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A Daughter’s Tale

Ardently asked for

by the senescent rose withering away
Gasping for the last air
-- the mischief, frolicking somewhere.

Absence of solicitude
on the stout rose shuddering arms
Swept once by dulcet smile
-- the precious bambino, laying in her cuddle.

Absence of solicitude
on brooding trembles of loving rose
Relinquished by endearing chuckles
-- the unknowing tad, circling around.

Absence of solicitude
o n r e ti c e n t p a i n o f m i d - a g e d r o s e
Pierced, drilling her forgiving soul
- - t h e a p a t h e ti c p r i m e , m e a n d e r i n g s o l i p s i s ti c a l l y .

Forthwith, old rose’s visage

d r i ft i n g , a l a s n e v e r r e t u r n
for the absence of solicitude – blast!
bawling the withered rose’s name.

Heaven’s grace! The rose returns

This mirrored nightmare starkly punched
H e a v e n ’ s g r a c e t h e p r i m e s ti l l h a s ti m e a n d r e v e r s e
before the obdurate ardently ask for, comes...


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