervical laceration: application of ferric
subsulfate (Monsel’s solution) or
­repair using absorbable suture
Ectopic pregnancy: methotrexate,
Caustic agent: mucosal and other sup­
portive care or repair as needed

* CBC denotes complete blood count, CK creatine kinase, CT computed tomography, DIC disseminated intravascular coagulation, ED emergency department, hCG human chorionic
­gonadotropin, ICU intensive care unit, IR interventional radiology, IUP intrauterine pregnancy, IV intravenous, MRI magnetic resonance imaging, and OR operating room.

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n engl j med 382;11  March 12, 2020
† Knowledge of whether the abortion was induced or spontaneous is often unnecessary.
Complications of Unsafe and Self-Managed Abortion

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

ued until 48 hours after the first signs of consis-

tent improvement, followed by oral antibiotics,
for a total of 14 days of treatment (Table 3).34,43
Clostridial infection, including infection with
Clostridium perfringens and C. sordellii species, is par-
ticularly dangerous and is reported after sponta-
neous, medication-induced, and surgical abor-
tion.23,34,45 In a 10-year period, eight deaths from
toxic shock associated with C. sordellii infection
were reported among nearly 2 million women in
the United States who were undergoing mife-
pristone–misoprostol abortions.23,45 Clostridial
Figure 1. Ultrasound Findings after Successful infection can lead to full-thickness uterine ne-
Medication-Induced Abortion. crosis (gas gangrene) and rapid deterioration
Echogenic material in the uterus, called a thickened and death. It should be suspected if endometrial
endometrial stripe, is a normal finding and is consistent
with successful medication-induced abortion. Interven-
Gram’s staining shows large, gram-positive rods
tion is not needed on the basis of this ultrasound find- and patients have tachycardia, dramatic leukocy-
ing alone. tosis, hemolysis, hematuria, or rapidly develop-
ing shock and ARDS.34 Broad-spectrum antibiot-
ics are indicated (e.g., high-dose penicillin G,
of labor with mifepristone–misoprostol, miso- gentamicin, and clindamycin). Consultation with
prostol alone, or oxytocin may be appropri- critical care and infectious disease specialists is
ate.19,40 Hysterotomy is much riskier and is sel- needed. If the patient’s clinical status worsens or
dom indicated.40 In rare cases, patients may does not rapidly improve, hysterectomy is indi-
present with self-induced abortion after 24 cated. In rare cases, other bacterial pathogens can
weeks of gestation, which may appear clinically cause uterine necrosis and require hysterectomy
similar to spontaneous preterm delivery and is for source control.34 Postabortion sepsis can also
managed similarly.41 be caused by unrecognized bowel injury.

Infection Hemorrhage and Uterine Injury

Endometritis after spontaneous, surgical, or med- Uterine atony, retained products of conception,
ically induced abortion is unusual, occurring in abnormal placentation (placenta accreta, per-
approximately 0.5% of surgical or misoprostol- creta, or increta), arteriovenous malformation,
only abortions and in 0.01 to 0.2% of mifepris- and bleeding disorders can all be causes of uter-
tone–misoprostol abortions.42 Infection is typi- ine hemorrhage. Uterotonic agents, uterine aspi-
cally polymicrobial, including vaginal and bowel ration, balloon tamponade (with a Foley catheter,
flora, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and Chlamydia tracho- or Bakri balloon), aggressive volume repletion,
matis. Most infections are mild and treatable and activation of massive-transfusion protocols
with the use of outpatient antibiotic regimens may be indicated, with embolization (performed
recommended by the Centers for Disease Con- by an interventional radiologist) or hysterectomy,
trol and Prevention.43 If retained tissue is sus- if other efforts fail.44 Large hemorrhage can lead
pected, outpatient uterine aspiration is also indi- to disseminated intravascular coagulation, re-
cated. When more serious infection is suspected, quiring specialized supportive care.
admission for treatment with broad-spectrum Mechanical injuries to the uterus, cervix, or
parenteral antibiotics is required, followed by vagina can also cause hemorrhage. Injuries to
prompt uterine aspiration. If postabortion infec- the lateral cervix and uterus are the most dan-
tion is not treated expeditiously, it can rapidly gerous, involving branches of the uterine artery.
progress to septic shock and acute respiratory Since such injuries can lead to potentially cata-
distress syndrome (ARDS).34 Blood and endome- strophic pelvic, broad-ligament, and retroperito-
trial cultures guide treatment, though the odds neal bleeding, they require expert surgical repair
of uncontaminated results are greater with blood (Fig. 2).34 Small fundal perforations may not re-
cultures. Parenteral antibiotics should be contin- sult in clinically significant bleeding and may

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Complications of Unsafe and Self-Managed Abortion

Table 3. Selected Medications Commonly Used for Complications of Induced or Spontaneous Abortion.*

Condition and Medication Dose (Route of Administration) Comments

Misoprostol 800–1000 μg (buccal, sublingual, rectal, Vaginal administration is also effective but usually not feasi-
or oral) ble with hemorrhage; buccal or sublingual administration
is preferred because of the pharmacokinetic profile
Methylergonovine 0.2 mg (IM or injected into cervix) Avoid in patients with hypertension or Raynaud’s phenom-
enon; no consensus on dosing frequency but sometimes
as frequently as every 5 min, with a maximum of 5 doses
Carboprost† 0.25 mg (IM) Avoid in patients with asthma
Oxytocin 10 units (IM) or 10–40 units/liter of IV fluid Unclear role in postabortion hemorrhage, since first- and
(500-ml bolus followed by continuous second-trimester uterus has few oxytocin receptors;
infusion) water intoxication is possible with prolonged use of
higher doses
Vasopressin 2–5 units/10–20 ml of saline or local anes- Avoid intravascular injection; used routinely for prophylaxis,
thetic (injected into cervix at several sites) but no clear evidence for use in patients with hemorrhage
Ceftriaxone and doxycycline, 250 mg of ceftriaxone (IM), one dose, plus For outpatient use
with or without 100 mg of doxycycline (oral administra-
metronidazole tion) twice a day for 14 days, with or
without 500 mg of metronidazole (oral
administration) twice a day for 14 days
Clindamycin and gentamicin 900 mg of clindamycin (IV) every 8 hr, with For parenteral use; add penicillin G for suspected clostridial
(plus penicillin G for either 2 mg/kg of gentamicin (IV) as a sepsis, 4 million units IV every 4 hr
clostridium) loading dose and then 1.5 mg/kg every
8 hr, or 3–5 mg/kg gentamicin (IV) once
Cefoxitin and doxycycline 2 g of cefoxitin (IV) every 6 hr and 100 mg For parenteral use
of doxycycline (IV or oral administration)
every 12 hr
Cefotetan and doxycycline 2 g of cefotetan (IV) every 12 hr and 100 mg For parenteral use
of doxycycline (IV or oral administration)
every 12 hr

* Regimens are from Borgatta and Stubblefield.34 IM denotes intramuscular.

† Carboprost is a uterotonic agent also known as 15-methylprostaglandin F2α.
‡ See the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines for additional intramuscular, oral, and parenteral regimens.43 Caregivers
should be familiar with the sensitivity patterns of the usual organisms involved in pelvic infection at their institution.

not require repair; however, when such perfora- Pr epa r ing for Shif t s
tions are caused by suction devices or forceps, in the L eg a l Cl im ate
injury to the bowel, bladder, omentum, or other
structures must be ruled out with exploratory In addition to becoming familiar with the neces-
surgery.34 Uterine rupture also may cause hem- sary clinical care after self-managed abortion,
orrhage and is a particular risk in patients with doctors should consider their larger role in a
a history of cesarean section; it requires surgical legally restrictive environment. When patients
evaluation and repair. Catastrophic damage to present after efforts to self-manage abortion,
the uterus or its vasculature may require hyster- prompt, nonjudgmental, evidence-based care is
ectomy. critical and should not be delayed out of the
Patients with postabortion hematometra, physician’s fear of being legally implicated in an
which is generally not life-threatening, present abortion or because of ethical objections.46 When
with severe cramping. The condition is best a facility’s policies — or possibly future laws —
managed with the combined use of uterotonic restrict needed intervention (e.g., when uterine
agents and outpatient uterine evacuation.34 evacuation is prohibited because of fetal cardiac

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

artery Fundal

Ascending branch Perforation in the posterior
of uterine artery lower uterine segment
Lateral perforation at
junction of cervix and
Uterine lower uterine segment
Lateral low
Descending branch cervical perforation
of uterine artery

Internal iliac

Figure 2. Sites of Uterine Injury.

The figure is adapted from Borgatta and Stubblefield.34 Four types of injury are shown. The first is a lateral low cer-
vical perforation with laceration of descending branches of the uterine artery, which generally results in vaginal bleed-
ing through the cervical canal, without intraabdominal bleeding. The second is a lateral perforation at the junction
of the cervix and lower uterine segment, with laceration of the ascending branch of the uterine artery, which can re-
sult in broad-ligament bleeding or hematoma and intraabdominal bleeding. With both types of vascular injury, ves-
sels may initially constrict, with temporary cessation of bleeding, but recurrence is possible minutes, hours, or days
later, resulting in clinically significant blood loss over time. The third type of injury is a fundal perforation, which is
associated with a lower risk of hemorrhage than the first two types. However, injury to the bowel or omentum may
accompany a fundal injury. The fourth type of injury is a perforation in the lower uterine segment (anterior [not
shown] or posterior); anterior perforations may involve the bladder, including the trigone. With all perforations, the
risk of complications and need for treatment depend on the instrument that caused the injury and whether the in-
jury was recognized at the time of the procedure. Small fundal or lower-uterine-segment perforations caused by im-
proper placement of uterine sounds or dilators may not require intervention, and it may be possible to complete the
procedure under ultrasound guidance. Larger perforations, or those involving the use of suction, forceps, or sharp
instruments outside the uterine cavity, require laparoscopy or laparotomy for assessment of the extent of damage.

activity), prompt consultation with lawyers or ready access to outpatient uterine evacuation, if
ethicists may be needed. Facilities should pro- it is not already offered. Since care for complica-
actively establish communication and care pro- tions of self-managed medication abortion and
tocols that prioritize the safety of pregnant care for complications of miscarriage are essen-
patients. tially identical, institutions should ensure that
Globally, in countries where abortion is legally their management of miscarriage is up to date
restricted, programs focused on postabortion and includes opportunities for patients to receive
care that include outpatient uterine evacuation medical treatment and surgical treatment in the
and management of complications have good office, the ED, and the operating room.
clinical outcomes and high levels of patient sat- There are also roles for physicians before
isfaction.47 Health care centers in the United patients attempt abortion. For example, clini-
States will need to develop infrastructure for cians working under restrictive laws in Uruguay

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Complications of Unsafe and Self-Managed Abortion

developed a harm-reduction approach that in- induced abortion. It also involves preparing to
volved preabortion evaluation (confirming intra- manage life-threatening complications of abor-
uterine pregnancy and offering information tion, which are most likely to be caused by un-
about safe self-managed methods of abortion), safe means. Given the safety of the combination
as well as postabortion care.48 Doctors did not of mifepristone and misoprostol for self-man-
provide abortifacient medications, which were aged abortion, the biggest danger to patients
generally available at pharmacies without a pre- may be legal prosecution.6 Both the American
scription. This approach was effective and was Medical Association and the American College
associated with a low rate of complications.3,49 It of Obstetricians and Gynecologists take strong
remains to be seen whether harm-reduction positions against criminalization of self-man-
models will be adopted in the United States, aged abortion, because it deters patients with
potentially relying on medications obtained on- complications from seeking care.50 Furthermore,
line. Finally, some physicians may feel conscience- since medication-induced abortion and sponta-
bound to provide safe abortion care because neous abortion are clinically indistinguishable,
they believe patients will be harmed without it. criminalization of the former would inevitably
Whether they or their patients face prosecution lead to policing of all reproductive-age women
depends on local contexts. with bleeding or pregnancy loss. Doctors and
health care institutions must develop strategies
that favor effective, compassionate clinical care
C onclusions
over legal investigation of patients.
As U.S. abortion restrictions increase, self-man- No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was
aged abortion will undoubtedly also increase. Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
Health care providers must prepare for this the full text of this article at
clinical reality. This involves becoming comfort- We thank Jill E. Adams, J.D., Renee Bracey Sherman, M.P.A.,
Mark Pearlman, M.D., Matthew Reeves, M.D., M.P.H., Lyndsey
able with the ambiguity of providing care with- Van, B.A., and Meghan Seewald, M.A., for helpful feedback and
out knowing whether it is for spontaneous or assistance.

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