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Evidence for climate change

Our climate is changing. We know this from the evidence. Find out why it is happening and the
impact humans are having.

Scientific evidence is clear that our climate is changing

We know this from:

 direct surface temperature measurements

 changes in rainfall and weather patterns

 an increase in the frequency of extreme weather events

 loss of Arctic sea ice

 sea level rise

 melting of the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets, and from the NZ Southern Alps - watch this
video: Glaciers don’t lie on the retreat of New Zealand glaciers [NIWA Taihoro Nukurangi

 shifts in the geographic ranges distribution of some plant and animal species

 earlier unfolding of new leaves in spring 

 changes in bird migration patterns.

Many of these changes pose serious risks 

Extreme drought, heat, rainfall, and coastal inundation are projected to get worse in many parts of New
Zealand and around the world. They pose risks to our safety, property, and infrastructure such as roads.

Find out more in the latest national environment report: Our atmosphere and climate 2020.

Understanding climate change

Earth’s atmosphere is made up of oxygen, a large amount of nitrogen and a small amount of greenhouse
gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane.

Greenhouse gases act like a blanket around the Earth. They trap warmth from the sun and make life on
Earth possible. Without them, too much heat would escape and the surface of the planet would freeze.
Increasing the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere causes the Earth to heat more and
the climate to change.
This process is often called global warming, but it is better to think of it as climate change. It is changing
other aspects of climate as well as temperature (eg, frequency and intensity of extreme weather

The impact of humans

Since the industrial revolution, there has been a marked and growing increase in greenhouse gas
producing activities such as industry, agriculture and transportation. These activities are increasing the
level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. They are causing the Earth to heat up at a rate
unprecedented in recent history. This recent warming can only be explained by the influence of humans.

Studies of ice cores tell us that greenhouse gases are at their highest levels in at least 800,000 years. 

The worst effects of climate change can be mitigated if greenhouse gas emissions are reduced to net
zero over the course of this century.

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