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Flower’s Dream

A story of a happy little flower…

Once Upon A Time…
There was this pure hearted lotus flower
living in the world. She was kind to all and
treated everyone with integrity and was of
course, loved by all.
One Day…
• God gave the world a very heavy
storm, so she was separated from
her mother. Very far away indeed.
• She was sad, crying for her first
time, got stonewashed and tried
to wipe her tears with her tiny
• She knew she had to do
something, but what? She wept
even harder. Suddenly an angel
from her tear-drop emerged!
“Why do you cry my child?” said
The lotus was confused, “But, but
you’re not my mom! Why did you
call me ‘my child’?
“Ha-ha!” the angel smiled, “I belong
to the heaven. I am the mother to
your whole world.”
“Ah,” the lotus understood, “that
means the storm also in which I got
separated from my birth-mom?”
“Yeah,” the angel smiled “but I can help you if
you help me.” said the angel. “I would do
anything!” said the lotus. “Okay, but for that
you will have to become a human for some
time.” “Yes!” said the flower cheerfully.
Task 1 #Giving Love And Compassion
The Next Day
• “So your first task is to make the
sad lady over there happy.”
ordered the angel.
• At first the lotus had difficulty in
walking, but it was fine. One step
two steps oooh! She tripped and
the crying lady grabbed her hand.
“Are you okay?” she said, “Who
are you? I never saw you before.”
• “I am um…Lotus! Yeah, my
name’s Lotus.”
“Such a lovely name, you have a cute pink face just like a
real lotus!”
Lotus giggled for she, was the one knowing the truth…
“My name is Carnia. No one likes me. Just because I am
black, ugly and full of scars!” said the lady, a tear-drop
falling on her hand. “No, please don’t cry! I will be with
you always and the fairy-god-mother also!” requested
the girl with a pure heart.
“You believe in her too? I thought no one believes in her
except me!”
“I do, and she is of course real! You are so sweet and
humble! I never thought I would meet someone like you.
You are just like my mom! I lost her in the storm which
broke yesterday”, explained Lotus.

“Oh, sorry for you I even lost my child, Lily. ‘Lily’, A flower
name just like you! She encouraged me in bad times.
What to do, now I lost her.” said Carnia sadly.
The day ended that way.
“Bye Lotus!” sighed the angel, covering her with
a giant rose petal going inside her dreams.
Lotus was the most noble girl she had ever saw.
And that’s the way the first task ended.
Task #2
We all are loved unicorns in a united
“I am so, so, pretty!!!”
This was what Lotus said. “But not many
people are…” the fairy replied, “People are not
loved just because they have a big heart and
small head that makes them look ugly!!”
The little girl felt awful!!
She started to sob internally hoping no one is listening…
“Oh, no!!” said she. She was heart-broken!! But all godmothers know the feeling of their children.
That only happened to Carnia!!

The lotus was flushed by

crying so much!
So she knew it was right to
Stop!! And the right thing was to
help her human friends.
She walked around and it was something wonder she saw. Was
she dreaming??
But the mother lotus couldn’t
She literally saw her real mom!! “Mom! Mom!” she gasped! understand her!!
• She ran to her friend fairy in her full speed!!
“Oh my!” she exclaimed. “Oh thank you
Mom!! fairy!! Thank you so much!” she said
breathlessly, “Thanks for helping me find my
• “ You found her yourself dear!!” by being
good!! Should I turn you into a lotus again?”
said the fairy.
• “Yes!” said the girl but as soon the fairy was
about to spray magic, “I mean, no? I mean
like I look so lovely as a girl, no more I’ll be
as a still lotus. Can you make my mom a
women instead, if you can please?”
• “Okay! If you say, I will. “The
girl located the point to her fairy
and wowzah! There was a young
mother!! “Oh my child” said she.
Lotus went to her friend Carnia
with her mom. Carnia was glad to
see Lotus’ mom. “You will find
Lily soon too!” said Lotus’ mom.
You are as kind as your daughter, um what’s your name?
“I am Lotus!” said Lotus’ mom. “But then who am I?” whispered Lotus to her mom. “Oh sorry
Lotus is my child, I am Dew!! “Oh, your names are filled with nature’s love! Hi! I am
Carnia!! I know I have a stupid name though!” said Carnia. “No! You have a very good
name! Don’t you dare say any negative thing again!” said the angry Lotus. “Oh, sorry!” said
the lady hurted. “That’s the reason no one likes me except you. I should be positive about
the nature’s goodness, be happy, positive about life, I am happy I am alive in this magical
world!!!” These great words shook the heavens!! “We are all colors of a big rainbow! We
are loved unicorns! Each of us!! Wow!!” said Dew. That’s how the second task got
completed. And they all lived happy ever after!!
By Arya…
Hi! I am Arya!
I love to create stories and art!❤❤

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