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Anggota Kelompok :

 Muhamad Helmi Taufik N (1802067)

 Ali Mustofa (1802049)
 Kevin Zidni Takia (1802100)
 Aria Restu Febrianto (1802031)
 Ryan Dwinata (1802038)

Helmi : Good afternoon everyone, for today's briefing I want to check the extent of the preparation
that you have prepared for each task that has been given

Ali : for decoration pack we have prepared everything and we have added and adjusted some of
the decorations desired by the client.

Galuh : for our food the kitchen team has prepared all the ingredients for the dishes requested by the
client and we have also made garnishes that match the theme of the event.

Kevin : for the costumes of the workers, we have prepared the costumes that the clients want where
we will all wear white coats.

Ryan : Excellent, thank you all for preparing it so well, I hope my party will go very well.

Helmi : Thank you, sir, for your trust in us, we will always provide the best for our clients. and for
everything please go back to work and please check again in full thank you

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