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I have been looking for information about it, and I found that abortion is a social
phenomenon that yields chilling statistics simply with the known statistics, if we were to
enter more into this field of numbers we would see that the harsh reality that today's
society lives, is immensely greater than the simple figures that throw simple and vague
Every day abortions are committed in the world, counting by millions even, this
phenomenon has been reducing public opinion and institutions that their official ideals
have been in favor of the regression in the matter of the legislation on abortion in many
countries of the world.
There is no doubt that drastic measures have to be taken no longer to solve a problem
that has roots to spare, but to regulate it and making it more beneficial for women who
risk their lives, by doing it clandestinely.

Women's rights: From this perspective, the right to abortion can be interpreted as
necessary for women to achieve equality with men whose freedom is not so restricted by
having children.
The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, or
CETFDCM, said in a 2014 statement: "Unsafe abortion is one of the leading causes of
maternal mortality and morbidity. As such, states parties should legalize abortion. at least
in cases of rape, incest, threats to the life and / or health of the mother or severe fetal
disability, as well as providing women with access to quality post-abortion care, especially
in cases of complications resulting from unsafe abortions. States parties must also
eliminate punitive measures for women who undergo abortion. " It has made similar
recommendations to many governments when reviewing their compliance with the
treaty. The recommendations made in these "concluding observations" often require
governments to legalize abortion in the circumstances mentioned above, decriminalize in
all cases, and guarantee access.

In conclusion, we can say that the issue of abortion today is still very controversial
because there are many factors that intervene in the decision to carry it out, such as:
institutions (legal and illegal), budget, place of residence , procedure, months of gestation,
marital status, age, occupation, etc. In this way, we can conclude that abortion is not an
easy process for a woman to carry out, due to the physical and psychological

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