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Extraordinary Recit Judiciary Department

1. Congress enacted a law lowering the bar average from 75 to 70. Is this unconstitutional?

2. The president appointed a court interpreter to branch xx of the RTC to which Ho. Judge Regala was
the presiding judge. Is this unconstitutional?

Because of a disagreement over a piece of furniture, Judge a and B were in conflict. They fought and
landed blows on each other. Judge XX filed a criminal action to the Ombudsman against Judge ZZZ. To
look into the criminal acts of the person complained of is related

4. Atty XYZ has been in practice for 15 years bt has never become a judge of any lower court. The
president appointed him to the Supreme Court. Is the act of the President constitutional?

5. The Supreme C assigned judge chenelyn to the Civil Service for 7 months with his consent. Is this
constitutional. Yes.

6. Bitoy, a clerk of ourt of RTC of LEgazpi for being absent. Acting on appeal by the

7. Give the requirements for the Member of Congress to have a locus standi for the Judicial review of
the requirements.

a direct or substantive injury

A threat to violation of rights or n actual violation of rights

8. Congress enacted a law prescribing the minimum age for the judges of lower court to 40 years of age.
Constitutional or not?

9. Give the req for the taxpayers to have a locus standi for judicial review of the Supreme Court

He has sufficient interest and will be directly sustain an injury as a result of the enforcement of the
questioned issue. Pascual v Secretary of Public Works


12. Give the requirements of a citizen of the PH to have a locus standi for Judicial

11. SC assigned Judge XX to the Comelec temporarily for 6 months. Is this Constitutional?

Jorence, an Assoc Justice of Sc reached age of 70 October 20, 2019. There was a case calendared on that
date where the vote of Jorence was crucial. Because of this Jorence held over the position to participate
in the deliberations of the case. Are there any constitutional violations in the said case? Yes. Sec 11. The
age of retirement is mandatory. Upon reaching 70, a judge is considered retired notwithstanding the
cases calendared for deliberations or its importance.

Suppose the law was brought to SC to test is validity. After the SC’s declaration

Congress enacted a law increasing the appellate jurisdiction of the SC. Is this constitutional?

Injury in fact Test, its elements IBP v Zamora

Whether or not the IBP has the locus standi

Supreme Court is not a trier of facts. It only takes jurisdiction for cases where a question of law is

Congress enacted a law establishing the right to trial by jury of an offense punishable by reclusion
perpetua or higher.

Mateo case, reclusion perpetua must pass through the CA first before the Supreme Court.

Judicial Power, where vested.

In one supreme court and in such lower couts as may be established by law.


Scope of Power

To determine whether or not a

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