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On Tuesday C.U.M.E went to see a play called “MCBETH”.

They got on the bus and went to Compañia de Maria the
school where they play was going to take place. In this play
there were only 2 actors and they had to choose various
volunteers. The play was about Mac and his wife who
worked in Duncan’s restaurant and wanted to be the boss
of the restaurant. One girl, Claudia, was choose to act as
cleaner and a witch, the same as Rayan. Mac wanted to
know what would happen to him so he went to see the
three witches who told him he was soon going to be
Duncan’s manager and then the boss of Dunkan´s
restaurant. When he got back he told his wife. Later when
Dunkan arrived to the restaurant he told Mac he wanted
him to be the manager. Her wife told him that what the
witches said became truth. So his wife convinced him to kill
Dunkan so he could be the boss so Mac taken by the
temptation decided to kill Dunkan. The next day when
Dunkan arrived Mac offered him a delicious hamburguer but
Dunkan didn’t know that the hamburger was poisoned so
when he took a bite he fell down and his tummy exploded
and he died. One of Mac’s helpers saw everything, so Mac’s
wife decide to kill him before he could tell anyone. She got
a knife and killed him. At night Mac couldn`t stop saying
“Blood so much blood”. In the morning Mac told his wife
he’d seen Dunkan’s and his helper’s ghost, so his wife told
him to go and see the witches, so Mac went. He got there
and the witches told him that his restaurant was going to be
invaded by vegetables and that he was going to be killed by
a carrot. Mac laughed but he was quite scared. He was
scared of Mcduff one of his helpers cause he was
vegetarian, so Mac decided to kill him aswell but his wife
told him not to do it cause if Mac killed Mcduff his 5 sons
wouldn’t have anything to eat. Mac didn’t even listen to her
and began to prepare a poisoned hamburger. When Mcduff
was going to take a bite, Mac thought about his 5 sons so
he told Mcduff to run away and never come back. The next
was the opening of Mac’s restaurant. When they’re were
only ten minutes left for the opening Mac said he was
gonna be back in 5 minutes. He left his wife in the
restaurant, his wife felt so guilty that she committed suicide
when Mac come back he found his wife on the floor, he
began to cry and hid his wife’s body. Suddenly Mcduff
appeared dressed as a carrot and followed by people
dressed as lettuce, tomato, etc. Mcduff got a gun and
pointed to Mac suddenly !BOOM! Mac fell on the floor dead.
After that Mcduff opened his own restaurant of healthy food
and everybody was happy. When the show finished the
students left the theatre, the bus was waiting outside so
they got on and went back to school.

Esta obra, narrada por Shakespeare y su mujer, en forma
de comedia, narra la tragedia que cometió este general.

MCBETH era un buen hombre, pero su mujer lo presionó

para matar al rey y lo consiguió, además también mató a su
compañero Bonquo y también intento envenenar y matar
del mismo modo a Mcduff.

Tres hermanas brujas se lo predijeron y todo se cumplió.

Los herederos al trono escaparon temerosos y Mcbeth

acabó siendo el rey, pero los fantasmas de Bonquo y el rey
asesinado se le aparecieron a Mcbeth, haciendo que éste se
arrepintiera de lo que hizo.

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