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Dear Sandy, (greeting)

I hope you are well. I know I haven’t written you before I’m so excited
that you’re coming to stay with me for a week! (opening remark)
Well I don’t want to go for climbing because I scared. If you want, we
can go to the concert which is calling “THE FIVE BOYS”. I can bring some
others friends to come with us. Then if you want, we can go to eat a
burger next to my house, at “burger guy”. Also, after the burger we can
go to the cinema and see our favorite movie “Prison Brake”. (first piece
of information)

The next day if you want, we can go to the waterpark to play. Here we
can find my sister because is working there all day. (second piece)
Well, I need to go now. I'm looking forward to hearing your news.
(closing remark)

Best wishes,
Alexandros (greeting)

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