Coronavirus Resolutions

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That title sounds sort of weird doesn’t it? Here’s what’s behind it. Last night I
had a dear friend send me a text and ask if I had a few minutes to spare. We
connected over FaceTime and he said that he knew I was having a busy day
and instead of texting a message that he was praying for me, decided to call
and actually do so with me. It was genuine, thoughtful, and appreciated in ways
he will never know. After our prayer we discussed a host of things and in that
conversation he confided that he had made a few new personal commitments
for the Lord. During a time in which he has his own COVID-19 waters to
navigate at home and at work, he took time for some self-reflection and
resolved to add to his faith some items that would not only help him grow but
also encourage and help others grow.
In our time of isolation from each other I know that there are some of you that
have had this same mentality. One that says a virus like this won’t shut down my
work for the Lord. Satan throws a curve ball but we know how to swing for the
fences to keep ourselves on track spiritually. For those who are strong in the
Lord and kicking Satan to the curb (Jas 4:7), keep up the good work! You are a
fantastic encouragement!
I would imagine, however, that there are those who are locked down and
haven’t thought much good about anything, let alone service for the Lord. Can
I encourage you to put on some different glasses so you can view matters
differently, biblically? Can I encourage you to be a student instead of a victim; a
Christian who says, “I’m a doer!” not, “I’m done!”? It doesn’t take much to
change directions. One small act of service (Mat 10:40-42; 25:31-40) can go
along way toward improving your relationship with Christ and making
someone else’s day much brighter. Write a card, make a call, pray with
someone, send some flowers, bake a cake,…you get the idea. Remember that
Satan is hungry and he is looking for the vulnerable (1 Pet 5:8). Don’t become
his eternal snack! Our God is greater, stronger, and can sustain us, but He isn’t
going to force Himself into our lives. Draw near to Him (Jas 4:8) and He
promises that no one will be able to take you out of His care and protection
(Rom 8:31-39).
Don’t wait till January, let’s make our own Coronavirus resolutions and do
something for the cause of Christ today.
I love y’all,

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