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Algebra is a sort of language, and has its own vocabulary.

Learning algebra is a little like learning another language. In fact, algebra is a simple language,
used to create mathematical models of real-world situations and to handle problems that we
can't solve using just arithmetic. Rather than using words, algebra uses symbols to make
statements about things. In algebra, we often use letters to represent numbers.

Since algebra uses the same symbols as arithmetic for adding, subtracting, multiplying and
dividing, you're already familiar with the basic vocabulary.

In this lesson, you'll learn some important new vocabulary words, and you'll see how to
translate from plain English to the "language" of algebra.

The first step in learning to "speak algebra" is learning the definitions of the most commonly
used words.

Algebraic Expressions
An algebraic expression is one or more algebraic terms in a phrase. It can
include variables, constants, and operating symbols, such as plus and minus signs. It's only a
phrase, not the whole sentence, so it doesn't include an equal sign.

Algebraic expression:

3x2 + 2y + 7xy + 5

In an algebraic expression, terms are the elements separated by the plus or minus signs. This
example has four terms, 3x2, 2y, 7xy, and 5. Terms may consist of variables and coefficients, or

In algebraic expressions, letters represent variables. These letters are actually numbers in
disguise. In this expression, the variables are x and y. We call these letters "variables" because
the numbers they represent can vary—that is, we can substitute one or more numbers for the
letters in the expression.

Coefficients are the number part of the terms with variables. In 3x2 + 2y + 7xy + 5, the
coefficient of the first term is 3. The coefficient of the second term is 2, and the coefficient of
the third term is 7.

If a term consists of only variables, its coefficient is 1.

Constants are the terms in the algebraic expression that contain only numbers. That is, they're
the terms without variables. We call them constants because their value never changes, since
there are no variables in the term that can change its value. In the expression 7x2 + 3xy + 8 the
constant term is "8."

Real Numbers
In algebra, we work with the set of real numbers, which we can model using a number line.

Real numbers describe real-world quantities such as amounts, distances, age, temperature, and
so on. A real number can be an integer, a fraction, or a decimal. They can also be either rational
or irrational. Numbers that are not "real" are called imaginary. Imaginary numbers are used by
mathematicians to describe numbers that cannot be found on the number line. They are a
more complex subject than we will work with here.

Rational Numbers
We call the set of real integers and fractions "rational numbers." Rational comes from the word
"ratio" because a rational number can always be written as the ratio, or quotient, of two

Examples of rational numbers

The fraction ½ is the ratio of 1 to 2.

Since three can be expressed as three over one, or the ratio of 3 to one, it is also a rational

The number "0.57" is also a rational number, as it can be written as a fraction.

Irrational Numbers
Some real numbers can't be expressed as a quotient of two integers. We call these numbers
"irrational numbers". The decimal form of an irrational number is a non-repeating and non-
terminating decimal number. For example, you are probably familiar with the number called
"pi". This irrational number is so important that we give it a name and a special symbol!

Pi cannot be written as a quotient of two integers, and its decimal form goes on forever and
never repeats.

Translating Words into Algebra Language

Here are some statements in English. Just below each statement is its translation in algebra.

the sum of three times a number and eight

3x + 8

The words "the sum of" tell us we need a plus sign because we're going to add three times a
number to eight. The words "three times" tell us the first term is a number multiplied by three.

In this expression, we don't need a multiplication sign or parenthesis. Phrases like "a number"
or "the number" tell us our expression has an unknown quantity, called a variable. In algebra,
we use letters to represent variables.

the product of a number and the same number less 3

x(x – 3)

The words "the product of" tell us we're going to multiply a number times the number less 3. In
this case, we'll use parentheses to represent the multiplication. The words "less 3" tell us to
subtract three from the unknown number.

a number divided by the same number less five

The words "divided by" tell us we're going to divide a number by the difference of the number
and 5. In this case, we'll use a fraction to represent the division. The words "less 5" tell us we
need a minus sign because we're going to subtract five.
Write the expression for:

"A number" means a variable. Pick a letter - x is a popular

one. "The sum" means you add, and what you add comes
the sum of a
next, 6.
number and 6
We can write this expression: x + 6
Let's use a different variable, n. Twelve times the number
is 12n. "Less" means you subtract one part of the
12 times a expression from another. Be careful which part is
number less 30 subtracted from which.

One way to write this expression is: 12n - 30

There are two variables here, because we don't know the
ages of the girl or the boy. Let's call the girl's age x and the
the sum of the
boy's age y. The word "sum" means we are adding the two
girl's age and
terms. The boy's age needs be divided in half before it gets
half the boy's
into the expression.
We can write this expression: x + ½y


Are these statements true or false? True False

"Pi" is a real number.
2.52 is a real, rational number.
n + 5 is an expression for “the sum of a number and five.”
3 is an irrational number.
“Twice a number divided by three” can be written as 2n - 3.
“Five decreased by twice a number” can be written as 5 - 2x.
“Ten less than a number” can be written as 10 n.
An integer is not a rational number.


Algebraic Expressions: Mathemati cs becomes a bit complicated when lett ers and

symbols get involved. With the introducti on of Algebra in Class 6, it becomes
diffi cult for students to understand the various concepts. We at Embibe will help
you make the learning process easy and smooth. In this arti cle, we will explain
what algebraic expressions are, what are the diff erent types of algebraic
expressions, parts of the expressions, etc. along with examples. Read on to fi nd

Algebraic Expressions
An Algebraic Expression or Polynomial is a mathemati cal term that consists of
variables and constants along with mathemati cal operators (subtracti on, additi on,
multi plicati on, etc).

Example: 8x – 20, 5x – 6y + 30 etc.

Quick Note: Algebraic Expressions shouldn’t be confused with Algebraic

Equati ons. An Algebraic Equati on has two sides (Left Hand Side or LHS and Right
Hand Side or RHS) whereas an Algebraic Expressions does not.

Algebraic Equati on: 5x – 20 = 80 or (a  + b) 2  = a 2  + 2ab + b 2

Now you know the diff erence between Algebraic Expressions and Algebraic
Equati ons.

Algebraic Expressions and Terms

Here we will tell you the diff erence between a variable, expression, and a term
and how they are related. Oft en in mathemati cs, we come across symbols or
lett ers such as x, y, z, etc whose value is unknown and we have to fi nd the exact
or approximate value. Hence a variable is defi ned as a lett er or a symbol that is
used to represent an unknown number

Any number or a variable combined by multi plicati on or division is known as

a term. Example: 5, 6x, 5/3, etc.

An expression is a collecti on of a single or multi ple terms separated by either

subtracti on or additi on. Example: 5x-3, 23x, 2/3x + 4.

Parts Of Algebraic Expressions

Let’s take an example:

6x – 9


 – 6 is the coeffi cient of x.

 – x is a variable. Its value unknown and can be anything.
 – 9 is a constant with a fi xed value

The expression as a whole is known as a binomial term. Let’s move on to the

types of Algebraic Expressions.

Algebraic Expressions & Its Types

There are 6 main types of Algebraic Expressions. These are as under:

1. Monomial Expression
2. Binomial Expression
3. Trinomial Expression
4. Linear polynomial
5. Quadrati c polynomial
6. Cubic polynomial

Let’s have a look at them one by one:

Monomial Expression: A polynomial with a single term is known as a monomial.

8x 6 , 10xy, 12xyz, etc. are examples of monomial expressions.

Binomial Expression: A polynomial with two terms is known as a binomial.

8x 6  + 3, 10xy – x 3 , 12xy + 4, etc. are examples of monomial expressions.

Trinomial Expression: A polynomial with three terms is known as a trinomial.

x + x 2  + π, y 4  + y + 6, z + z 2  – 5, etc. are examples of trinomial expressions.

Linear Polynomial: A polynomial of degree 1 is called a linear polynomial. In

other words, in a linear polynomial, the highest exponent  of the variable is one.

Example: 2x + 1, 8 – 2u, etc

Quadrati c Polynomial: A polynomial of degree 2 is called a quadrati c polynomial.

This means, in a quadrati c polynomial, the highest exponent  of the variable is

Example: x 2  + 25, y 2  – y – 36, etc.

Cubic Polynomial: A polynomial of degree 3 is called a linear polynomial. Here,

the highest exponent of the variable is three.

Example: x 3  + x 2  , x 3  + 5, etc.

Now you are familiar with the types of algebraic expression.

Let’s have a look at how to simplify them.

Simplifi cati on Of Algebraic Expressions

For this, we will take a polynomial.

P(x) = 5x 2  – 3x + 7 and we have to simplify this polynomial for x = 2.

Here, well solve this step by step.

 1st Step: put the value of x = 2.

P(2) = 5(2) 2  – 3(2) + 7
 2nd Step: Use BODMAS method
P(2) = 5(2 * 2) – 3 * 2 + 7
 3rd Step: The expression will become
P(2) = 5(4) – 6 + 7
P(2) =5*4–6+7
P(2) = 20 – 6 + 7
P(2) = 27 – 6
P(2) = 21.

That was the process for simplifying an algebraic expression step by step.

Frequently Asked Questi ons On Algebraic Expressions

Here are some FAQs that students generally search:

Q: What are Algebraic expressions?

A: A mathemati cal term consisti ng of a variable and a constant is referred to as
algebraic expressions

Q: How can I simplify an algebraic equati on or expression?

A: Take the equati on to solve for the value of the coeffi cient. Example 8x 2  – 4x +
12 here x is the coeffi cient. apply BODMAS and you will get the soluti on.

Q: What are the types of Algebraic Expressions?

A: Algebraic expressions are of 6 types:
Monomial Expression
Binomial Expression
Trinomial Expression
Linear polynomial
Quadrati c polynomial
Cubic polynomial

Algebra Formulas: Mathemati cs typically covers a vast area and is one of the

important fi elds of study. As students approach higher classes, they get
introduced to Algebra. When the fi xed and dynamic components come hand in
hand to determine a specifi c situati on, Algebra comes into play. As students fi nd
these algebra formulas and expressions in Maths may get a litt le tough to handle,
this is where Embibe comes to your rescue.

In this arti cle, we will provide you with a detailed list of Algebraic Expressions in
Maths, their defi niti on, and examples. This arti cle will be helpful for all the
students who want to get bett er in Mathemati cs. You can refer to these algebra
formulas provided here while solving the questi ons.

Algebra Formulas: List Of Algebraic Expressions In Maths

Algebra is represented as the study of unknown quanti ti es. Its concepts become
important for students studying from Class 6 to the higher classes. This arti cle on
Algebra Formulas and Expression covers the following topics.

1. Algebraic Identi ti es
2. Laws of Exponent
3. Quadrati c Equati ons
4. List of Important Formulas

We will cover these aforementi oned topics one by one.

Algebra Formulas: Important Algebraic Identi ti es

Algebraic identi ti es comprise various equality equati ons consisti ng of diff erent

 a) Linear Equati ons in One Variable:  A linear equati on in one variable has
the maximum of one variable present in the order 1. It is depicted in the form of
ax + b = 0, where x is represented as the variable.
 b) Linear Equati ons in Two Variables:  A linear equati on in two variables
consists of the utmost two variables present in order 2. The equati on is depicted
in the form: ax 2  + bx + c = 0. The two variables are quite important because your
coursebook has a lot of questi ons based on it. So, you need to stay focussed on
important algebra formulas to fi nd the soluti on.

Some basic identi ti es to note are:

1. The combinati on of literal numbers obeys every basic rule of additi on,
subtracti on, multi plicati on and division.
2. x × y = xy; such as 5 × a = 5a = a × 5.
3. a × a × a × … 9 more ti mes = a 1 2
4. If a number is x 8 , then x is the base and 8 is the exponent.
5. A constant is a symbol with a fi xed numerical value.

Algebra Formulas: Laws Of Exponent

Exponents are the powers or the degrees in any mathemati cal expression. Here
are some laws of exponents important in learning algebra formulas (given below):

1. a 0  = 1
2. a - m  = 1/a m
3. (a m ) n  = a m n
4. a m  / a n  = a m - n
5. a m  x b m   = (ab) m
6. a m  / b m   = (a/b) m
7. (a/b) - m  =(b/a) m
8. (1) n   = 1 for infi nite values of  n.

Algebra Formulas: Quadrati c Equati ons

Quadrati c equati ons are simply the linear equati ons in two variables. These are
quite important when it comes to solving mathemati cal questi ons.

The mysqladmins of the equati on ax 2  + bx + c = 0 (where a ≠ 0) can be given as:

[Math Processing Error]−b±b2−4ac2a

Some important points about the equati on as a part of important algebra

formulas are given below:

1. Δ = b 2  − 4ac is also known as a discriminant.

2. For mysqladmins;
1. Δ > 0 happens when the mysqladmins are real and disti nct
2. For real and coincident mysqladmins, Δ = 0
3. Δ < 0 happens in the case when the mysqladmins are non-real
3. If α and β are the two mysqladmins of the equati on ax 2  + bx + c then,
α + β = (-b / a) and α × β = (c / a).
4. If the mysqladmins of a quadrati c equati on are α and β, the equati on will
(x − α)(x − β) = 0.

Generic Algebra Formulas

The general algebra formulas can be given as:

1. n is a natural number: a n  – b n  = (a – b)(a n - 1  + a n - 2 b+…+ b n - 2 a + b n - 1 )

2. If n is even: (n = 2k), a n  + b n  = (a – b)(a n - 1  + a n - 2 b +…+ b n - 2 a + b n - 1 )
3. n is odd: (n = 2k + 1), a n  + b n  = (a + b)(a n - 1  – a n - 2 b +a n - 3 b 2 …- b n - 2 a + b n - 1 )
4. General square Formula: (a + b + c + …) 2  = a 2  + b 2  + c 2  + … + 2(ab + ac + bc +

List Of Important Algebra Formulas

Here is a complete list of all the important algebra formulas:

1. (a + b) 2  = a 2  + 2ab + b 2
2. (a – b) 2  = a 2  – 2ab + b 2
3. (a + b) (a – b) = a 2  -b 2
4. (x + a) (x + b) = x 2  + (a + b) x + ab
5. (x + a) (x – b) = x 2  + (a – b) x – ab
6. (x – a) (x + b) = x 2  + (b – a) x – ab
7. (x – a) (x – b) = x 2  – (a + b) x + ab
8. (a + b) 3  = a 3  + b 3  + 3ab (a + b)
9. (a – b) 3  = a 3  – b 3  – 3ab (a – b)
10. (a + b) 4  = a 4  + 4a 3 b + 6a 2 b 2  + 4ab 3  + b 4
11. (a – b) 4  = a 4  – 4a 3 b + 6a 2 b 2  – 4ab 3  + b 4
12. (x + y + z) 2  = x 2  + y 2  + z 2  + 2xy +2yz + 2xz
13. (x + y – z) 2  = x 2  + y 2  + z 2  + 2xy – 2yz – 2xz
14. (x – y + z) 2  = x 2  + y 2  + z 2  – 2xy – 2yz + 2xz
15. (x – y – z) 2  = x 2  + y 2  + z 2  – 2xy + 2yz – 2xz
16. x 3  + y 3  + z 3  – 3xyz = (x + y + z) (x 2  + y 2  + z 2  – xy – yz -xz)
17. x 2   + y 2  = [Math Processing Error]12  [(x + y) 2  + (x – y) 2 ]
18. (x + a) (x + b) (x + c) = x 3   + (a + b + c)x 2  + (ab + bc + ca)x + abc
19. x 3  + y 3  = (x + y) (x 2   – xy + y 2 )
20. x 3  – y 3  = (x – y) (x 2   + xy + y 2 )
21. x 2  + y 2  + z 2  – xy – yz – zx = [Math Processing Error]12 [(x – y) 2  + (y – z) 2  + (z
– x) 2 ]

Frequently Asked Questi ons (FAQs) Related To Algebra Formulas

Let’s look at some of the important FAQs related to Algebra formulas below:

Q1: Why Algebra is considered important in Mathemati cs?

Ans: Algebra is an important concept in applied mathemati cs. It is undeniably the
best component that can help you understand the theory of parti al diff erenti al
equati ons. These are quite important in physical systems such as movement and
forces as well as heat transfers, and more. Therefore, to stay clear of these
physical aspects, you need to be profi cient with the basics of algebra formulas
and equati ons.

Q2: Where can I practi ce Algebra questi ons?

Ans: You can practi ce Algebra questi ons at Embibe. Embibe provides unlimited
algebra practi ce questi ons and algebra mock questi ons created by academic
experts. You can even post your questi ons at Embibe’s Ask platf orm and get their
soluti ons.

Q3: What are the diff erent components of the Algebra formulas and
Ans: Algebra formulas and expressions can be divided into the following
1. Algebraic Identi ti es
2. Laws of Exponent
3. Quadrati c Equati ons
4. Other Important Expressions


Why do we have math if we can describe things

in words?
Algebraic expressions are useful because they represent the value of an
expression for all of the values a variable can take on.

Sometimes in math, we describe an expression with a phrase. For example,

the phrase

"two more than five"

can be written as the expression

5+25+25, plus, 2.

Similarly, when we describe an expression in words that includes a variable,

we're describing an algebraic expression, an expression with a variable.

For example,

"three more than xxx"

can be written as the algebraic expression

x+ 3x+3x, plus, 3.

But why? Why use math if we can describe things in words? One of the many
reasons is that math is more precise and easier to work with than words are.
This is a question you should keep thinking about as we dig deeper into

Different words for addition, subtraction,

multiplication, and division
Here is a table that summarizes common words for each operation:

Example algebraic
Operation Words expression

Plus, sum, more than, increased

Addition by x + 3x+3x, plus, 3

Subtracted, minus, difference,

Subtraction less than, decreased by p - 6p−6p, minus, 6

Multiplication Times, product 8k8k8, k

a \div 9a÷9a,
Division Divided, quotient divided by, 9

For example, the word product tells us to use multiplication. So, the phrase

"the product of eight and kkk"

can be written as

8k8k8, k.

Let's take a look at a trickier example

Write an expression for "mmm decreased by seven".

Notice that the phrase "decreased by" tells us to use subtraction.

So, the expression is m - 7m−7m, minus, 7.

The word decreased is used, which means we should subtract, but we still
need to be careful about which order to put the numbers in.

For example, "mmm decreased by seven" tells us to start at mmm and

decrease by seven which can be written as the expression m - 7m−7m, minus,

On the other hand, the expression 7 - m7−m7, minus, m is "seven decreased
by mmm".


Algebraic Expression – Explanation &

Algebra is an interesting and enjoyable branch of mathematics in which numbers,
shapes and letters are used to express problems. Whether you are learning algebra in
school or you are examining a certain test, you will notice that almost all mathematical
problems are represented in words.
Therefore, the need of translating written word problems into algebraic expressions
arises when we need to solve them.

Most of the algebraic word problems consist of real-life short stories or cases. Others
are simple phrases such as the description of a math problem. Well, in this article we
will learn how to write algebraic expressions from simple word problems, then
advance to lightly complex word problems.

What is an Algebraic Expression?

Many people interchangeably use algebraic expression and algebraic equations
unaware that these terms are totally different.

An algebraic is a mathematical phrase where two side of the phrase are connected by
an equal sign (=). For example, 3x + 5 = 20 is an algebraic equation where 20
represents the right-hand side (RHS) and 3x +5 represents the left-hand side (LHS) of
the equation.

On the other hand, an algebraic expression is a mathematical phrase where variables

and constants are combined using the operational (+, -, × & ÷) symbols.  An algebraic
symbol lacks the equal (=) sign. For example, 10x + 63 and 5x – 3 are examples of
algebraic expressions.

Let’s take a review of the terminologies used in an algebraic expression:

 A variable is a letter whose value is unknown to us. For example, x is our variable in the
expression: 10x + 63.
 The coefficient is a numerical value used together with a variable. For example, 10 is the
variable in the expression 10x + 63.
 A constant is a term which has a definite value. In this case, 63 is the constant in an
algebraic expression, 10x + 63.

There are several types of algebraic expressions but the main type includes:

 Monomial algebraic expression

This is a type of expression having only one term for example, 2x, 5x 2 ,3xy, etc.
 Binomial expression

An algebraic expression having two unlike terms, for example, 5y + 8, y+5, 6y 3 + 4, etc.

 Polynomial expression

This is an algebraic expression with more than one term and with non -zero exponents
of variables. An example of a polynomial expression is ab + b c + ca, etc.

Other types of algebraic expressions are:

 Numeric Expression:

A numerical expression only consists of numbers and operators. No variable is added in

a numeric expression. Examples of numeric expressions are; 2+4, 5-1, 400+600, etc.

 Variable Expression:

This I an expression which contains variables alongside numbers, for example, 6x + y,

7xy+6, etc.

How to Solve Algebraic Expression?

The purpose of solving an algebraic expression in an equation is to find the unknown

variable. When two expressions are equated, they form an equation and therefore, it
becomes easier to solve for the unknown terms.

To solve an equation, place the variables on one side and the constants on the other
side. The variables can be isolated by applying arithmetic operations like addition,
subtraction, multiplication, division, square root, cube root etc.

An algebraic expression is always interchangeable. This implies that, you can rewrite
the equation by interchanging the LHS and RHS.

Example 1
Calculate the value of x in the following equation

5x + 10 = 50


Given Equation as 5x + 10 = 50

 Isolate the variables and the constants;

 You can keep the variable on the LHS and the constants on the RHS.

5x = 50-10

 Subtract the constants;

5x = 40

Divide both sides by the coefficient of the variable;

x = 40/5 = 8

Therefore, the value of x is 8.

Example 2

Find the value of the y when 5y + 45 = 100


Isolate the variables from the constants;

5y = 100 -45

5y = 55

Divide both sides by the coefficient;

y = 55/5

y= 11

Example 3

Determine the value of variable in the following equation:

2x + 40 = 30


Separate the variables from the constants;

2x = 30 – 40

2x = -10

Divide both sides by 2;

x = -5

Example 4

Find t when 6t + 5 = 3


Separate the constants from the variable,

6t = 5 -3

6t = -2

Divide both sides by the coefficient,

t = -2/6

Simplify the fraction,

t = -1/3

Practice Questions

1. If x = 4 and y = 2, solve for the following expressions:

a. 2y + 4

b. 10x + 40y;

c. 15y – 5x

d. 5x + 7

e. 11y + 6

f. 6x – 2

g. 8y – 5

h. 60 – 5x – 2y

2. Sam feed his fish the same amount of food (let equal to x) thrice a day. How much
food will he feed the fish in a week?

3. Nina baked 3 cupcakes for her sister and 2 cupcakes for each of her friends (let
equal to x). How many cupcakes did she bake in all?

4. Jones have 12 cows at his farm. Most of the cows give 30 liters of milk per day (let
equal to x). How many cows does not give 30 liters of milk per day?

Algebraic Expressions
What is an Algebraic Expression?
An algebraic expression in mathematics is an expression which is made up of variables and
constants, along with algebraic operations (addition, subtraction, etc.). Expressions are made up
of terms. They are also termed as algebraic equations. Also, solve questions in Algebraic
Expressions Worksheets, at BYJU’S.

3x + 4y – 7,  4x – 10, etc.
These expressions are represented with the help of unknown variables, constants and coefficient.
The combination of these three (as terms) is said to be an expression. It is to be noted that, unlike
the algebraic equation, an algebraic expression has no sides or equal to sign. Some of its
examples include

 3x + 2y – 5
 x – 20
 2x2 − 3xy + 5

Variables, Coefficient & Constant

In Algebra we work with Variable, Symbols or Letters whose value is unknown to us.
In the above expression (i.e. 5x – 3),

 x is a variable, whose value is unknown to us which can take any value.

 5 is known as the coefficient of x, as it is a constant value used with the variable term and is well
 3 is the constant value term which has a definite value.
The whole expression is known to be the Binomial term, as it has two unlikely terms.

Types of Algebraic expression

There are 3 main types of algebraic expressions which include:

 Monomial Expression
 Binomial Expression
 Polynomial Expression

Monomial Expression
An algebraic expression which is having only one term is known as a monomial.
Examples of monomial expression include 3x , 3xy, 3x, 8y, etc.

Binomial Expression
A binomial expression is an algebraic expression which is having two terms, which are unlike.
Examples of binomial include 5xy + 8, xyz + x , etc. 3

Polynomial Expression
In general, an expression with more than one terms with non-negative integral exponents of a
variable is known as a polynomial.
Examples of polynomial expression include ax + by + ca,  x  + 2x + 3, etc.

Other Types of Expression:

Apart from monomial, binomial and polynomial types of expressions, an algebraic expression
can also be classified into two additional types which are:

 Numeric Expression
 Variable Expression

Numeric Expression
A numeric expression consists of numbers and operations, but never include any variable. Some
of the examples of numeric expressions are 10 + 5, 15 ÷ 2, etc.
Variable Expression
A variable expression is an expression which contains variables along with numbers and
operation to define an expression. A few examples of a variable expression include 4x + y, 5ab +
33, etc.

Algebraic expression for Class 7

In Class 7, students will come across the terms of algebraic equations such as:

 Coefficient of a term
 Variables
 Constant 
 Factors of a term
 Terms of equations
 Like and Unlike terms
Example of using these terms are given below.
If 2x +3xy+4x+7 is an algebraic expression.

Then, 2x , 3xy, 4x and 7 are the terms


Coefficient of term x  = 22

Constant term = 7
Example of like and unlike terms: 
Like terms: 2x and 3x 
Unlike terms: 2x and 3y
Factors of a term:
If 3xy is a term, then its factors are 3, x and y.
Monomial, Binomial & Trinomial
Also, in grade 7 we will learn about types of expressions, such as monomial, binomial and
trinomial. Let us see examples of each.
Monomial: 2x
Binomial: 2x+3y
Trinomial: 2x+3y+9
Addition and Subtraction of Algebraic Expressions
We can add and subtract like terms easily. 
Example: Add 3x + 5y – 6z and x – 4y + 2z.
By adding both the expressions we get;
(3x + 5y – 6z) + (x – 4y + 2z)
Separating the like terms and adding them together:
(3x + x) + (5y – 4y) + (-6z + 2z)
4x + y – 4z
Also, read:

 Algebraic Identities For Class 8

 Algebraic Identities For Class 9

The general algebraic formulas we use to solve the expressions or equations are:

 (a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2

 (a – b)2 = a2 – 2ab + b2
 a2 – b2 = (a – b)(a + b)
 (a + b)3 = a3 + b3 + 3ab(a + b)
 (a – b)3 = a3 – b3 – 3ab(a – b) 
 a3 – b3 = (a – b)(a2 + ab + b2)
 a3 + b3 = (a + b)(a2 – ab + b2)

Solved Problem
Example: Simplify the given expressions by combining the like terms and write the type of Algebraic
(i) 3xy3 + 9x2 y3 + 5y3x
(ii) 7ab2 c2 + 2a3 b2 − 3abc – 5ab2 c2 – 2b2 a3 + 2ab
(iii) 50x3 – 20x + 8x + 21x3 – 3x + 15x – 41x3
Creating a table to find the solution: Term Simplification Type of Expression

1 3xy3 + 9x2 y3 + 5y3x 8xy3 + 9x2y3 Binomial

2 7ab2 c2 + 2a3 b2 − 3abc – 5ab2 c2 – 2b2 a3 + 2ab 2ab2 c2 − 3abc + 2ab Trinomial Term Simplification Type of Expression

3 50x3 – 20x + 8x + 21x3 – 3x + 15x – 41x3 30x³ Monomial


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