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Homocysteine and Neurologic Disease Ramon Diaz-Arrastia, MD, PhD ver the last 10 years, there has been an explosion of interest in homocysteine, a sulfur- containing amino acid that occupies a central location in the metabolic pathways of thiol compounds. This interest is primarily because of the realization that hyperhomocys- teinemia is an important risk factor for vascular disease, including stroke, independent of long-recognized factors such as hyperlipidemia, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and smoking. Since elevated homocysteine levels can often be normalized by supplementing the diet with folic acid (fo- late), pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B,), and cyanocobalamin (vitamin B,), these observations raise the exciting possibility that this inexpensive and well-tolerated therapy may be effective in de- creasing the incidence of vascular disease. In addition to its association with cerebrovascular disease, homocysteine may play a role in neurodegenerative disorders, even if only as a marker of functional vitamin By, deficiency. Homocysteine is also important to neurologists since most anticonvulsants raise homocysteine levels, an effect that may explain the teratogenic elects of these drugs. Practical knowl- edge concerning some details of homocysteine metabolism, the diagnosis of hyperhomocysteinemia, and the use of polyvitamin therapy to lower homocysteine levels will be increasingly important in the treatment of patients with neurologic disease. HOMOCYSTEINE AND NEUROLOGIC DISEASE In 1969, McCully! reported the autopsy findings of a 7-week-old infant who died asa resull of very high plasma levels of ho- mocysteine, due toa rare defect in the cbiC gene in the vitamin B,, (cyanocobalamnin) metabolic pathway. At autopsy, the in- fant’s arteries exhibited advanced athero- sclerotic lesions, with pathologic Features that reminded McCully of vascular le: sions seen in children with homocyst ura due to cystathionine B-synthase (CBS) deficiency. Since the inborn errors of me- tabolism had in common matked eleva- Lions in homocysteine levels but differed in the concentration of methionine (low in cbIC but high in CBS deficiency) and eys- tathionine (high ¢bIC but low in CBS de- ficiency), MeCully hypothesized that “the arterial damage found in association with both diseases is attributed to the meta- Arch Neurol, 2000;57:1422-1428 bolic effects of increased concentrations of homocysteine, homocystine, or a deriva- Live of homocysteine.” This hypothesis was largely ignored for 20 years, but during the last decade, a wealth of epidemiologic evi- dence has made it evident that even mod- erate elevations in plasma homocysteine levels, in the range of 15 10 20 pmol/L, are ‘common and an important risk factor for vascular disease.** Since elevated homo- cysteine in principle is more readily treat- able Gwith vitamin supplements) than other vascular risk factors (such as diabetes melli- tus, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and smoking, which often require pharmaco- logic intervention), these observations have generated much excitement in the medi- cal community as well as in the lay press and the Internet. The realization that homocysteine is risk factor for vascular disease coincided with observations initially made by Lin- denbaum et al¥ that homocysteine (along, with methylmalonie acid) was a sensitive From the Department of Neurology, Unversity of Tesas Southwestern Medical Center, indicator of subtle vitamin B,, deficiency Dallas. {in patients presenting with dementia, psy- (aera TED) ARCH NEDROUNOU ST OCT Soe WRW.ARCTINEUROT CON Downloaded From: https: (©2000 American Medical Association, All sights reserved. on 10/23/2019 cchosis, ataxia, or neuropathy. The likelihood that el- ‘evated homocysteine levels play role in other, more com- monly occurring dementias has received attention during. the past decade.” The goal ofthis review s to discuss the features of ho- rmocysteine metabolism and the epidemiologic factors that are relevant clinical neurologists First, webrelly review homocysteine metabolismandtheaequired and geneticcon- ditions resulting in hyperhomocysteinemia. Second, wewill evaluate the data linking elevated homocysteine levels to ‘cerebrovascular disease and discuss therapeutic interven- Uonsaimedat lowering homocysteine levels. Third, we will review the recent reportslinking elevated homacysteinelev- ‘els with dementia. Last, we will briefly review the impor~ tance of homocysteine metabolism in patients with epilepsy HOMOCYSTEINE METABOLISM. Homocysteine isa thiol-containingaminoacidthatisformed bbydemethylation of methionine. Homocysteine ismetabo- lized by 2 major pathways: remethylation and transsullu- ration (Figure). In he remethylation cycle, homocysteine is converted back to methionine by areaction catalyzed by methionine synthase (MS). This enzyme requires vitamin B,,asacofactor and uses N’-methyltetrabydrofolateas the methyl donor. The remethylation process is primarily re- sponsible for setting basal homocysteine levels" Under con- ditionsin whichan excess of methionine is presentor fey leinesynthesisis required, homocysteine enters the tans- sulfuration pathway. Homocysteine first condenses with, serine to form cystathionine, a reaction catalyzed by CBS, an enzyme that uses vitamin B, (pyridoxal phosphate) as, ‘cofactor. Cystathionine issubsequently hydrolyzed toform ‘eysteine,a reaction catalyzed by y-cystathionase. Cysteine ‘can in turn be incorporated into glutathione or further me- ed to sulfate and exereted in the urine, taboli Several echnical issues of practical importance to clt- nicians need discussion here. First, homocysteine should >be measured in blood samples that are refrigerated imme- diately after collection, since levels markedly inerease if ‘whole blood is maintained at room temperature for sev- eral hours.” Second, the timing of sample collection is im- portant. While homocysteine levels are usually obtained in the fasting sate, another approach is to measure cleva- tions in homocysteine levels alter an oral methionine dose. This method is more cumbersome and has been per formed less frequently than the fasting method, but up to 40% of patients with hyperhomocysteinemia have el cevated levels only alter a methionine load." Since both fast- ing and postmethionine load (PML) hyperhomocystein- ‘emia are independently associated with an increased risk. ‘of atherothrombotic disease,!""* measuring homocyste- ine inthe fasting state alone misses a substantial number ‘of patients for whom itis an important risk factor." FACTORS CONTROLLING HOMOCYSTEINE LEVELS ‘Vitamin Deficiencies Elevations in plasma homocysteine levels result from complex interaction of acquired and genetic factors. (aera tED) ARCH NEDROUNOU OCT Sy (©2000 American Med on 10/23/2019 eee Lt | oS i a \ the sis an vote : = Fouad / x, / west YM ‘itt ewonnneeie / wy | Cystaticnine \ ase 7 | = = Homocysteine mtabolsm shoving emetyltin and anssltraton ‘thay andthe epicemitogle ators that may occr a eleated omocstie leet Among the acquired factors, quantitatively, the most Important is the relative deficiency of folate, vitamin By, and vitamin B,,. Selhub et al* have estimated that two thirds of the cases of hyperhomocysteinemia (measured in randomly obtained samples) are due to relatively low levels of these vitamins. Epidemiologically, the vitamin with levels that are most inversely correlated to hyper- homocysteinemia is folate.** Folate consumption has recently increased substantially in the United States. Since January 1, 1998, the US Food and Drug Adminis- tration has required that all enriched flour, rice, pasta cornmeal, and other grain products contain at least 140 ng of folate per 100 g, This level of fortification, which as chosen with the goal of preventing neural tube defects, is estimated to increase the dictary folate intake fof most adults by 100 pg/d. How this low level of fortfi- cation will affect homocysteine levels in patients at risk for vascular disease is not fully known, Malinow etal,” studying patients at risk for vascular disease, found that levels of supplementation in the order of 500 pg/d wer required to oblain significant reductions. On the other hhand, Jacques et al* found that foodstuff fortification lowered homocysteine levels by 7% in the general popu- lation and that the percentage of subjects with homocys- teine levels greater than 13 pmol/L decreased by alimost 50%. The effect of folate supplementation of food on PML homocysteine levels has not been studied Association, All rights reserved. Other Acquired Factors After vitamin concentrations, the factor most closely as~ sociated with elevated homocysteine levels old age. Ho- mocysteine levels are relatively stable through the first 4 decades of life and then rise sharply, particularly after age 70.3 Male sex is associated with higher homocys- teine levels at all ages except in the very old. Preg- nancy lowers homocysteine levels,” and estrogen re- placement therapy in postmenopausal women results in significantly lowered homocysteine levels.** Renal insuf- ficiency markedly raises homocysteine levels,” either through decreased clearance or slower metabolism of ho- mocysteine. Coffee consumption of 4 of mote cups per day also raises homocysteine levels," while protein con- sumption of more than 75 g/d lowers fasting homocys- teine levels. Drugs such as methotrexate, 6-azauri- dine, nicotinic acid, and bile acid sequestrants cause elevations in homocysteine levels." OF particular im- portance to neurologists, intrathecal methotrexate has heen associated with marked elevations of homocyste- ine levels in the cerebrospinal fuid, which Is associated ‘with therapy-induced leukoencephalopathy.” Addition- ally, most classic anticonvulsants raise homocysteine lev- els," as discussed in more detail below Genetic Factors Controlling Homocysteine Levels, Severe homocysteinemia with homocystinuria was first identified in cases of rare inborn errors of metabolism characterized by marked elevations of plasma and urine homocysteine concentrations. The most common of these isthe deficiency of CBS, the homozygous form of ‘which occurs in approximately 1 in 200000 live births and is associated with fasting plasma homocysteine concentrations of up to 200 pmol/L. Clinical manifesta- tions include mental retardation, thromboembolism, seizures, premature atherosclerosis, skeletal deformic ties, and ectopia lentis.” The heterozygote state is esti- mated to oceur in 1% to 2% of the population," and these patients have mild elevations of fasting homocys- teine (usually 20-30 mol/L), but recent epidemiologic studies suggest that they are at inereased risk for prema- ture atherosclerosis." Homozygous deficiency of N*.N-methylenetetra- hydrofolate reductase (MTHER) is rare and resultsin se vere hyperhomocysteinemia and early death.” A much more common mutation in the MTHER gene is a C-o-T transition at codon 677 that substitutes a valine for an alanine. This polymorphism is common, and the preva- lence of homozygotes is 5% to 10%, at least in white popu- lations. Patients homozygous forthe C677T mutation have slight elevations in homocysteine levels and are at in- creased risk for premature vascular disease." Recent “observations suggest that patients with the V/V MTHER {genotype have higher folate requirements than individu- als with a normal genotype HOMOCYSTEINE AND VASCULAR DISEASE Since the initial hypothesis by McCully! 30 years ago, much epidemiologic evidence from prospective cohort, (aera tED) SREH NEDROUNOU OCT Sa (©2000 American Med on 10/23/2019 cross-sectional, and case-control studi ncompassing more than 100 studies involving more than 12000 pa- Lients, has confirmed the relationship between elevated homocysteine levels and vascular disease.” Although the precise pathophysiological link has yet to be chiel- dated, itis clear that hypethomocysteinemia isan inde- pendent risk factor for coronary artery disease, cerebro- Vascular disease, peripheral vascular disease, and venous Uhrombosis 58> [thas been estimated that 10% of the vascular disease risk in the general population is due to homocysteine.” The prevalence of hyperhomocysteinemia is al- most twice as high when based on homocysteine mes. surements laken alter 4 methionine load as when based solely on fasting levels. Both fasting and PML hyper hhomocysteinemia are independently associated with n- creased risk of vascular disease in case-control stud- ses." While fasting hyperhomocysteinemia was related to low plasma levels of folate and vitamin B,, there was no such relationship for abnormal increases in homo- cysteine levels alter a methionine challenge. Hypethomocystcinemiaappearsto be more closely as- sociated with microvascular stroke. Fassbendr etal found {hat small-vessel cerebrovascular disease, diagnosed clin cally by the presence of findings of mult-infart dementia or gut disorders and the presence of white matte lesions fon computed tomographic of magnetic resonance imag. tng scans, was strongly associated with elevated homoeys- teine levels, while patients with isolated large vessel dis case but without microvascular disease did not have Significantly higher homocysteine levels. Evers eal also found that an elevated homocysteine level was associated ‘with cerebral microangiopathy but not with eardioem- bolic or macroangiopathie mechanisms The pathophysiological mechanisms by which hyperhomocysteinemia cases atherothrombosts are w- known. Several mechanisms have been proposed," a complete review of which is beyond the seape of this r. view. A leading hypothess is that homocysteine is rap- idly oxidized to homocystine, mixed disulfides, and homocysteine lactone when released into plasina areac- tion that produces reactive oxygen species, which have been ‘mplicated in the development of atherosclerosis. mpor- tantly, some of these toxic products are also believed to play avole inthe pathogenesis of neurodegeneratve dis cases" Of particlar importance to neurologic disease is that homocysteine" and its metabolite homoeysteieacid”™ ate potent agonist for N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors and sre neurotoxic to cultured neurons at concentrations that ae likely reached in the central nervous system after break down of the blood-brain bareer. EFFECTS OF VITAMIN THERAPY IN LOWERING HOMOCYSTEINE LEVELS There has been much interes in using polyvitamin therapy to lower homocysteine concentrations in the general population and in patients at risk for vascular disease. A recently published meta-analysis of such 12 random- ted trials" concluded that daily intake of multivitamin preparations containing folic acid, 0.5 t0 5.0 mg, and eys- nocobalamin, 0.5 mg, would lower homocysteine con- Association, All rights reserved. ‘centrations by approximately one third. These findings fare encouraging, since they indicate that hyperhomo- ‘ysteinemia is reversible by an inexpensive and well- tolerated therapy. Some have argued that isolated foie acid supplementation may mask hematologic signs of vic lamin B,, deficiency,” potentially delaying therapy for other serious complications, such as neuropathy and de mentia This theoretical concern, which has not been con firmed in practice, would be obviated if cyanocobala- min, 0.1 to 1.0 mg, were included in the vitamin supplements. These observations have prompted the use of vit rnin therapy for prevention of cerebrovascular disease in randomized trials, Two ofthese trials are ongoing in North “America. The first of these isthe Vitamin Intervention for Stroke Prevention tial, multicenter, double-blind, randomized trial that secks to enroll 3600 patients. Itis attempting to determine whether high-dose multivita- tins reduce the risk of recureent cerebral or myocardial infarction in hyperhomocysteinemic patients who have hada nondlisabling stroke. The second tral started in eatly 1998, The Trials of Prevention of Cognitive Decline in Women, part of the Women’s Health Study. have ran- domized 3445 healthy women 65 years of age or older to receive a multivitamin containing folic acid, pyridox- ine hydrochloride, and eyanocobalamin or placebo. I~ ‘vestigators plan to assess cognitive function at 2-year in- tervals by a telephone interview. Other large, controlled clinical uals studying the effectiveness of homocysteine lowering therapy in vascular disease are under way in Ea rope and Australia.” Results of these well-designed tr- als will add important information to this critical issue. HOMOCYSTEINE AND NEURODEGENERATIVE DISEASES. The association of vitamin deficeney with dementing le nesses has been noted for more than 50 years. Severe deficiency of vitamin B, causes confusion, dementia, and neurologic damage, such as myelitis and peripheral net- ropathy,a syndrome that has been called subacute com- bined degencration.” The study by Lindenbaum etal! e3- tablished that in patients with subtle vitamin By, deficiency and neuropsychiatric symptoms, such s dementia, per- sonality changes, psychosis, and ataxia, homocysteine lev- els (as well as methylmalonic acid levels) were a sensi- Live marker of vitamin B,, deficiency. Folate deficiency ‘was also associated with dementing and newropsychiat- He illnesses early on. Inthe mid-1080s, several studies also found that patients with Alzhetmer-type dementia as well as other dementing illnesses frequently had low serum vitamin B,, andor folate levels," an associa- tion that grew stronger when hyperhomocysteinemia was used a5 4 surrogate for vitamin B,, deliciency.” More recenly, 2 larg, population-based studies of healthy older adults, one done in the 1980s (subjects were men and ‘women >60 years old) and the second done inthe 1990s (ubjects were men between the ages of54 and 81 yeas). revealed an association of subile but significant deficits in neurocognitive tests with low levels of vitamins By, vitamin B,, oF folate. In the second study.** homoeyste ine levels were measured and were found to be a stron- (aera tED) ARCH NEDROUNOU OCT Sa (©2000 American Med on 10/23/2019 ger predictor of poor performance than low vitamin con- centrations. The association between homocysteine and poor cognitive performance could not be explained by clinical diagnosis of vascular disease im their population of heathy elderly subjects. recent pathologic analysis, of the Alzheimer disease (AD) Nun Study” found that low plasma folate levels were correlated with the sever- ity of neocortical atrophy. Three recent case-control studies, 2 from the United Kingdom! and 1 from Sweden,” have reported a cor relation between AD and high homocysteine levels, The ‘most rigorous of these studies was by Clarke etl," who evaluated Lod AD patients referred tothe Oxford Project to nvestigate Memory and Ageing, 76 of whom had patho- logic confirmation ofthe diagnosis AD. They found sig- nilicant difference (P<05) in the distribution of tual ho mocysteine levels between AD patients and age- matched controls, which became more significant (P<001) ifonly pathologically confirmed eases were ana- Iyzed. The odds ratio for AD in subjects with homoeys- teine concentrations in the upper third percentile was 2.0 and was as high as 4.5 when only the pathologically con- firmed cases were analyzed, These findings indicate that the association between clevated homocysteine levels and dlementia is not simply a rellection of inereased risk of rmullicinfarct dementia. Homocysteine may also be an important factor in Parkinson disease. Kuhn et al found a 2-fld eleva- {won of plasina homocysteine concentrations in patients treated with levodopa compared with untreated parkin- sonian patients and age-matched controls. Hyperhomo- eysteinemia in this setting probably results from th creased production of S-adenosylhomocysteine during the metabolism of levodopa by catechol-O-methylizans- ferase. Whether levodopa-induced homocysteine eleva- tion is associated with increased risk of vascular disease or cognitive decline in parkinsonian patients remains to be established HOMOCYSTEINE IN EPILEPSY systemic administration of high doses of homocysteine ‘nanimals produce convulsive selzures,*" a fat that has been exploited in models of experimental epilepsy. Fur- thermore, up to 20% of patients with homozygous CBS deficiency have seizures," and the high plasma concen- trations of homocysteine in these patients (usually 50- 200 ymoVL) may conteibute to epilepsy.” Whether less severe hyperhomoeysteinemia (15-20 pmol/L) predis- poses patients to epilepsy has not been established. Homocysteine relates o 2 additional important i sues inthe management of patients with epilepsy. Firs, rmosL anticonvulsants lower plasma folate levels, and asa result, almost half of patients treated with anticon- vulsants had homocysteine levels suficiently elevated to put them at high risk for vascular disease.” Arterio- sclerosisisan important issue for patients requiring long- term anticonvulsant therapy, particularly given the ing incidence of epilepsy in older age groups. The clictiveness of polyvitamin therapy in lowering homo- cysteine levels in the setting of anticonvulsant use has not been directly studied Association, All rights reserved. A second issue relates to putative teratogenic effects of high homocysteine levels. There is an increased risk of major congenital malformations in children whose mothers receive anticonvulsants during the first trimester." While the mechanism of terato- xgenicity in folate deficiency is unclear, recent data implicate elevations in homocysteine." First, fasting ‘or PML hyperhomocysteinemia is commonly found in women who have given birth to infants with neural tube defects *" Second, the C6777 mutation in the MTHER gene significantly increases the risk of neural tube defects.” Finally, amniotic fluid homocysteine levels were found to be significantly higher in pregnan- ‘ies complicated by neural tube defects.” Observations such as these led to a practice parameter recently pro- rmulgated by the American Academy of Neurology, ree- ‘ommending that all women of childbearing potential who are taking anticonvulsants consume at least 0.4 my/d of folic acid." Whether this or higher doses of folic acid are effective in lowering homocysteine levels oor in decreasing the incidence of neural tube defects in epileptic women has not been studied. Its also unclear whether cyanocobalamin and pyridoxine hydrochloride supplements are necessary for this population. CONCLUSIONS AND PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS. There is strong epidemiologic evidence indicating that elevated plasma homocysteine levels constitute an im- portant risk factor for vascular disease, including ische- mic stroke. Hyperhomocysteinemia appears to be inde- pendent of other factors, such as smoking, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and hyperlipidemia, and since homo- cysteine levels can usually be lowered by polyvitamin therapy, which is inexpensive, well tolerated, and per- ceived to be “natural,” thisassociation has attracted much, attention in the medical as well as the lay community. Neurologists must also consider the relationship of ho- mocysteine levels to dementing illnesses and to anticon- vulsant use as well as to the documented usefulness of homocysteine measurements as a sensitive indicator of functional vitamin B,, deficiency in neuropsychiatric dis- ‘eases. The efficacy of polyvitamin therapy in these set- lings is less well established, and there is a need for elini- ceal research in this area. Given the intense public interest in medicine and nutrition, many patients will not wait for definitive stud- ies, and practicing neurologists wil be faced with the need togive advice based on limited information. The first prac- tical question relates to when homocysteine levels should she measured in neurologic practice. It seems reasonable to measure homocysteine levels in patients presenting with cerebral infarction, especially microvascular infarction, ‘ata young age or when other cerebrovascular risk fac {ors are not prominent. This information may refine risk assessment and raises the question of whether vitamin therapy should be prescribed for patients with high ho- mocysteine levels. Answers to the later question must await the results of randomized clinical trials that are ‘currently under way. While some have argued in favor oof prescribing multivitamin supplements without mea- suring homocysteine levels, the effectiveness of that practice is unknown, and some patients may require higher than normal vitamin doses to normalize homo- cysteine concentrations. These issues and others will be the focus of intense clinical investigations over the next decade “Accepted for publication December 21, 1999. Dr Dia2z-Arrastia is supported by grants NIH KOS NS01763, ROI AG12297, and RO3.AGI6450, from the Na- tional Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md. The author thanks Drs Mark Agostini and Gil Wolfe {for critical reviews of the manuscript. Corresponding author: Ramon Diaz-Arrastia, MD, PhD, Department of Neurology, University of Texas Southwest- erm Medical Center, 5323 Harry Hines Blvd, Dallas, TX 75390-9036 (e-mail: RdiazA@mednet swmed edu). Es} 1. Meculy XS. vaseul patiogyofhonoesteneia:inleatns rte pate emis of ateosderss. An J Pa 8606-11-28. 2 Sana segs PF. Wisen PU. 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