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Cephalgia sufferers at the age above 7 years as much as 2.

5%, at the age above

15 years as much as 15%, and in adults as much as 47%. A survey conducted in America,
the prevalence of migraine in men was 6% while in women it was 15-18%, while for the
type of tension-type headache (TTH) it was 59%. Whereas in Indonesia cephalgia in men
is 36.4% and in women 63.6%. From cases in 2010-2012, most sufferers are teenagers
and adults between the ages of 20-50 years. From the results carried out at Dr. RSUP
Hasan Sadikin Bandung found that many complaints of cephalgia were often reported.
The purpose of this study was to determine the risk factors found in cephalgia sufferers.

Cephalgia or headache, is a pain that is felt in the head area or is an

uncomfortable sensation felt in the head area. Headache is one of the most common
nervous system disorders experienced by people.

This study uses descriptive observational. The study population was 55 adults
and a sample of 12 adults. The sampling technique at the time of the study used medical
record data (patient status). The population of the study was carried out in cephalgia
patients who were treated at the RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung.

The results of the study showed that the pain was accompanied by a feeling of
tension that clamped the head and occipitoservical area pain. This type of headache is
often encountered. This pain is caused by physical factors also caused by psychological
factors. The acute form is associated with a state of stress, anxiety and / or temporary
fatigue which usually lasts one or two days. Chronic muscle tension headache is more
common in women, and is usually bilateral, can occur day and night, and lasts for
months or even years, feels stressful, does not pulsate and is often associated with
anxiety, depression and feelings of depression.

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