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1) Assume that a security model is needed for the protection of information in your class.

the CNSS model, examine each of the cells and write a brief statement on how would address
the components represented in that cell.

Information Security:

Management of information security:

 Proper Staff
 Educating students on policies
 HIPPAA (CIA) laws
 Email Policies

Network security-
 Ensure proper internal and external firewalls are set
 Web Content Blockers
 VPN Access
 Wireless Access Points
 SmartPhones
 Trojan Human

Policy- The policy can be address for a classroom environment by ensuring all door are locked
and access to room is granted by authorized personal. The next policy is to have all computers
under usage time. As well, include parental control ton ensure block sites are not being accessed
to avoid potential threats. It is critical that we maintain proper authorization to only students,
teachers, and staff of the school.

Computer& data security- All users will have to use their assigned username and password. It is
important to develop an internet usage to maintain data security.
 Disk encryption
 Backups are used to ensure data which is lost can be recovered and nowadays is very
important to keep a backup
 Secure USB
 Keycard access to room
 Log out
 Encryption of files
 PC timeout after 5min idle

2) Consider the information stored in your personal computer. Do you, at this moment, have
information stored in your computer that is critical to your person life? If that information
became compromised or lost, what effect would it have on you?
 Identity Theft
 Documentation confidential exposed(SSN, Taxes, etc)
 Recovery from identity theft involves complicated laws and cost
 Cost Implication in recovery
 Time Consuming
 Personal items no longer available

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