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The Story of Bear and Bunny

This is an unusual story of a girl and a boy who met over the Internet and fell in love. Not so unusual, you can
say, that happens all the time. Well, not to a woman who was once anti-American and not to a man whose first
impression of this girl was, well, goofy.

She's from Manila.

He's from Texas.
She loves coffee.
He takes tea.
He loves milk.
She wouldn't drink the stuff to save her life.

But one night, in a chatroom where someone who called himself  "Antonio Banderas" began getting fresh with
the ladies, and in particular started to cyber-pinch Bun's buns, Bear stepped in and, like a gallant knight of old,
told Antonio where he could shove his contemptuousness. Okay, so maybe the knights didn't talk that way. But
you get the idea. And so Bear and Bun met. But they didn't live happily ever after. Not yet.

First, they had to lose touch for 6 months. Blame it on Daylight Savings Time. Absence must have made their
hearts grow fonder because after they got reacquainted, they also started to write each other apart from their
daily hour-long chats.

It was that way for a year. During that time they shared pictures, jokes, packages, problems, joys and secrets.
They started chatting more, 3 hours each day now. They had gotten to know each other so well that he could tell
when she needed his support, and she could tell when he needed hers. And they gave to each other willingly.

Finally, an opportunity for them to meet arose, the tension was high.
Will he like me?
Will she like me?

The plane landed. She got out and claimed her luggage. He wasn't there yet. As if she needed to be any more
nervous. He was running late. Of ALL the days for traffic to go crazy, it had to be today. He parked his truck
and practically ran into the airport. She turned. He was walking towards her clutching a box of chocolates in one
hand, a bouquet of flowers in the other, and the biggest grin you could ever see on a man. She couldn't imagine
how she'd looked, but she was pretty sure you could stuff a watermelon slice in her mouth sideways.

It's been 3 years since.

They're getting married in 2002.

Bear and Bunny

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