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proceed from the SOCIAL JUSTICE principles of the

 That the Court zealously implements out of its
concern for those with less in life.
 Thus, the Court will no hesitate to strike down as
invalid any employer act that attempts to undermine
workers’ tenurial security.
(Dionella A Gopio, etc v. Salvador B. Bautista, G.R. No.
205953, 06 June 2018, First Division, Jardeleza, J.)
(d) The Policy of Social Justice is not intended to
countenance wrongdoing, simply because it is committed by
the under privileged.
(Manila Water Co v. Carlito del Rosario, G.R. No.
188747, 29 January 2014, Second Division, Perez, J.)
(e) Protection To OFWs As An Act of Social Justice

 In order to afford FULL PROTECTION TO LABOR, to

our OFWs, the state has vigorously enacted laws, adopted
regulations and policies, and established agencies.
 To ensure that their needs are satisfied and they
continue to work in humane living environment outside the

[IPAMS v Jose de Vera, et al, G.R. No. 205703, 07

March 2016, Second Division, Mendoza, J.)

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