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Review Article

Chasing Perfection: Body Dysmorphic Disorder and its

Significance in Dentistry
Shruti S. Kumar1, Vishal Shrishail Kudagi2, Gurvinder Kaur3
Departments of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry and 2Orthodontics, JSS Dental College and Hospital, JSS University,

Mysore, Karnataka, 3Consultant Pediatric Dentist, Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurgaon, Haryana, India

Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a type of mental illness, a somatoform disorder, wherein the affected person is concerned with body image,
manifested as excessive concern about, and preoccupation with a perceived defect of their physical features. The individual may perceive a
defect in either one feature or several features of their body, which causes psychological distress that impairs occupational or social functioning.
Considerable numbers of these patients are obsessed with the appearance of their dentition and the shape of their jaws. Usually, the dentist
can be the first to diagnose this condition which may otherwise pass unnoticed. This problem can sometimes interfere to a large extent in
rendering appropriate dental treatment. BDD has remained an elusive topic for both researchers and clinicians likewise. This condition needs
further research which can greatly help in intercepting and preventing its myriad lethal manifestations.

Keywords: Body dysmorphic disorder, eating disorders, physical appearance, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

Introduction of functioning resulting from the appearance preoccupation;

and (3) the preoccupation is not attributable to the presence
Man’s obsession with physical appearance can be dated back
of another psychiatric disorder (e.g., anorexia nervosa).[1] This
to thousands of years. However, today, this preoccupation has
condition was archaically known as dysmorphophobia or body
risen to new heights, thanks to popular media, which has been
playing a very important role in molding one’s psyche. Every
second of every day, people are being bombarded with images BDD is recognizable by damage to self‑esteem, fear toward
of impossibly flawless models with immaculate facial features social situations, depression, suicidal tendencies, and an
and physique, which influences a person with average physical obsession to seek nonpsychiatric medical or surgical treatment
traits in a negative way. This ever‑increasing frenzy about to improve imagined flaw in their appearance.[3] Although
beauty has given rise to a myriad number of psychological BDD is a psychiatric disorder, most patients visit cosmetic
disorders such as “body dysmorphic syndrome,” “anorexia surgeons seeking to meliorate their perceived defect.[4]
nervosa,” and “bulimia nervosa.” Unfortunately, such remedies prove futile to the patient and
the practitioner.[4]
Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is defined by Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)‑1V‑TR Given the increasing prevalence of psychiatric disorders,
as a condition marked by excessive occupation with an dentists may be confronted with behaviors that may interfere
imaginary or minor defect in a facial feature or localized with the safe and efficient delivery of dental care. Although
part of the body.[1] The diagnostic criteria mentioned for this a few case descriptions of BDD have been reported in dental
condition in the DSM, Fourth Edition, Text Revision are
as follows: (1) a preoccupation with an imagined or slight Address for correspondence: Dr. Shruti S. Kumar,
defect in appearance (if a slight physical defect is present, Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, JSS Dental
College and Hospital, SS Nagar, Bannimantap, Mysore, Karnataka, India.
the person’s degree of concern is extreme); (2) marked E‑mail:
distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other areas
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DOI: How to cite this article: Kumar SS, Kudagi VS, Kaur G. Chasing perfection:
10.4103/jioh.jioh_22_17 Body dysmorphic disorder and its significance in dentistry. J Int Oral Health

© 2018 Journal of International Oral Health | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow 157
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Kumar, et al.: Dental arch morphology in asthmatics

practices,[5,6] the prevalence rate of BDD patients, who seek at a young age, they become more unhappy as they struggle
esthetically motivated dental treatment, is still unclear. with the physical changes that come with age (gray hair, loss
of hair, wrinkles, and weight gain). BDD is considered to
Most people who present themselves for cosmetic treatment
be continuous rather than intermittent.[13] Signs and severity
are likely to have underlying psychological conditions that
change consistently. Cure in totality relating to symptoms
need to be addressed. BDD, a disorder characterized by
appears to be uncommon, even after the treatment.[14]
extreme appearance preoccupation, may be of particular
relevance to orthodontists and other dental specialists who
offer cosmetic procedures. This review focuses on some key Etiology
issues pertaining to BDD and its implications in dentistry. The The factors that play a vital role in the development of this
article also emphasizes on the need for further research in the disorder are categorized under neurobiological, psychological,
field. Knowledge and awareness about this condition can aid and sociocultural.
the dentist to recognize and alleviate the problem at the earliest.
Neurobiologic factors
Impaired serotonin and dopamine activity have an effect in the
History etiology of BDD, as demonstrated by the fact that individuals
BDD was first documented in 1886 by an Italian positively respond to medications that alter levels of these
psychopathologist named Enrique Morselli as neurotransmitters.[8] Many studies imply that BDD may be
“Dysmorphophobia.” Dysmorphophobia comes from a Greek triggered by conditions involving inflammatory pathways that
word “dysmorfia,” meaning ugliness, especially of the face, can interfere in the process of serotonin synthesis.[15] Neural
which first appeared in the “Histories of Heroditus.” It refers to injury to the frontotemporal region of the brain could also result
a myth of the “ugliest girl in Sparta,” who on being touched by a in BDD symptoms as reported by a case study.[16]
goddess transforms into a beautiful woman. This condition was
not published in the DSMs until 1987. There was a consensus Psychologic factors
to call the disorder BDD and not “Dysmorphophobia” as it was Justifications from the psychoanalysis point of view suggest
perceived that the term implied to the presence of a behavioral deep‑rooted conflicts in subconscious relating to sexuality and
pattern of public avoidance. In the fourth edition of the DSM, emotions, the projection of feelings of guilt, and inferiority to
it was eventually renamed BDD.[7] certain body parts.[17] There have also been justifications that
this disorder develops from a complex interaction of cognitive,
There is an interesting situation documented by the emotional, and behavioral factors.[18] Cognitive elements that
psychologist Sigmund Freud about a patient in his practice who
appear to be monumental in the development and persistence of
was so preoccupied with the appearance of his nose that it was
BDD include irrational attitudes about body image pertaining
hardly possible for him to go through his routine life due to
to perfection and symmetry, obsessive self‑analyzing for the
the obsession. The patient’s name was Sergei Pankejeff, who
presence of physical flaws, and relating the facial expressions
was also referred to by the nickname “the Wolf Man.” It would
of others as being critical to one’s appearance.[19] From a
seem Sergei Pankejeff had all the classic symptoms of BDD.[7]
behavioral perspective, BDD is thought to emerge from the
positive reinforcement of appearance characteristics and social
Prevalence learning.[20]
BDD has been studied for more than a century. However,
Sociocultural factors
the exact prevalence rate of it in the general demographics is
Individual raised in a household that is rejecting, neglectful,
not well defined. Studies of the prevalence of this disorder in
abusive, or critical as related to issues of esthetics and
psychiatric patients and the general population suggest that
outwardly appearances, may be associated with BDD.
BDD is relatively common, affecting up to 2% of the general
Another important factor for an individual to suffer from this
population,[8] and up to 12% of the psychiatric patients.[9]
condition is excessive bullying in school and play areas. The
A recent study reported a 7.5% incidence in an orthodontic
ever‑increasing obsession on physical perfection in the media
patient sample compared with a 2.9% incidence in a general
is yet another force in the etiology of both general body image
public sample.[10] This study suggested that a higher percentage
dissatisfaction and the appearance preoccupations among
of the general population affected with BDD could be
persons with BDD.
seeking orthodontic treatment. Furthermore, there is a higher
prevalence of BDD in women.[11]
Dental Implications of Body Dysmorphic
Onset and Course Disorder
The onset of symptoms generally occurs in adolescence or Neziroglu et al. found that 86% of their BDD sample mentioned
early adulthood, where most personal criticism of one’s own some aspect of their face.[21] Common preoccupations include
appearance usually begins.[12] This condition might worsen different physical aspects of the head, nose, teeth, ears, lips,
with age. Often, if a person struggles with image concerns mouth, and jaws. Therefore, dentists especially orthodontists

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and maxillofacial surgeons come across such patients often disorder’s diagnostic criteria and an increased understanding
in their practice. Such patients are extremely concerned about of the BDD’s relationship to other medical and psychiatric
minute dental defects, such as minimal crowding or proclination disorders. The stress of BDD can be very severe. The stress can
of anterior teeth, dental rotations, interdental spacing, and lead to an unending search of unnecessary medical and surgical
other imperfections. The patient’s chief complaint needs to procedures, avoiding daily activities, avoiding job duties,
be thoroughly evaluated for any exaggerated perceptions of avoiding social situations, and suicidal thoughts and attempts.
the defect and the actual need for the dental treatment should The additional research is required to investigate further BDD
be analyzed. The key is to take a detailed history and ensure among patients who present for various dental treatments.
complete awareness of the patient’s expectations and whether Awareness among the dentists about various dimensions and
they are within the realms of reality. Patients suspected of magnitude of this disorder can help in the identification of the
having BDD should be referred to a psychiatrist for definitive condition and prevent the devastating consequences, it can
diagnosis and management. have on the individual’s mental and physical well‑being.[37‑40]
Financial support and sponsorship
Treatment Nil.
The treatment of BDD consists of pharmacotherapy and
behavioral therapy. Sometimes, performing the esthetic Conflicts of interest
procedure requested might be an integral part of the There are no conflicts of interest.
patient’s treatment; however, this should always be based
on the recommendation of the treating psychiatrist. The References
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