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Presentado por: Andres Roa Bautista

Presentado a: Ing Ronald Yesid Buitrago

Fundación de Educación Superior San José

Ing Sistemas X semestre
Octubre de 2020

Right now, climate change is the riskiest game we're playing. There are many doubts about the
models that show a 2-4 degree warming: people ask "if we act and are we wrong?". The correct
questions are: "What if the models are correct"? Why should we expect perfect certainty in the
model? We should act if there is a real case that we are on the way to massive damage to the
environment and health.

Instead, economists have taken the arguments and asked odd questions to protect economic
growth: How long can we act to minimize damage and what is the biggest temperature change we
can accept? By doing so, we are accepting a huge risk, when in reality the model is not accurate
enough to answer these questions perfectly.

The risk is currently accepted; We often recognize that taking bigger risks pays more money if it's
worth it. Tony Hayward: "What would you try to do if you knew you couldn't fail?" This attitude is
good for attempting personal achievement, but we must ask our business leaders to consider and
respond to failure.

The history of mankind is about his dominance over nature with technology, we can "slap mother
nature in the face".

At the same time, we have the opinion that the environment is limitless. We have the idea that we
cannot do harm, but we do, and we believe that technology will save us.

In response to climate change, new technologies are often used as a solution, for example
geoengineering that sprays chemicals into the atmosphere to deflect more solar radiation and
lower the temperature. These technologies are unproven, but are being leveraged as a low-effort

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