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Should one gain a little more insight on diverse methods for relaxation, these two writings

give a case for two different ways to unwind. Although very different, both recommendations
are useful if what we are looking for is ways to beguile some of the time that one perhaps
often spends tense, jittery or anxious.

The first essay sheds a light on how tea in its diverse forms and flavours not only helps to
ease our nerves but also to energize us since some of its variations contain little to no
caffeine at all. In addition, it further explains that one will not feel as drowsy with tea as
could happen with sleeping pills or other non organic ways of inducing calmness.

Notwithstanding, the second essayist advocates that if one is prone to not maintain a regular
meditation, yoga could be a solution since its class ambiance might help one to remain more
focus and actually do yoga. However, it gives a cautionary tale that people would enjoy yoga
more if they had chose the right setting and intensity of the exercise. Most of the time, yoga
comes across as a mundane stretching class but in fact it focus both on mental wellbeing
and physical endurance and it is imperative one consult with an specialist before joining a
yoga class.

On a more personal note, it might seem like I am out of step with the world since I thoroughly
believe that none of these two recommendations do truly help with feeling tense or anxious.
As a person who often suffers from severe anxiety, getting advice like doing yoga, getting
more active or drinking a special concoction hit me on a gut level. In my case, I am an
advocate of different breathing techniques that actually sooth my anxiety attacks and help
me to clear my mind from whatever turmoil I face.

Word count: 238

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