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From waste heat to thermoelectric energy

Problem description
The greenhouse effect is the radiation emitted from the sun by the natural process of the
global warming that does not bounce out of the atmosphere is concentrated on the earth
increasing temperatures because to excess emissions of gases such as CO2 or methane.
The role that the problem takes in this natural phenomenon is when greenhouse gases
prevent the release of radiation in the form of heat introduced into the earth by global
warming and is found to be underutilized in the technology sector.

This process generates large amounts of wasted heat which is a manifestation of energy
that is not given any specific use or function. Since radiation is a type of energy and one of
the consequences of this radiation is heat which has not predetermined use.

It focuses on the waste of the natural product (heat-energy) that awaits the greenhouse
effect and damages the Earth

the general objective:

● develop a device using the seebeck effect to transform solar radiation into
thermoelectric energy

the specific objectives:

● characterizes sources such as roof tiles, industries and homes that contain a high
amount of wasted heat in Medellín

● design the prototype of the device by testing the seebeck effect between copper and

● evaluate the operation of the created device and its variables in Medellin, evaluating
its effectiveness

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