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 1 assignment per month

 Every semestr – a test (1st semester passage in English, 2 nd – passage in Polish)

 Book: Arkadiusz Belczyk “Poradnik tłumacza”
 Test – december

Petronius woke up just around midday and as usual, very tired. The pervious day he went to a feast
at Nero’s place which lasted until late into the night. For some time his health began
deteriorating/began to fail. He himself used to say in the mornings he wakes up feeling numb and
unable to gather/collect his thoughts. But a morning bath and conscientious/careful kneading of the
body by trained/skilled slaves accelerated/stimulated gradually the circulation of his lazy/passive
blood, woke him up and revived, brought back his forces/strengths in a way/so that from
elaeothesium, that is from the last bathing compartment, he came out as if reborn/resurrected with
eyes sparkling with humour and joy. He seemed/was/felt younger, full of life, refined, so unsurpassed
that Otho himself couldn’t compare to him, just a true, as they called him, arbiter elegantiarum.

 Finish the rest of the text for the next week (9.10)

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