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Far from My Tree

If we talk about similarities between me and my parents then the most prominent is that we
have same nature of pursuing goals in life and zeal to do something extraordinary. We are very
committed to each other as a family. We support each other. Just like my parents, sometimes I
also rely on others to support me. My exposure in the society is more but still the way it treats
and behave with other members of society around me is similar to my parents. My parents
thought out their life, they played from safe end. They are not risk takers. So, as me, I am also
afraid of taking risk. My eyes and forehead are same to my father. We have good eating habit
common between us.
Now let’s talk about differences. The most important difference is generational gap. I am
different from my parents in term of communicating with people. My parents are more
traditional, while I am fond of modernization in everything. Our goals may be same but the path
I choose is different from my father. My father is calm while I am aggressive. My parents are
more disciplined. they have proper timetable due to their responsibilities. On the other hand, I
never do anything planned. I have ambition of becoming a photographer. My parents never
stopped me but they are unhappy how I manage my thing. My clothes and room both look very
dirty. my goal for my family is similar to parents but I am non serious in achieving them. I have
sometimes feeling that I will drop down from this tree and now fruits will grow but none will be
similar to me. In the end, I will be human and I have separate identity from my parents.
In above discussion, I gave discussed that me and my parents have some similarities and
differences but this is beauty of a family and a society. Difference in behaviors and different in
choosing the path produce diversity in society.

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