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Final Essay 15%

Name: Susana Barrera Hernández ID 1214737486

Choose one of the given topics and write a Compare & Contrast essay using the point by
point or topic by topic structure.

Title: Public and private transportation. Which one offers more?

The means of transport are part of the daily life of people and over time and the
development of cities have become a necessity. Now transport can define aspects such as
if it is good to live in a residential area or if a country is developed. Usually, people choose
between two types of transport: public and private transport.

The public transport allows mobility to distant places in an acceptable time, similarly to
the private transport, since people can go from one city to another in his own vehicle.

However, the private transport is more comfortable and independent because there is
more space and freedom in the hours of use and this is important in an emergency
situation at dawn. On the contrary of public transport, which has an established closing
and opening schedule, in addition to "peak hours" where there is a lot of congestion and is
uncomfortable due to the limited space and waiting time.

Public transport is an ecological alternative; it pollutes less because it represents a smaller

gas emission for each person transported. On the other hand, the private transport is
considered a waste of resources and a great pollutant because transporting a minimum
number of people. Nonetheless, both are contaminants with respect to alternative means
of transport, for example the bicycle.

But in monetary matters, public transport is cheaper and accesible than private transport
that has parking, gasoline and maintenance costs. Despite the above, the two means of
transportation have adapted well to the physical disabilities of people.

In conclusion, both means of transport offer benefits and disadvantages according to the
environment, lifestyle and economic resources of each person that is why the preference
of each one is subjective and individual.

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