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Task 2. Match parts of the sentences to make English proverbs! (10 points)

1. Hope for the best, but...___ A...say never.

2. Better late than...___ B...your enemies closer.

3. Never...___ C... without breaking a few eggs.
4. Keep your friends close and...___ D...prepare for the worst.

5. You can't always get...___ E...never.

6. You can't make an omelet...___ F... than words.

7. Actions speak louder...___ G... who wait.

8. There's no place...___ H... what you want.

9. If you snooze,...___ home.
10. Good things come to those...___ J... you lose.
Points: ____
Task 2. Match parts of the sentences to make English proverbs! (10 points)

1. Hope for the best, but...___ A...say never.

2. Better late than...___ B...your enemies closer.

3. Never...___ C... without breaking a few eggs.
4. Keep your friends close and...___ D...prepare for the worst.

5. You can't always get...___ E...never.

6. You can't make an omelet...___ F... than words.

7. Actions speak louder...___ G... who wait.

8. There's no place...___ H... what you want.

9. If you snooze,...___ home.
10. Good things come to those...___ J... you lose.
Points: ____

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