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- Look at the gerund phrases in columna A write you opinión of ech job by choosing information
from columB and C. The add two more gerund phrases and write similar sensenses.


1.- working from home

2.-doing volunteer work

3.-having your own business

4.-working on a movie set

5.- being a teacher

6.- making a living as tour guide

7.- taking careo f sick people

8.-retiring age 40

9.- Could by Very challenging

10.- Wouldn't be pretty difficult

3B.- Complete the sentencew with gerund phrases. The take turns Reading your sentences. Share
the thee most interesting sentences with the class.

1.- I'd get tired of watching tv

2.- I’d be interested in buying a home.

3.- i d very excited about the prospect of working

4.-I’d enjoy having you to tea.

5.- I think I’d be goot at making clothing

6.- I wouldn't be very Good at do the things of the physical.

Artemio Sanchez Avendaño Matricula:131500 Materia: Ingles 3 de 11 a 1 pm

4ª._ add the suffixes -er,-or,-ist, or -ian to form the name of these Jobs.write the words in the
chart and ad done more example to each colum.


Software develope, Project manager, baby sitter


Guidance counselor, marketing director, actor


Freelance journalist , psychiatrist, dentist


Computer technician, polician, librarian

Artemio Sanchez Avendaño Matricula:131500 Materia: Ingles 3 de 11 a 1 pm

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