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Learning Activity 1.1

What are the new things that you learned about the nature of mathematics?

The nature of mathematics is very significant for humankind, especially during

these times when there is a rapid advancement in technology. One of the new things
I learned from this lesson, is how mathematics helps in a better understanding of this
modern world and generation. From the basic knowledge our ancestors had to the
wide range of information we have today, I observed that mathematics plays an
essential role in how we can improve our strategies and ideas in coping with the
changes in our society.
We already know that mathematics is always present in our daily lives, but
from this lesson, I learned that it is much more than the numbers we encounter in
everything we do. It serves as a tool that helps us to think logically and
systematically in solving the simplest to the most complex problems. Mathematics
involves a level of thinking that would enable us to address complex situations
traditionally or differently. We must learn it from the basics to be able to grasp
complex principles in the long run. It is also a field of study which is essential as a
building block or bridge for other disciplines to develop.
One last thing I learned is that through mathematics, we can decipher
patterns and their changes concerning nature. For me, this is one of the most
relevant applications of the nature of mathematics because it may help in answering
our greatest curiosities about the world we live in and everything within it.
Mathematics has a lot to offer other than these mentioned above and will still have
more even after centuries, proof that it is a continuous journey of learning and
application of its principles.

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