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According the video: The Importance of Didactics in Mathematics:

1. According to the video, what is didactics?: According to the video didactics is

how teach, subtraction what´s involved in fractions, what that tells about what
about should or shouldn´t do in primary school, what should leave the key stage.
2. According to the video, why is it important the didactics?: The didactics is
important because show is didactics matters.
3. According to the video, what is a main difference between the Singapore
Lesson and the American lesson?: The difference between the Singapore
lesson and the American lesson is that the Singapore books show is didactics
matters, and this lessons this was an American slide obviously they had lessons on
it because the Singapure lessons were more like chapters, subjects, topics, themes
and they only had 30 in the year that is they had a there that went for a week or
longer, the American books were broken down into 150 lessons.
4. According to the video, Dr. Gardiner is more inclined towards Singapore
books or American Books, why?: He is more inclined towards Singapore books
because show develop a mathematical theme do it by drip-feed a little bit now and
then a little bit more of the same next year, a little bit more of the same the year
after or to have to analyze what the prerequisites are prepare the ground
thoroughly and then take on whatever theme is addition of fractions or something
and do it seriously.
5. What do you think of didactics of mathematics after watching the video?: I
think that the didactics of mathematics should start early to stretch the more able
pupils and at the same time support those who find the subject more challenging.

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